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What a long, strange trip...

Posted on Sun Mar 9th, 2014 @ 5:08am by Commander Buck Ducati & Commander Krang Darkmoon
Edited on on Sun Mar 9th, 2014 @ 10:01am

1,043 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Darkmoon's Quarters

Krang awoke with a start. His pulse was racing, his head was spinning and he had a headache that could stop a charging grignak.

He sat up in his nest and rubbed his temples trying to clear the insane thoughts that were swirling in his head.

The last thing he remembered was a trip with Anna on the Runnymede.

"Computer," he said, his voice crackling and hoarse. He tried to clear his throat, "Time and date."

"The time is 0425 and the date is February 25, 2391."

Krang looked up suddenly, "That can't be right!" he shouted and then stumbled to his desk terminal. "It was 2388 yesterday."

He accessed his terminal and found years worth of reports, many containing his name, and as Captain.

"Computer, scan these quarters for any unusual results."

The computer chimed it's compliance and a moment later it responded. "The room contains trace radiation consistent with a dimensional shift."

"Can you determine the origin?" he asked, sitting down heavily in the desk chair.

"Records indicate that this room and all it's contents were shifted out of this dimension on November 5th, 2387 and just returned to it's point of origin 5 minutes ago.

"Who is in charge of the station currently?"

"Commander Cressidia Lane and Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati."

"Contact Lieutenant Commander Ducati and request a meeting."

"Acknowledged." the computer answered.

Krang walked over to the replicator and ordered a cup of coffee. This was going to take some getting used to.


Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati was taking a break and walked the corridors of the station. He needed it more then he realised as the peace calmed him.

He was about to make his way to his office to read some reports then call it a night when his combadge chirped. =^= Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati, you have a Commander Krang Darkmoon requesting a meeting with you. =^= The computer announced.

Buck blinked. Krang Darkmoon? He thought then remembered that that name was one of the former Security Chiefs of Typhon. He was lost according to reports that he had read.

"Acknowledged," he said then tapped his combadge. "Ducati to Darkmoon, I'm looking forward to hearing this one sir. You are reported as lost."

[Darkmoon's Quarters]

"That would explain quite a few things. Where would you like to meet?"

"Where are you now?" Buck asked.

"Best as I can tell, I'm in my quarters. I am in a room that looks familiar and all my stuff is here, so it's a logical guess, right?"

"Right... I'm on my way, you feel okay?"

"Not really, sir. I have a headache that would kill a lesser man, not to put too fine a point on it, and I feel like I've been in a shuttle crash. I don't seem to have an visible injuries though."

"I'll be there soon Commander, just take it easy."


Buck tapped his combadge twice to open a second channel that Krang could not hear. "Ducati to medical, I need a doctor to meet me at (insert some random deck and section where Darkmoon's quarters are here)(figure it out later, unless you know Marcus?)."

"Doctor Rell is on his way Commander," came a reply.

The Joined Trill made hast for Krang's quarters and wondered what could have possibly happened to the Commander. Though now that he pondered the question more he decided, with a chuckle at the inevitable technobabble that would ensue, he didn't want to know.

[Darkmoon's Quarters]

Krang was sitting at the desk, nursing a mug of coffee when the chime rang. He pressed the key to open the door and watched as two people entered. He didn't recognize either one of them. "Let's start with 'yes' 'no' 'maybe' and 'I don't know'. Place them appropriately and we'll get along fine."

Buck smiled. "Right. I'm Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati," he indicated himself, "and this is Doctor Rell," Buck then glanced to the other officer. "He'll assess you and we'll go from there. Sound good? Er, sir."

"Sure, fine, go ahead."

As Rell began his scans Buck simply watched Krang. He had never met one of his kind before and found himself thinking it was important not to get on the N'gagi's bad side.

"Pretty much just a concussion," Rell was glad that there was no other physical injuries. He went about a deeper scan and as he went around Krang used several other devices that Buck wouldn't have any clue were.

Buck nodded. "I take it you will want to talk to Commander Lane when the Doctor has finished to get up to speed on what you have missed, sir?"

"Why do you keep calling me sir? I'm just the security grunt. You're the XO aren't you?"

"Yes but because you are higher rank then me, I want to show respect. I'm a stickler for protocol." Buck smiled.

"Yeah, I probably should talk to her too. I'm sure she will have a bunch of questions I don't have the answers to, either."

Buck eyed Krang. "Commander, I was actually talking about getting you back on active duty as quick as possible. You strike me as someone who hates to just sit around doing nothing." He said.

"Done." Rell announced. "Hopefully the effects of the concussion should be already subsiding?" He scanned the N'gagi again with his medical tricorder but waited for Krang's confirmation.

"Active...." he stumbled. "Yeah, the headache's easing up, thanks." then he looked at Buck, "Active duty? I guess so. Might as well I guess."

"What's wrong?" Buck asked.

"Just hadn't expected it is all, nothing is actually wrong." Krang answered.

"Oh," he gave a light giggle. "Shall I let Commander Lane know you want to speak with her or do you want to set up a meeting with her yourself?" Buck asked.

"Yeah, sure, go ahead and let her know I'm alive." Krang answered.

"Nice to meet you Commander, I look forward to see what you are capable of." Buck said and excused himself as he had much work to do and not much time to do it in. He headed out into the corridor. Rell shortly followed after assembling his equipment back into the medkit.

:: OFF ::

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Security
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon


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