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Hello again.

Posted on Sat Mar 15th, 2014 @ 2:59pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Captain Cressidia Lane

842 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Captain's office

:: ON ::

"Lane to Darkmoon, please come to my office." Cressidia requested when she saw that he was active on the lists again. What was going on? He was registered as lost, presumed dead, but apparently he was back, and Cressidia wanted to know why.

Krang was wearing civilian clothes, as he wasn't sure of his role on the station at this point. He made his way to the Ops deck and was pointed to the Commander's office.

He pressed the chime and the door slid open. "You wanted to see me Commander?"

"Yes, I've noticed your presence on board, and I'm rather unsure of what's happening. You were reported lost, but you definetly seem to be here now. Do you have any insights as to what happened?" Cressidia asked, very uncertain. She noticed he wasn't in uniform, so he must be somewhat uncertain too. Still, it was worth a try.

"No, ma'am. I have no idea. The computer registered a dimensional shift in my quarters, just before I woke up. There are several years missing between my last memories and the stardate the computer reports as today."

"So you don't remember anything, no borg, no Captain, nothing?" This was so strange to her, seeing the listing for a previous commander as underneath her own.

"No ma'am. My last memory was as Security Chief. The station XO, Commander Johnson and I, were taking the garrison ship Runnymede on a short mission. The details are a bit fuzzy though."

Cressidia nodded, realizing that that must have been before she arrived. "So you were security chief. Ok." She was still digesting this. "Well, have you had a check up with medical yet? They might lend some insight into what happened to you."

"Yes ma'am. The XO had medical check me over when I first reached out this morning."

Cressidia nodded. "Did they find anything interesting?"

"I was told that physically I am fine, with the exception of a concussion. I have no idea where that occurred as I was asleep in my nest just before hand."

"Well then, I see no reason not to allow you to resume work as the chief of security, at least for the time being. If that is what you want, Krang." Her tone said question, despite the fact that it wasn't gramatically a question.

"That's fine by me ma'am. It's going to take some getting used to with the missing time, but I doubt that should affect my duties much, if at all."

"We'll monitor your situation, if you want a few days to deal with things please make sure to tell us." Cressidia wasn't sure how much he had been told thus far, but wondered if he would really want to know. "Do you want to know about what happened during some of those years? It might help you understand what some of the other crew will think of your reappearance."

"Yes ma'am, I think that might be good despite how weird it is likely to be. Better to know now what questions people are going to be asking."

"Well, your life didn't exactly stop when you remember it to have done so." Cressidia started. "You were the executive for a while, then the commander of the station. I served as your executive officer actually. I wasn't very close to you, so I can't tell you much of your personal life, but be aware that many of the officers will probably remember you being commander."

"Well that's certainly going to be awkward to say the least." Krang agreed. "Are you comfortable with my returning to duty or should I put in for a transfer off the station?"

"I'm fine with it, I know you're a trustworthy man, or at least you were. I'd image that thing doesn't change too quickly." Cressidia said. "I'm just a little worried that not everyone will see your return to your current position as such. At any rate, I'd like to see you stay, but if you aren't comfortable, I won't stop you from leaving. This whole incident will be most difficult for you to handle, I expect."

"I serve at the pleasure of my Commander. If we need to make other arrangements down the road, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it." Krang said thoughtfully. "I understand that this might cause some confusion, but I also understand it's been a few years ago in this time line and the confusion might be minimal."

"I do hope it won't be too great, and we do have a lot of new staff, a figure that I think is on our side." Cressidia nodded, hoping they weren't too far off target with that assumption. "If you have no more questions, I think we can bring this meeting to an end?"

Krang stood and adjusted his shirt. "Yes, ma'am. Thank you for your time."

"Goodbye, for now, Commander Darkmoon." Cressidia stood, and walked to the door, opening it.

:: OFF ::

Commander Cressidia Lane
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Security
Starbase Typhon


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