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A Pleasure.. I'm Sure

Posted on Thu Mar 13th, 2014 @ 8:49am by Miral Annhwi & Commander Buck Ducati

712 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Docking Central, Throughfare
Timeline: AFTER "New Guests On Board"

Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati ran his hand through his purple hair and took in the entirety of Typhon station. It was a lot bigger in person then on specifications he looked up on his personal datapad on the way here.

He had used it to communicate with the starbase's commanding officer Commander Cressidia Lane not several hours ago. His former starship, the Wyvern, dropped him off then headed off to their next mission.

Starfleet had offered the First Officer position to Buck and of course several others but Cressidia confirmed that she had actually accepted him as her executive officer at the end of his interview. Now he was ready, or so he thought.

Buck blinked and shook his head then made his way out of the waiting lounge that was adjoined to the docking berth, that the Wyvern was just connected to. No turning back now. Buck teased himself.

As he entered the general flow of personnel back into the main areas of the starbase he noticed an official looking Romulan woman. Could be the Romulan Ambassador? Buck thought and approached her.

"Excuse me but are you Ambassador Miral Annhwi?" Buck asked offering a hand.

Miral was on her way to a business meeting. She generally disliked crowds as too many people still gave her odd looks or moved out of her way, but today it was unavoidable. When she heard the voice she stopped and turned. "Who is asking?" She did not take his outstretched hand.

"I'm Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati, Typhon's new First Officer." He replied and put his hands behind his back a few seconds after she didn't accept the gesture.

"Yes, I know," she said. "I've read your file."

Buck blinked. Ah, the Tal Shiar? But how would they know about this since it happened like nowish. Could be a spy on my previous posting? Or here on Typhon? But only Cressidia knew about me. He thought then nodded. My interview via subspace. He knew but if the Tal Shiar were spying on Typhon then they had interest in the station for some reason. He'd have to keep an eye out. He smiled at Miral. "So you returning from Romulus? Pleasant trip?"

"Business," Miral replied. She would hardly call a report to her superiors as a pleasant trip.

"Clearly by your tone, your people seem to be upset by what you told them." Buck said. "I too have had days like that. Especially the time I failed at carrying out orders of a former commanding officer, luckily no lives were lost thank the spirits..." He rambled on.

"Clearly, by my tone, I do not wish to discuss it with you," she retorted. "Is there something specific you wish from me or do you generally accost people in public thoroughfares?"

Buck blushed. "Of course not. I certainly wouldn't do that in public anyway, I am just arriving on the base like you are. I happened to notice you and from reports I read found it important to speak with everyone that I may have future meetings with." He smiled then gave a respectful slight bow from his shoulders. "I should have simply introduced myself and stated I am approachable for any administrative needs you may have on this station in the future. Please take care and I will see you around. Good day." Buck said and excused himself before heading into the main turbolift hub of docking central where he would check in with Medical then Commander Lane before finding his quarters, office and he wasn't sure after that.

Miral gave a silent sigh of relief. Why was it these Federation officers, thought that once they reached command status, they started acting all chummy? And this one had barely received his promotion. One of these days she might remind him and the new Commanding Officer that standard communications were not secure. Probably not. If they didn't know they should use encrypted channels, who was she to remind them? Far more entertaining not to.

She checked to make sure no one else wished to accost her and headed quickly to her office.


Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer
SB Typhon

Miral Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador


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