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Meeting with Anna

Posted on Fri Jan 15th, 2010 @ 5:49pm by Commander Dhindara Vrel & Captain Anna Johnson

2,085 words; about a 10 minute read

Location: Operations Office
Timeline: current

[Operations Office]

Dhindara was making her rounds. She didn't want to order everyone to come to her office, she much preferred to visit them in their space. It made them feel less like they were in the lion's den, in her experience. They were in charge, and Dhindara preferred it that way. She rang the doorbell, then entered as the doors parted. "Good morning", she greeted, standing a respectful distance away from Anna and her desk. "I'm Dhindara Vrel, the Counsellor." She produced a small, wrapped package from behind her back and placed it on her desk.

Anna raised an eyebrow, "You came bearing gifts?" Anna asked curiously.

"Oh, why wouldn't I?" Dhindara asked. "I'm hoping you'll like it. It's from my home world. I'm Betazoid."

Anna reached over and opened the box and smiled, "I don't know too many woman who don't like chocolate." She said, "Thank you. Can I get you anything to drink?" She asked.

"Hot chocolate?" Dhindara asked, grinning. She sat down. "I admit, I brought the chocolate as a bit of a bribe..."

Anna replicated some hot water and set it in front of Dhindara then opened a tin of chocolates some with other flavors mixed in. "Help yourself." Anna said as she poured herself some Irish Creme Flavored coffee.

"Hmm, nice", Dhindara said, appreciating the choice. She opted for straight chocolate and took it. "You keep this up, you'll have me come by several times a week."

Anna smiled, "Sometimes I like to have something other than coffee all the time. I have a nice choice of teas as well." Anna said. "I learned to keep this kind of stuff around for when I stay in my office late."

"Oh, you tease", Dhindara giggled. "You're a workaholic?"

"Not really no but this position sometimes keeps you so busy you have to do reports toward the end of the shift and over." Anna said.

Dhindara nodded. "Ah, good. As a workaholic, I'd have to call you in for treatment." She winked at her. She took a sip of the drink, now that it was cool enough she wouldn't burn her mouth. "Do you have about an hour of spare time, though?"

Anna looked around her office that currently had no personal effects and already had a small stack of PADDs with reports on them sitting on her desk. "I can spare an hour I guess. What did you need?"

"I hate sonic showers", Dhindara admitted. "I just need the feel of hot water on my skin after a long day in the office, and a shower head with a massage function, to let the water take care of the tense muscles in the back." She smiled at Anna. "You know what I mean, right?"

"I do." Anna said and checked the list of things that needed done to make sure there was nothing high priority. "I can come set that up now." She said as she moved over and grabbed her personal tool kit. "Lead the way." Anna thought she was probably here for her report in evaluation which she still hadn't put past her just yet. Different counselors worked in different ways she had found.

Dhindara chuckled slightly at the suspicions. She had really just come to introduce herself, but Anna's idea had merit. "Have you worked around Betazoids before?" she asked as she walked out of the office, not leaving the half-full cup of chocolate behind, too precious to leave it there and go to waste.

"I have had some close friends that were Betazoid actually." Anna answered.

Dhindara nodded. "Good. I am a rather strong specimen. I keep getting impressions from people even though I don't always want to. I can shut that down but that takes up almost all my concentration, apart from breathing. I just don't want you to be uncomfortable, but I feel it's best to be up-front with you about it."

"So I just have to be careful what I think about then and not let too many emotions slip into our conversations then." Anna said.

"Oh, I won't routinely read your thoughts, I'm not that bad", Dhindara replied. "I wouldn't want you to try and avoid me. Plus, I hold myself to a strict set of ethics." She stopped at a corridor junction. "Hmm, fortunately, that set of ethics doesn't preclude me from admitting that I'm totally lost. Where are the senior officers quarters?"

"Twelve decks down from here." Anna said pointing to the lift and moving forward, she stood waiting for Dhindara to step onto the lift as well.

Blushing slightly she stepped inside. "This always happens to me on these huge bases. I don't know how you do it. You barely just got here yourself and already know your way around. What's your secret?"

"I have to know the layout in case someone calls and needs repairs. That and I keep this handy." Anna pulled a PADD off her belt that had the schematics and deck listing for the base on it. "I can make you a copy if you like." Anna said.

"I think I better befriend the transporter chief", Dhindara joked. "But yes, a copy would be nice."

"Running around a Starbase like this helps me stay fit at least. Though I still spend time in the gym." Anna replied then the doors parted. "Which quarters are yours?" she asked.

"Hmm, Computer, direct my to my cabin", Dhindara said. "I haven't been there yet, only have my stuff beamed in when I came aboard." She followed the arrows lighting up on the walls. "I spend a lot of time in the holodeck, I write programmes when I can. That's how I keep fit. Though, I'm not nearly as fit as you are. I was, ten years ago."

