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A New Executive

Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2014 @ 10:16am by Commander Buck Ducati & Captain Cressidia Lane
Edited on on Fri Feb 28th, 2014 @ 10:18am

1,452 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Lane's Ready Room, Typhon | Ducati's Office, USS Warsaw
Timeline: AFTER "New Guests On Board"



Cressidia straightened her uniform as she waited for the call to come in from Starfleet HQ. It had been several weeks and six other interviews of this sort since she had first requested a new XO. But they still made her nervous. As her first command, it was important to her that her new XO be a good one. She was starting to think her criteria might be a bit too strict though, since the Starfleet brass had approved all of the first six applicants, but she had not. Still, perhaps this would be the one to impress her.

She nearly jumped out of her chair when the chime sounded, signaling that the call was coming in. She pressed the answer button, and forced herself to smile. Don't worry, you have no reason to be this nervous. She told herself.

Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati's face appeared on the screen and the first thing immediately noticeable was his purple hair which brought out the blue in his eyes. He flashed a smile at Cressidia. =^= Commander, I'm so glad Typhon is back where it should be. =^= He said.

Cressidia was a little surprised at the fashon sense of the man onscreen, but tried not to judge him by that. "I am too, it's good to be back." She smiled. "So, I'm sure you have a few questions for me, but first off, I'd like to know a bit more about you."

=^= I was recently joined, I was the only Trill on board when another host was injured and the Symbiont needed a new host to survive. I had to take a few months leave to sort out stuff but now I'm back in action. Though I am still having a little trouble but I'm more functional than before. =^= He laughed, recalling his time on Trill with the Symbiosis Commission. It was hard sorting out 5 lifetimes of memories and personalities from his own. =^= I started in Starfleet with the operations department, though I did study a little of science and engineering you know to keep my options open. =^=

He took a breather.

Cressidia nodded and smiled. "Well rounded, that's good. Will you be bringing any family with you, if you come to Typhon?" She didn't quite know what to expect in that area, since she hadn't had much experience with joined Trills before.

=^= Unfortunately my former wife has our kids at this time, but we are somewhat working on a friendship for our kids sake. I thought it best they not be with me due to a life with a Starfleet parent can be hard on their emotional stability said the counselor. I was surprised I understood. So no, in answer to your question. Sorry I do tend to rabble, you will tell me when I do that, will you. =^= Buck blushed and had a puppy dog expression of embarrassment.

"I certainly will." Cressidia smiled, she liked Buck so far, he wasn't the stiff formal that all her other interviews had been. Still respectful, of course, but he wasn't all work. "Do you have any questions?"

=^= I thought you were the one asking the questions? =^= Buck asked as he raised his left eyebrow a little and tilted his head to the right ever so slightly.

"I want to know how you think, and what your concerns are. This is an important step for both of us, and I want to know what you worry about, how you question things. And I want to make sure you're informed, and therefore more helpful to me and the station." Cressidia explained.

Buck nodded. =^= I tend to question things but only in certain situations, though not all the time when time is of the essence. I mean we wouldn't have time to argue. I'm always concerned as to the welfare of the crew and safety of the whatever I happen to be assigned to, now that I am a command officer but though while in Operations it wasn't really my place to. =^= He didn't want to sound like he had been given the position so quickly in the interview. =^= While at command school they put a group of us, from a wide range of departments, together where we all took turns as CO and XO for the several missions they sent us on. Aside from the dangers we faced it was all very enlightening as to the pressures and freedoms of command, of course a few couldn't quite handle it. Thankfully I was not one of them. =^= At that point he knew he was rambling and stopped for a moment. He coughed. =^= Um, yes I make it a point to know what is happening, information is power afterall. =^= He blinked a few times and looked slightly away. Gotta get a hold on that rambling! he thought.

Cressidia saw what he meant by rambling earlier, but since it was an interview, she didn't stop him. "It sounds like you got the position early, but your scores were good. What was the largest crew you commanded?"

=^= Does numbers matt- well it was, the standard crew compliment of an Intrepid-class as that was the ship our instructors assigned us, maybe less as the ship was attached to the school and manned by the students. They wanted us never to forget what it took to run a ship while learning how to command others. =^= He replied.

"So not many then. At least comparatively (did I spell that right?) small. And I assume there were no civilians, or at least very few in addition to that crew." Cressidia thought for a moment, remembering her own experiences with the training. It wasn't easy, and it had taken her a long time to get used to the size of the station when she arrived. But that didn't mean it was a bad thing to have only small crew experience, after all, most new XOs would not be used to this size of assignment. "Well, if you have no more questions, I think I have what I need to make the decision."

=^= I can be on a transport bound for Typhon in the next few days, just so you know. =^= Buck added trying not to sound like he had to job already but couldn't help have a slight smile tugging at his lips.

"I'll let you know, I'm on orders to decide within the week." Cressidia smiled one last time before she cut the connection. Of course, she had already made her decision, all the others were not what she was looking for.

[USS Warsaw]

Buck sat back in his office chair and watched the blank screen for a few moments wondering what to expect. He was about to decide to contact Starfleet Command for any other executive officer positions available but his stomach had other plans.

He headed to the Mess Hall and had lunch with some of his friends. They had arranged the gathering with him several hours before and Buck was expecting a quiet social time but when he entered the entire senior staff were yelling 'surprise'.

A going-away-surprise-party, Buck hated them, just the surprise part though.


An hour later, Cressidia had drafted the official letter, and sent the official request. Hopefully Buck had not been joking about that shuttle ride.

[USS Warsaw]

After a lot of dancing and karaoke Buck managed to return to his quarters, though not particularly stable. There was real alcohol at the party and it was not agreeing with him at all, maybe some of the food was contributing to his not feeling well.

He did a few things private then felt a little better but not by much. Buck settled at his desk, lay back and closed his eyes for a few minutes. A chirping then grabbed his attention, he looked at the sender's ID and he smiled softly as it was Cressidia Lane. "That was fast," he murmured.

=Please restate the request?= The computer announced.

"Not talking to you," Buck replied with a scowl then frowned as he had to talk to the computer. "Computer display message," he ordered and the official letter detailed a request for him to begin his duties as the new Executive officer of Starbase Typhon immediately pending his arrival. "Naturally," he murmured knowingly that he would get the position, now.

He quickly contacted his former commanding officer of the news and if the Warsaw can divert to a trade route heading for Typhon. He would jump ship to a transport so they could proceed with their mission.

The Captain agreed and Buck's new life began.


Commander Cressidia Lane
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon


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