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Medical meets Medics

Posted on Sat Feb 8th, 2014 @ 7:31am by Lieutenant Donovan (Donnie) Peterson [Lane] & Lieutenant Commander Danielle Davenport

466 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Sickbay

((I thought we might do a post with the medical crew of Typhon meeting the medics on the trader ships. I haven't created them yet... But we'll start with the crew and have them come in. You guys could play some too, if you wanted to.))


Donnie was in sickbay, reading over the results from the last bioscan, one he had taken on a crewmember who had been partly converted by the borg nanites.

Danielle walked into Sickbay a sad look on her face but she smiled as she realized where she was and walked over to one of the medical team. "Might I ask what it is that you are so concentrated on?"

Donnie looked up. "Oh, I'm looking over this report on the damage done by the nanites. She's recovering well I think, we're working on regrowing large portions of her liver and kidneys, and it's working well thus far. She'll be coming in for another session later this afternoon." Donnie explained. "Is there something else you'd like me to do?"

Dani smiled "Is this area, nanites, cell regeneration your expertise?"

"Well, not really..." Donnie said, "I have specialized as a surgeon, but I can work the generals in any area. With the exception of counselors. People I can deal with, but minds are far to complex for me. A lot of surgeries these days are regeneration through."

Dani replied "Good, I don't do very well with minds either, I tend to leave that to the Counselor's as well. Do we have one aboard?"

"I think we got a new transfer same time as you got here. We got a lot of new people when we got back, almost everyone in fact." Donnie said, remembering seeing the transfer lists when they had received the new people. "I think her office is a few doors down if you're looking for her."

Dani smiled a sad smile "I might need to do that, introductions and all that of course." Inside Danielle knew she needed to talk about the son that she had lost and the situation with Aiden's father.

"It'd probably be a good idea." Donnie said with a smile.

As for a bunch of new staff, that wasn't always good. That could mean many things, that many had died, that the station Commanding Officer was really stick or a bunch of other things. "So why the influx of new people?"

"Well, about half of the staff on board during the borg incident were killed. It wasn't good." Donnie looked at his feet. "But at least we're not understaffed anymore. I should probably get back to this." Donnie said, "Nice to meet you."


Lieutenant Donovan (Donnie) Peterson
Medical Officer/Surgeon
Starbase Typhon
(NPC Cressidia Lane)

Lieutenant Commander Danielle Davenport
Cheif Medical Officer
Starbase Typhon


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