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Like Sisters

Posted on Fri Jan 15th, 2010 @ 5:47pm by Commander Dhindara Vrel & Commander Raven Adams

1,479 words; about a 7 minute read

Location: Intelligence Office
Timeline: current

[Intelligence Office]

Dhindara rang the doorbell to Raven's office. She was curious, the one meeting she was looking forward to the most. She was part Betazoid, and she was working in a field she had interest and experience in herself.

Raven was in the middle of remodeling her office. It was too... bright. She preferred her office to be clean and simple and dark.

There was something comforting about the dark. She'd changed the furniture to a soft leather in a deep red color. Her desk was now a rich Ceylonese Teak. It was a beautiful black wood and weighed almost as much as she did, but it gave the office a nice air.

In the corner sat her computer interface: A black raven.

When she heard the door Raven looked up from unpacking a box. "Come in," she called.

Dhindara entered. She looked around as her eyes adjusted to the different light conditions. ~Nice touch~, she commented, stepping up to her. ~I'm Dhindara Vrel, the new Counsellor.~

Raven was momentarily surprised, then a large grin spread across her face. ~Raven Adams, Chief Intelligence Officer. A pleasure to meet you. Come in and have a seat.~

Sitting down, Dhindara handed her a small, wrapped package. It was wrapped more brightly than she would have wrapped it had she seen the office before but she hoped she'd like it regardless. ~Just a little something to break the ice.~

~Thank you,~ Raven replied. It had been a while since she'd carried on a conversation telepathically. It was nice to slip back into it. She took the package and opened it and grinned. ~You just made my month,~ she said with a big grin. ~One of my many weaknesses -- and one of my favorites as well.~

Dhindara chuckled. ~Saying it like that I feel like a drug dealer now.~ She looked her over carefully, noticing the similarities between the two of them. ~Wow, you look just like a younger me."

Raven looked Dhindara over as well. ~You're right. We could be sisters. What are the odds?~ She chuckled. She was going to like being on the Typhon.

Dhindara was letting her mind wander, exploring some of the possibilities of them appearing in public together. She didn't shield them from Raven, as having her partake in the ideas was half the fun.

Raven gave her a conspiratorial grin. She could picture the two of them walking into the lounge one night, side by side, dressed in black. It would definitely be worth it to see the reaction of others. She began to chuckle. ~Oh, definitely.~

~I should write a chapter of a spy novel holoprogramme just for the two of us.~ Dhindara remarked.

~That would be fun. I haven't used a spy novel in quite a while.~ She chuckled at the thought. She could see them both in black jumpsuits wielding big guns.

Dhindara sent her a different mental image. The same suits but low-tech weapons, silent, deadly and not easily picked up by security scanners. Then she realised it gave Raven a glimpse into the darker, deeper layers of her mind.

Raven just nodded. To help Dhindara feel more at ease over sharing something that deep, she let her see Raven's coffin. It was currently filled with jewelry, but at one time she used to sleep in it. Coffins were surprisingly comfortable.

Dhindara couldn't help but giggle. ~Wow, this is cool.~

Raven laughed out loud. ~I love to see the expression on people's faces when they first see my quarters.~

Grinning Dhindara walked to the replicator. "Hot chocolate, double sweet", she ordered. ~Do you hate it, too, that these computers don't have a thought interface?~

~To be honest I hadn't thought of it, but it would make things much easier.~ She looked up at the corner of her room where a black raven sat on a perch, watching them. "What do you think, Edgar? Would you like to have a telepathic interface?"

The raven shook its head. "I'd rather not know what you are thinking," it replied.

Raven turned back to Dhindara. ~I apologize for not offering you a drink when you first came in. I got a little... sidetracked.~

Dhindara jumped, spilling some of the chocolate on herself. "Damn!" she exclaimed.

Raven got up and grabbed a clean cloth for Dhindara to clean herself off. ~Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. Edgar is my computer interface. An artificial intelligence. I like working with him better than talking to the computer directly.~

Dhindara shook her head, rejecting the cloth. ~I'll just get a clean uniform.~ She stripped out of her jumpsuit. She was wearing regulation underwear so she didn't have a problem with doing this anywhere, especially not when around other Betazoids. She got a new uniform from the replicator. ~I'm afraid I spilled some on your carpet, too.~

~Don't worry about it. I can get it cleaned up.~ Raven assured her. ~So, what do you like to do besides run holonovels?~ Raven liked to know a little about the people she worked with -- more than was in their personnel files.

~This might surprise you~ Dhindara replied. She started to sing. She had a trained voice, owed to spending a lot of time with holographic instructors. It was a simple song from Bajor, chosen because Dhindara could feel that's where Raven's heart was.

Raven listened for a few moments, then joined in. Her voice was strong and clear, but not as well trained as Dhindara. When the song was over, Raven smiled. ~You have a beautiful voice.~

~Thank you. I knew you'd know the song. I spent three years on Bajor, on a historical research team. I learned more than just history~ Dhindara replied. ~You know, with a bit of work we could perform a duet.~

~I've never thought of formal training. I just sing a lot -- usually in my quarters to classic Terran rock music. It might be fun. I grew up on Bajor. That brings back a lot of memories.~

Dhindara shared a few of her impressions, the discoveries she had made. It felt good to be sharing with another Betazoid, for a change. She had not spent much time on her homeworld since the Dominion war, and most Betazoids thought she was a monster for what she had used her telepathy for during the occupation of her home. It was refreshing to meet one who was not judgemental.

~I think you and I are going to get along very well,~ Raven said with a grin. It had been a long time since she's been able to share her thoughts. It was so much easier than speech. She popped another chocolate in her mouth and closed her eyes. Betazoid chocolate was sinfully delicious.

Dhindara allowed herself to share Raven's sensations when eating the chocolate. "Mmhmm..." This way, she wouldn't have to eat it herself to enjoy it.

~No. It's definitely more fun to eat it.~

~I have to watch my hips. I have three or four extra pounds on you easily~, Dhindara replied.

~Three or four pounds are nothing. I just go dancing,~ Raven said with a grin. ~I'm not about to give up one of my favorite vices. Life is too short not to enjoy it.~

Dhindara chuckled. ~Yeah, I know. But I have to test my resolve sometimes. See how much will power I can muster.~

~I prefer to give in. It's a lot more fun that way,~ Raven admitted with an evil grin.

Dhindara opened the darker secrets of her mind to Raven, the temptations to mentally grab some people and slap them around the face sometimes, or worse. ~Yes, giving in is great. I do, if I can afford to.~ She took a sip. ~If we go on missions together, we're going to have a lot of fun."

Raven chuckled. ~Oh, that could get us both in a lot of trouble...~ It could also prove quite interesting, depending on who they encountered. Then she sighed. ~I should let you get back to work. I'm sure you came here for more than just a chat.~

Dhindara stood and recycled her mug. ~Meet me for dinner tonight?~

~Sure. What time and where?~ She gave Dhindara a big grin. ~And what should I wear?~ She still had an image of the two of them walking into a room dressed in black... It would definitely make heads turn.

~I like your mental image. Is there a restaurant on the base, something with good food?~ Dhindara asked.

~Adamos. It's an Italian restaurant.~

~Nineteen hundred, all in black?~ Dhindara grinned at her.

~1900. All in Black. I will meet you just outside so we can make an entrance together,~ Raven agreed.

Smiling, Dhindara left the office. This was going to be good.

=/\= End of Transmission =/\=

Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Commander Dhindara Vrel


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