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The Dirty Old Man

Posted on Fri Jan 15th, 2010 @ 7:21am by Commander Dhindara Vrel & Commodore Edward Fannin

1,144 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: Fleet Intel HQ
Timeline: current

[Fleet Intel HQ]

Dhindara entered Fleet Intelligence Headquarters, stepping up to the desk of the Admiral's adjutant, "Good afternoon, Ensign. I'd like to see the Admiral. Is he available?"

The intel Ensign looked at the commander, "Yes Admiral Stone is in. Can I tell him who is calling?"

"Dhindara Vrel", she replied. "I'm the new Counsellor."

"Very well, please have a seat I'll tell the Admiral you're here."

Within seconds a small section of wall appeared with a door in it. The door opened that led into a short hallway ending at another door.

Dhindara sat down. She chuckled at the secret door. She thought this wasn't done any more, in the time of tricorders and other means of detecting things. But it was a nice touch.

The ensign stepped from behind the desk, "If you just step through the door The admiral will see you now."

Dhindara nodded. She stood, walking through the doorway. As she arrived in the office. "Good afternoon, Admiral", she greeted.

"Ah, Commander Vrel, what a pleasure to meet you." The grey haired Admiral offered his had and gestured towards two large overstuffed Victorian chairs. "Please sit down and tell me about yourself."

Dhindara shook his hand and sat down. "You realise I should be asking that question, right?" the Betazoid replied. "But here goes nothing... I'm Betazoid, as you've probably noticed by now. I studied psychology, history and archaeology on Terra. Been in Starfleet ever since. Worked undercover for several months during the Dominion occupation of Betazed, which is probably the most interesting thing about me for you."

"Yes, I visited your home world during the war, But Fleet had me out in the neutral zone on clusters of small planets. But you didn't come here to hear the tales of an old worn out man my dear. Coffee or Tea?" Stone rose and headed to an old cupboard to prepare a few beverages.

"Lady Grey tea, if you have", Dhindara replied. "And you'd be surprised. I'm a historian, I enjoy old tales."

Stone returned with a cup of of lady grey on a silver service set. He drank his Irish coffee. "Have you talked with Captain Fannin yet?"

"Of course", Dhindara replied. "My first stop. I do things by the book. Unlike some Counsellors I prefer to not take the exceptions in dress or behaviour granted to my profession. Those I work with can't, there's no reason I should."

Admiral Stone could see the commander was indeed direct and to the point, "What was your take on the Captain."

"I like him fine", Dhindara replied. "He has a sense of humour, which is more than can be said for many people in this fleet."

Stone briefly smiled, "Yes he can get you laughing, but he has a dark side. Years of captivity had their effect on him. He hides it well I say. He wasn't the Fleet's first choice for command here on Typhon. That's why I asked."

"I will, of course, keep an eye on him", Dhindara replied. "But I won't be able to talk about it."

Stone nodded, "I understand, Fannin has a large history, he won't hesitate to come to you if he trusts you. He's no stranger to counseling. I see him being very successful on Typhon."

"I hope you're right. If everyone's successful and happy, that makes me happy", Dhindara replied. "What about you? You seem like a man with a long history yourself."

Stone took a sip of his old Irish. "Yes I have seen a few days I'd rather forget. But my mission here on Typhon requires my full and direct attention. Having a new Intelligence officer and a new Counselor will help the overall success of the station."

Dhindara smiled. "Raven and I are getting along well. It's refreshing to have someone to carry a mental conversation on with. I could see us going on missions together."

"I have not had the pleasure of meeting the Commander yet, but have reviewed her file. Very capable."

"I'm sure she is", Dhindara replied. "From what I've seen, she's probably better suited to life in a role other than an official Starfleet capacity."

"I look forward to meeting her, I'm recommending her for a mission to the Tiberius system. I believe the Fleet has interests in the Tenth planet in it's system."

"What's going on there?" Dhindara asked.

Stone took a sip of his coffee. "Nothing yet, I presume there may be something as the away mission had come from the Fleet Command. I have very little information about the system so far. Commander Gifford and an agent are going alone on the trip."

"Well, if you need me on any trip, just give me enough advance notice so I can re-schedule appointments", Dhindara grinned, sipping her tea.

"Absolutely, I shall definitely keep you in mind. I have some concerns about our new visitor Morgan. I would be interested in any information as to her agenda here on Typhon."

"Give me more information on her, I'll find out for you", Dhindara replied.

"I'll have it downloaded to your PADD, if you find anything significant you can reach me at any time commander."

"You better be prepared for a visit to your private quarters, if you mean what you just said", Dhindara grinned.

"You're standing in my private quarters."

Dhindara laughed. "In that case, I think in my professional opinion I need to tell you that you should get out more, Sir."

Stone laughed, "Yes you're correct, I do need to get out more... I have scheduled a short journey and will be leaving soon."

"Leave time, or a business trip?" Dhindara asked.

"Purely business, I may make a quick stop, not sure yet. Actually I planned to pick up a few things for Fannin."

"Am I going to have to look out for you and make sure you don't overwork yourself?" Dhindara asked.

Stone smiled, "Perhaps when I return, my dear."

"I'll keep you on my watch list", Dhindara replied, smirking.

Admiral Stone rose and walked back to his desk, "Perhaps I shall take some time off. I will return to Typhon rejuvenated."

Dhindara got a few impressions and chuckled. "Promise to bring a horga'hn for me?"

"Yes, I shall do that. Wrapped in brown paper for your privacy."

Dhindara laughed. "Long as you make use of it first, you should be fine."

"A man of my advanced years passes up few opportunities."

Dhindara emptied her cup and stood. "Good. Then I can be sure you'll enjoy yourself properly."

"I have enjoyed our conversation Commander, I hope to resume it on my return to the Starbase." Admiral Stone held out his hand to Vrel.

Dhindara shook his hand. "You know where to find me, Sir."

=/\\= End of Transmission =/\\=

Rear Admiral Upper Half Nickolas Stone
Fleet Intel Chief

Lieutenant Commander Dhindara Vrel


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