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Posted on Tue Feb 18th, 2014 @ 12:31am by Captain Warren Grey [Lane] & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Edited on on Tue Feb 18th, 2014 @ 12:32am

786 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Docking Ring


Wilhelm hated that the Marines were still short handed. There for he had to pitch in where needed occasionally. "At least it gets me out of the office." he mumbled looking at his PADD "Let's see next on the list for Inspection, registered merchantman Mayfly. Let's go boys." he said to the five marines with him.

Moving onto the next berth they stopped outside the airlock and hitting a wall mounted COMM "Federation Marines to physically inspect this merchantman. Please send a representative to the airlock to greet us aboard. Please have registry papers, manifests and crew ID's ready." Wilhelm said then waited.

After a couple of minutes, Warren himself appeared at the airlock with a PADD. He opened the door, and held out his hand to Wilhelm, noticing that he had the highest rank, and assuming he was the one in charge. "Welcome to the Mayfly, I'm Captain Warren Grey."

Taking the man's hand and shaking, "Captain. Colonel von Hackleburg of Starbase Typhon. Sorry about this, but my men have to search your ship for any contraband that might have made it past the scanners. Your papers please." Wilhelm said holding out his other hand.

Warren held out the PADD he was holding, "Here you are. I'll gladly show you around the ship." Warren smiled, the image of compliance.

"Thank you." Wilhelm said taking the PADD and nodding to his Marines as they squeezed past Warren to begin their inspection. Looking through the Log Wilhelm seen all the destinations and trade routes the Captain flew. "You sir, put on the light years."

"We do, those far out places enjoy getting shipments of the luxuries of society. They make great markets." Warren followed the marines, glad he had taken care of their less legal cargo several hours earlier.

"I bet they do." Wilhelm said as he watched his Marines work. "So what made you come out in this direction? It's a little far off your normal routes?"

"Well, there's always new markets near starbases, and our old systems were getting a bit crowded. Too much competition, so we decided to try our luck over here." Warren lied. Really they had left because an especially brutal cartel had been moving into the region. That was where the damage was from.

"I see. Well we all have to make a living." Wilhelm said with a shrug, his gut telling him something wasn't quite right. Still looking at the PADD, "I do notice you have one thing out of order on your papers: Your last certified safety inspection was over ten months ago. I'm sure your aware they need to be done every six to seven months on civilian craft. Please schedule one or your ship will be locked down and a fine will be assessed. Also on that note, visual and sensor scans indicate some significant damage to your vessel. How did this occur?" Wilhelm said as he watched his Marines finish checking the cargo hold and moved onto other areas of the ship.

"I'll get an inspection in line... Do you have an inspector here?" Warren said as he prepared his other answer. "As to the damage, it was that cartel I mentioned. They weren't exactly understanding of our want to do business in their area. We won't be returning any time soon." He laughed a bit, to ease the tension he felt. This lie was his most easily discovered one.

"On the station. Yes. There are Ship Inspectors among my lot, sadly no." Wilhelm said then continued, "Did you report this attack to any Authorities besides myself just now?" He asked smelling a rat.

"No, I haven't. We weren't dead in the water, and we aren't going back so, really it doesn't concern me much now that we're out." Warren smiled. "Have you met my grand daughters? They've been keeping the ship up and running until we could get here." He changed the subject.

"Haven't had the pleasure sir. I'm sure they're very talented at what they do." Wilhelm said curtly. Wilhelm watched his men returned from his search. "Report." he said to the Marines.

"Nothing to report except this ship is lucky to be spaceworthy sir." The Lieutenant said.

Wilhelm nodded then excused the Marines, turning back to Warren. "I'll be taking a copy of your papers back to Operations for our records. You have 24 hours to get a Safety Inspection certification and a repair list from the Engineers on the books or your vessel will be locked down. Other then that. Welcome to Starbase Typhon." Wilhelm said with a curt nod and left. Heading for the Intelligence offices.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon

Warren Grey


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