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New Guests On Board (part 3)

Posted on Wed Jan 8th, 2014 @ 9:31am by Captain Cressidia Lane & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco & Lieutenant Commander Danielle Davenport & Lieutenant Valerie Mira PhD & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Lady Ebele [Mabrade]

1,272 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Trader Games



Seeing that nearly everyone had arrived, Cressidia stood from the seat she had taken at the table. "I'm glad you all could make it." She said loudly, followed by a long pause to get everyone's attention. "I called this meeting to give everyone a chance to know about our new arrivals, and meet them. In addition to the numerous new officers we have on board, there is also a new business joining us. Kindness' place is run by Lady Ebele." She found Ebele in the crowd and waved to her. "And I hear it has a great selection of foods and beverages for all ages. I would also like to announce that there is a new schools on board, run by Mrs. Jade Monroe, who couldn't make the meeting today. I highly encourage all parents to enroll their children in the new school. I also wanted to announce the arrival of the trader ships belonging to Warren and Marrin." Once again, she indicated the position in the room of the two people she was talking about. "They will be welcome around the station, with the exception of those areas that require security clearance." Here she spoke of the engineering decks, and the bridge. "Please make all of our new arrivals feel at home, and enjoy yourselves." She smiled, and sat back down, allowing the conversation to come up again.


Raven looked at the newcomers as they were announced. Most she was not familiar with, and she wondered why there was a formal meeting to introduce the newcomers.

Valerie walked in to the Large meeting room to meet with the guest has she looked around the room and saw a lot officers that she know and some she need to meet.

Valerie walked over to the replicator and ordered a hot cup of tea, and made her way over to a table to go over a PADD that she had in her head has the guests were starting to come in. The last Counselor left at lot of files I'm done.

=/\= McLaren to Lieutenant Mira, you have a call from USS Charmed =/\=

=/\= McLaren I will take it down in room 3A =/\=

Valerie walked in to room 3A to receive the call from USS Charmed...

After Lane's short speech, Saul made his way to a table where there were some drinks and finger food. Taking a glassful of fruit juice, he went off to the side, unsure who to approach first.

Warren noticed another man in the room, which made him feel a bit more comfortable. He walked over to see if he could start a conversation with someone who wasn't female. "Hello, I'm Warren." He said, extending his hand to Saul.

'Saul Eco, a pleasure,' Eco took the hand and gave it a firm shake. 'I guess I'm the station's new Chief Engineer. Seems like a nice place so far.'

"I'm only here for the business, just stopping through." Warren replied. "Though from what I see it is a beautiful station." He hesitated, then smiled. "I have a pair of granddaughters, and they are very interested in engineering... They keep our ship up and running. Do you think you could arrange a tour for them or something like that? They'd probably love it."

Eco broke into a wide smile, talking about Engineering was always a pleasure, 'of course - give me your comm frequency and I'll arrange it for them. How long you here for?'

"I don't know how long we'll be here, but I'll make sure to get the frequency send down to you. I'm not sure of what it is yet, I haven't actually been to my quarters yet you see." Warren said a bit awkwardly. "It'll probably be a few weeks, we had a run in with some pirates, so our ships will be getting some repairs while we're here."

'Ah, great then - it'll give me some time to settle in, and then I can show you and your kids the highlights without looking like a complete idiot.'

"Grandkids, they're not mine. Mine don't talk to me anymore." Warren said, "But that would be great all the same. I love them to bits. I'll see you later then." Warren smiled, and discretely left the room.

Valerie walked out of the Room 3A were she was talking with her sister who just promoted to the rank of senior commander and made the ship counselor for USS Charmed...

Has she walked out of the room she run in to a male civilian who had joined the Starbase has the teacher for the Starbase children.

Valerie looked in the man's eye and smiled; "excuse me" said Valerie was the man look at her with the look of Love at first sight...

"That was my fault, my name is Shawn Aster, and I'm the new School teacher on bored this Starbase." he said
"So what do you do here on the Starbase if I may ask?" Shawn asked with a small smile forming on his face... Valerie looked at him and started to turn red in the face and replied with "I'm the Starbase Counselor." Shawn's smile started to get bigger; "Do you think I can stop by and meet with you some time?" Shawn asked has waiter came by with some drinks on a tray, Shawn take 2 drinks off the tray and hand one to Valerie... "I would like that." Valerie replied has she take the drink from him.

Raven chatted for a few minutes with Lady Ebele and Khiy, then excused herself and went back to her office to research their new arrivals.

Ebele worked the room as best she could; it was good business to be known as reputation travels faster than warp. SHe had a small glass of WIne in her hand, she had brought several bottles from her stock of 'the real stuff' for the tasting by others. After the Commander Raven had been so delightful Ebele went looking for someone else to converse with, people are the reason she started her Not for Profit business.

"Sorry, folks," Kira announced. "I have a class. Nice to meet you all!" With a friendly wave, she, too, departed.

Davenport nodded politely to the few she had spoken with and slipped out quietly to head back to Sickbay to proceed with some plant extractions that she was working on.

Shawn Aster and Valerie Mira keep talking about nothing wich shows she was having a good time for once in the last six years. McLaren walked in to the room looking for Valerie; "Lieutenant you are need in you office, there is a crew member that needs to talk with you ASAP." said Vanessa

Valerie looked at Shawn, "Looks like duty calls." said Valerie has she and Vanessa walked out for the room... Shawn watched her walk out of the room.....

Khiy waited for an appropriate number of people to leave before finally filing out himself. He normally would have made his rounds to talk to the political players and new people but his mind was far and away from this gathering. He had grim work to do; putting a smile on his face would have been too difficult to pass off.


Commander Cressidia Lane
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Second Officer/Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lt. Cmdr. Danielle Davenport
Cheif Medical Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Valerie Mira PhD
Chief Counselor
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco
Chief Engineering Officer
Starbase Typhon

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Business owner/ TGT
Starbase Typhon

Lady Ebele
Business owner/ Kindness' Place
Starbase Typhon


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