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I Smell A Rat

Posted on Sat Mar 29th, 2014 @ 1:54pm by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

787 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Intelligence Offices
Timeline: After Inspections


Wilhelm made his way to the Intelligence Section of the Starbase. After providing identification multiple times he was finally allowed entrance into Raven's domain. Reaching her office he hit the chime and entered. "Commander Adams," he said with a nod, "I just had an interesting conversation with one of the newly arrived trade ships down and Dock 47."

Raven turned off her computer screen and turned to the Colonel. "Mr. Warren?" she asked. She indicated a chair opposite her desk. "Please, have a seat and tell me about it." She'd been highly suspicious of the new "guests" on the starbase and already had a large file about them.

Sitting down, "Well I just got done doing a routine inspection of his vessel and it is beat to a pulp." Wilhelm shrugged, "He said he was pushed out of his normal routes by some 'Cartel'. I asked if he contacted the authorities and he said he just left. I know several merchant captains that would scream to the heavens to get reimbursed for the damage and not cut into their profit margins." Wilhelm looked at his PADD and hit a button, "I'm transferring you his Papers: logs, manifests, navigational data, crew data, all the usual information."

Raven watched the data transfer for several moments. "I know a number of merchants myself. None of them would take a loss without filing a report, at least." She looked up at the Marine. "I've felt uncomfortable around them since they arrived. Apparently, you have some misgivings as well."

"Just another sly business man. Though my gut was telling me something wasn't right the way he tried to sidestep direct questions."

"Agreed. I've been looking into his history and that of his ship. The official records look too clean. Its as if they were carefully created to look completely harmless. But no merchant is that perfect, or that successful. Not without gaining a reputation. And, from what I've gathered, he has none. Which means he's up to something."

When the transmission was complete, Raven entered the information into her computer and added it to the Warren file. "I plan on launching a covert investigation. Would you like to be involved?"

"Sure why not. Gets me away from my normal paperwork!" Wilhelm said with a chuckle. "Besides, I've worked with Intelligence before. I know the score."

"Excellent," she said, smiling. "So, what ideas do you have to find out more about the Morrows?"

"So far general surveillance, and to check-up on their backgrounds, talk to some of the people on their routes if we can get in touch with them or send a investigator." Wilhelm said, "At this point nothing warrants anything more serious except for a stem to stern, frame by frame search of their ship for smuggling but they wouldn't be dumb enough to bring contraband here."

She nodded, agreeing with his suggestions. "I wouldn't think so. I'd like to run their IFF and transponder codes. I need a valid excuse to examine their database." Raven sighed. "I don't thin suspicion is a good enough reason for Starfleet. Maybe a good background check will help. Wht resources do the Marines have in this regard?"

"I actually did order them to get their Safety certification up to date which includes an inspection along with verifying IFF and transponders. Also, the crews working on repairing those ships are our station's personnel. I have some intrusion experts we could slip in, but then again so do you." Wilhelm said with a knowing glance, "As to background checks, all I would be able to access is whats official though looking at their log they did drop off equipment on Centi Five there's a Marine training base there I could contact."

Raven pondered his words for a moment, then smiled. "Yes. If you'll send in a few of your people to help with the repairs and contact the Marine CO, I'll have someone do the official safety check, have a look at the IFF and Transpoder system, make sure they're up to spec, and have an unofficial look at the cargo they dropped off on Centi Five. I have a few...unofficial sources there. Between the two of us, we should be able to find out if they're up to anything." She hadn't worked much with the Colonel before, but she was impressed with his instinct and hoped this would not be the only time the two of them worked together.

"Very well then. Let's see what we can do with our noses to the ground. Good day Commander." Wilhelm said with a small bow and exited.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO 21ST Marines
SB Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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