"I try my best to keep my appearance up. It helps me gain respect with those working under me as well as gives my self esteem a boost. At least I think it does." Anna said. "I wish I had thought about it I could have brought the bag I had with me down here and dropped it off in my quarters while I was here." Anna added as they now stood outside of Dhindara's quarters.

Dhindara smiled at her, keying the door open. "You're doing a good job, obviously. No need for you to worry about how others perceive you. You're young, beautiful, in excellent shape. You *should* feel good about yourself."

"I do more so now than I used to anyway. It helps when your oppressor is no longer around to have a hold on you." Anna answered with a shrug and waited for Dhindara to enter before following her in.

She smiled at her. "Yes, it does." She didn't have to pry to feel the emotions. It was good that she realised he had been an oppressor. It did a lot in favour of her sanity. Dhindara entered the cabin, looking around. "Wow, this is huge."

"It's even bigger than the quarters I had on a previous Starbase." Anna said looking around. "I'll head into the bathroom and see about getting that set up for you. Though here it should give you an option anyway but I can set the default to water if you like."

"Yes, please", Dhindara said. She moved to her bags and started unpacking a few things, mostly food items. Most other things were stored on a chip that she could feed into the replicator database. She made some Lady Grey tea, two mugs, and carried them into the bathroom.

Anna had already connected to a panel just inside the bathroom and was using a PADD to type in a few things and make the needed adjustments. She looked up as Dhindara stepped in Anna smiled, "You will still be able to get a sonic shower if you are ever in a hurry." Anna said, "But its default will be water you will just have to tell it if you want sonic instead." Anna removed the connectors and closed the panel which was now hidden.

"Thanks", Dhindara said, offering her the mug of tea. "I had no idea this could be done so quickly."

"It's easier on a Starbase than a ship as there are more races some of which require the water as opposed to the sonic shower. Some races have sensitive hearing and they are painful for them. For that reason most quarters generally have both you just have to know how to access it." Anna answered as she took the offered tea.

"Glad to have you", Dhindara said. "I don't think I'd have had a hint of a chance figuring this out." She smiled, leading her back into the living room, a more appropriate place to be having tea.

"I'm guessing you are just getting here then since this is your first time in your quarters." Anna said as she sipped the tea.

"Yes", Dhindara replied. "I'll decorate tonight. It's too bright in here and the colour scheme is just awful."

"I'll have to get a view of mine soon as well." Anna said. "How do you think you will like it here?"

Sipping her tea Dhindara smiled. "I think I'll enjoy it here. If only for the fact I can get real hot chocolate when I stop by your office", she winked. "I like the relaxed atmosphere I've seen so far. I go by the book with most things, when on duty, but I always prefer a sense of humour."

Anna nodded, "I'm pretty strict when on duty most of the time as well." She said. "Though I enjoy time with friends as well I usually need some alone time during the day to unwind."

Dhindara nodded. "I'm planning on taking a shuttle out for a flight around the system every now and then. It'll allow me to meditate without other minds around."

"Flying is a secondary hobby of mine. I haven't been able to do it for a while though." Anna answered.

"I'd invite you for a ride along", Dhindara said. "But I'm afraid that would defeat the purpose of me being away from other minds. While you're not a telepath, I can tell your mind is one of the more active ones here."

With that Anna raised an eyebrow, "How so?" She asked.

"You're a smart woman. Your mind is active. If you were stupid, I could relax my mind around you a lot more easily, tune you out completely", Dhindara replied.

"I don't broadcast on purpose. I can make more of an effort to block when I'm around you if you like." Anna said.

"Oh, no, please don't go through the trouble just for me", Dhindara said. "You don't bother me at all. Only when I meditate I have to get away from everyone."

"Okay, I just don't want you to be uncomfortable around me that's all." Anna answered.

"Be yourself, Anna", Dhindara said. "If people are uncomfortable around you, it's their problem. I, for one, don't think I'll be. You don't have an evil mind, or circumspect thinking. Those are hard to deal with sometimes. You strike me a straight and honest."

"I treat people the way I like to be treated. At least I try to, sometimes that isn't as easy as it sounds because of how they act first." Anna said.

Dhindara took a sip of her tea. "I'm the other way around. I treat people the way I think they want to be treated... mostly, unless they tick me off. Good thing is, I can tell if they approve or disapprove."

"That would come in handy at times." Anna said.

"Diplomacy, for example, yes", Dhindara replied. "Or just when I want to make someone happy."

Anna finished her tea and smiled, "Well unless you are needing something else I should probably be getting back to my office."

"Thank you for your help, Anna", Dhindara smiled. She took the mug from her and gave her a hug.

Anna wasn't opposed to hugs per se, especially once she knew someone, but this was a bit unexpected. Growing up she didn't get a lot of these but she did not tense up and returned the hug. "I'll talk to you again later." She said.

Dhindara smiled. She handled it well, in spite of the unexpectedness. That was good. All she needed for an evaluation. She nodded to Anna. "Have a nice day, Anna."

Lieutenant Commander Dhindara Vrel
Chief Counselor

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations


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