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Posted on Tue Mar 11th, 2014 @ 10:42pm by Commander Buck Ducati & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

777 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Marine Armory
Timeline: AFTER "A Pleasure.. I'm Sure"


He wasn't sure what to make of his meeting with the Romulan Ambassador but thought it went okay. Buck turned his attention on the Marines next as it was best to be on good terms with the roughnecks of the Federation.

Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati wondered what von Hackleberg was like. Obviously the typical Marine drill sergeant stereotype flashed passed in his mind and made a chuckle but dismissed it a moment later.

Wilhelm looked over at his armory sergeant as he leaned over the counter. " You burned out the focusing crystals on how many rifles with your little 'experiment'?! Good thing we have spares or I'd bust you back to Private so fast you'd be back in your momma's womb."

He entered and found Wilhelm by his service record's current profile picture. Buck offered a hand, "Colonel von Hackleberg, I'm Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati. Typhon's new First Officer."

Wilhelm took his hand and shook "A pleasure Commander. Welcome down to Typhon's Marine Country." He said with a wave and a smile.

"Thank you." Buck replied and smiled back. "So what has been happening in Marine country?" He asked, "Not that I think you can't handle any squabbles, but anything I can do to help with making Marine country better?"

"Not really Commander, just business as usual here: Roving Patrols, training and inventory, the odd deep space patrol." Wilhelm shrugged, "Garrison duty till the next brush-fire pops up."

"Interesting metaphor there Colonel. I like it." Buck said with a small smile. "I understand you had some fun with new Borg?"

"More then my fair share, and way to up close and personnel for my taste with them. Ran into two hives on two different planets and then two more craters. Certainly not the walking zombie type anymore."

Buck blinked. "They're not? What are they like now?"

"More lithe, predatory and fast. Really fast. They do have some that show no signs of assimilation either. You'd never know till they stuck tubules in you." Wilhelm said with a slight shudder.

"Scary... Wow." Buck replied wide eyed, then blinked again. "I understand the former Chief of Security was assimilated," he said. "And many others on the lower decks but how did you save them?"

"Some sort of reverse nano probe. That's what I read from the report. I was off station during this place's disappearing act dealing with the other Borg."

Buck nodded. "Yeah heard about that, very dangerously smart these new Borg. We must be ever vigilant from now on, we will encounter them again I'm sure. They have been trying to assimilate the Federation ever since we first met them, I doubt they would simply give up." He put his hands behind his back. "How did it go on Tiberius? I heard the station's attached starship the Columbia crashed."

"Yeah that was one hell of a ride I'd just as sure not repeat. I'm surprised the wreck was as intact as it was until the sands claimed it. Then we burned out Borg there and blew up a full size Sphere that was hiding there. Then caught a ride to Tiberius V where they had locals being kidnapped in ones and twos."

A half smile grew on his face. "Sounds like an interesting place here on Typhon." Buck said. "How are your marines doing with all this action going on? I know the Borg do not help people's moral."

"It's not to bad now. Mostly a collective sigh of relief. I'm sure they are all hoping for a more conventional enemy next time." Wilhelm thought of something, chuckled and said, "Me to as well! I think I've fought enough Borg to handle a lifetime!"

"I hear ya," Buck replied. "I was wondering if I may join in some training sessions with you? Need to keep fit." He smiled.

"That won't be a problem Commander always willing to help keep off the kilograms." Wilhelm said with a smile, "Well, I have some paperwork to catch up on. Will there be anything else?"

Buck glanced off to the side, thinking. "Not at the moment Colonel. I'll let you know if I think of anything else but thank you for the chat, I wanted to meet all the senior officers hopefully before anything major happened to the starbase." He smiled and offered his hand.

Wilhelm took Buck's hand, "Always a good idea. A pleasure to meet you. It'll be a pleasure working with you."

"Indeed and you." Buck replied, shook the Colonel's hand once then released it before turning. "See ya around."


Lieutenant Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon


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