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School Days

Posted on Tue Mar 11th, 2014 @ 10:43pm by Commander Buck Ducati & Jade Monroe [Lane] & Janice Monroe [Lane] & Talla Monroe [Lane] & Katie Monroe [Lane] & Ruka Monroe [Lane]

1,135 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: The New School


Jade was nervous on the first day of school. She knew that it would be fine of course, it always was, but she couldn't help having the first day jitters. It was an hour before class was scheduled to start, and she hoped that the second teacher that would be with her would arrive soon. They needed to discuss how they would divide the class, since they would have a variety of ages.

Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati heard about the new school and saw the report from Operations since they had to modify an area to become the classrooms and a smaller room for the teachers to discuss the running of the school. He entered and saw Jade Monroe. "Hello, I'm Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati, First Officer, I wanted to drop by and see how you are getting on?"

Jade looked to the door, and seeing the officer there, she stood and walked over. "Hello, Buck. I'm not certain how we're doing yet, but I do hope our first day will be good. Oh, and I'm Jade, though you probably got that from the name I put on the door. You're new on the station right?"

"Yes," Buck replied.

"Well, it's good to have you aboard." Jade smiled, "Do you have any children to enroll here?"

Buck smiled. "They will be, they are currently with their mother at the moment but she informed, prior to my arrival here, that she doesn't want them with her. She's on a dangerous assignment for a few months and was sending them over." He was feeling ambivalent about his kids joining him, of course the starbase was a safer place and equipped for raising children. Probably why she sent them to him.

"What kind of course do you have planned for the students?" He asked.

"I'm looking at splitting the classes by age, though today I'm having everyone meet." Jade smiled, "as for subject matter, I was planning to do the basics in reading, writing, math, science, history, and art. I was wondering, actually, if I might be allowed to ask the other station staff to come in an help with some lessons for the older students on occasion? I want to teach them things they would use if they want to join starfleet, and if anyone knows what would be useful out of that, it would be the officers. If it's too much of a hassle I won't, of course, but it might be good for some of the older students.

"Let's not influence them into career options just yet?" Buck offered.

"Not to influence them, but to give them options. And only the older students. Highschool age were they on a planet." Jade explained, "Since normally at that age they would be thinking about what to do with the rest of their lives, deciding what to study in college, or if they wanted to go into Starfleet. Since we have no colleges on the station, I thought some lessons by the officers might be a good option. I plan on getting some of my college professors to do hololessons too if you're worried about variety, but try as they might, hololessons just aren't as good as having an actual person there in the room with you. And they tend to take up a lot of communications time, with all the back and forth data."

Buck grinned. "Not if it is a Holodeck interactive program, I heard a few institutions have a few already in circulation. It will have a few glitches but the news labelled them as great tools. I could put in a request for you with Daystrom?"

"Don't bother now, we don't have any older students yet to use them. Thinking purely of the future." Jade said with a smile. "Any other questions?"

He glanced around thinking but nothing else came to mind so he offered a hand. "I'll be back with them when they arrive."

"I'll see you later then." Jade shook the offered hand and stood to go out and meet her class.

Buck left wondering when his kids would arrive. He pondered how he would juggle command and raising his kids adequately. It was going to be hard to say the least.

[One hour later]

After a while Danielle Davenport walked towards school with Aiden in hand. "It will be fine Aiden you will have lots of new friends to play with to learn with." The two stopped outside the door for a second and Dani knelt down before her son and gave him a hug. "I know you wish that your dad was here but, its something that can't be helped right now." She gave him a hug and released him and then stood and the doors opened before the two.

Ruka noticed the young boy almost instantly. He was the first other child to arrive after all. His three older sisters noticed, but didn't appear to care. Apparently, they didn't care about little boys. Ruka stood, and walked to the door.

"Hello. You should come sit by me." Ruka said, smiling to the younger boy.

Aiden hung onto his mom's hand and squeezed for a moment he tilted his blonde head and looked up at the bigger boy. "Hello, I am Aiden Davenport. I have never been to school before. Is it hard or fun?"

Ruka smiled. "I'm Ruka. School is hard, but sometimes it can be fun too. Mom's sure to be nice with you, but make sure you do any homework she gives or she'll get mad."

Aiden's blue eyes opened as wide as they could. "Your mom's the teacher?"

"Yea. It's got benefits, but not everything about that is good." Ruka said, rolling his eyes.

Danielle sighed inwardly and looked up at the adults in the room and stepped over. "Hello, I 'm Dr. Danielle Davenport. Aiden is my son."

Jade nodded and stood, reaching over her desk to offer her hand to Danielle. "I'm Jade Monroe, the teacher." She smiled. "Do you have any questions about the class?" Parents usually did, in her experience.

"Definitely." Danielle stated as she continued "Does your curriculum include all spectrum of the learning? Meaning will he have the basics of Math, Reading but what about things like Science and Physics?"

"We plan on teaching all of those subjects, yes. And a few more, art and history. Of course, the younger students won't get into physics until they've reached a certain point in their mathematics skills, but they will definitely get them eventually." Jade smiled. "I'm going to go talk with the students now, if you don't mind. I'd be happy to talk again anytime, it was nice meeting you."


Jade Monroe
Starbase Typhon

Danielle Davenport
CMO (retired)
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon


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