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Kindness is a favor.

Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2015 @ 10:25am by Lady Ebele [Mabrade] & Commander Buck Ducati

1,616 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Kindness Place
Timeline: TBD


Lady Ebele had made sure to have the long ivory white dress with the white lace covering, the open lace over her arms and the modest bust line of the dress, a dark brown light material cloak to cover her shoulders in an old fashion elegance she got from her Human half of her heritage.

As is proper decorum she had made the first possible appointment with the Executive Officer, Lt. Commander Ducati had made it clear when meeting with the merchants that he wanted involvement on a committee; well with recent events she would be more than happy to get involved but the 'unknown risks' do tend to make for some assurances to be secured before beginning.

"It was so kind of him to suggest meeting here." Lady Ebele said to Stacy the bartender.

"Glenkna and Glenkda were not so happy being here so early in the morning." Stacy pointed out, "how did you get them here before regular hours?

"I told them the Executive Officer was coming around." Ebele answered as she had her fluke glass in hand with the red liquid. "So reminiscent of the aged wine, what year is the bouduex?" Ebele asked.

"Twenty two ninety." Stacy answered.

"I wonder if he is a red or white wine type?" Ebele mused.

"I'll bet nothing while on duty and a beer off it." Stacy answered.

A million and one things going on the starbase had kept Buck busy in Ops until he had received an interesting invite from Kindness Place's owner Lady Ebele. It detailed a proposal in regards to the traders that just attempted to take over Typhon.

He was purely interested in hearing out what Ebele had to say and who knows something good could come of it. Buck had shown the invite to Cressidia so she knew what he was doing and would inform her of what was discussed after.

Hands behind his back after running his right one through his purple hair and replaced his uniform undershirt since it had been soaked of sweat during all the excitement. Buck needed freshness to carry on and he entered the Kindness Place before its opening hour as he had received the entry code after confirming he would attend.

Buck approached the collection of women that worked at Kindness. "Ladies, good morning," he greeted.

"Top of the day to you Commander." Lady Ebele lift her flute glass to him. "Care for a drink, coffee maybe?" She offered. "It is of no charge as you have so kindly arranged to meet me here." She nod to the twin Klingon Sisters who moved to a booth in view but not close. "Come sit beside me so we can discuss matters." Motioning to the seat beside her.

"Please, Klingon coffee with honey would be nice." Buck replied with a smile as he went to the seat Ebele gestured to.

The Sisters gave him a sharp look, they said nothing but to 'sweeten' something with the full flavor as Klingon style drinks was just... well how can one enjoy the bitter bite and flavor with Honey in it? The two decided they might have reacted as a lack of sleep; they were usually sleeping now and might be more testy than usual in their observations?

"Well Commander Ducati." Ebele started as Stacy brought a mug and pored the freshly brewed Klingon drink and hunted for a second to find the seldom used honey for him to add to his taste. "I suppose you are aware that the last little gathering did not go over well." Ebele still had a bit of a hangover that plagued her as she took her drink that seemed to help with that. "I am a business woman but I do have ears and in a place like this one can never really tell who might wonder in of interest?" She hinted. "I meet many people who know other people and ..." She gave a sly mixed with a degree of sweetness smile. "I am in a position to do you a favor?" She took another small sip. "It will be a business transaction but you will not need a wallet, I am not one to be so vulgar as a Ferengi Male and charge you latinum, I will do what I can as a ... favor to you?"

Buck raised an eyebrow. "A business woman, more of a charity woman... of pure kindness." He said with a smile. "Well we aren't a major diplomatic, commerce or trade facility Lady Ebele, this is a Starfleet starbase and have some control over who boards and who doesn't. Yes we were fooled by those traders, but that's unlikely to happen again with additional security measures I will talk with the Chief Security/Tactical officer about." He blinked as he realised he was rambling and stopped.

He eyed Ebele for a moment replaying her words in his head. "What sort of favor and what's it going to likely require in return?" Buck asked as he went about repositioning his coffee mug in front of him. He began pouring honey into it using the honey stirrer in a circling motion that the hot coffee melted the sweet gel before it made it to the bottom of the mug.

"I would call it a light favor, nothing that will put you really out." She took a sip as she thought. "A small favor would be me going through the people that migrate through these doors and finding out who sold the gas used on us?" She tried not to scowl. "It gave me a hangover..." Her eyes did narrow. "I do not relish hang overs not of my creation, I was sober at the party despite what rumors might arise about me." Ebele composed herself. "Once you have the name of the person selling that cheap knock off sedative you can pound out their buyer's list or at least get the information as to where they might be contacted?" She let her eyes sparkle as women can when happy. "You get where you can find them and I have My favor on tap."

Buck leaned closer to Ebele. "I get the feeling you want to make whoever is responsible for the gas getting in the traders' hands pay for your hangover?" He asked and eyed her as if inspecting something under a microscope.

"As long as you know who sold it and get the information you need to track the culprits does that really matter?" She gave an innocent expression.

The Joined Trill raised an eyebrow. "Just don't kill them, we want them in custody not dead and not to mention if they didn't know what the traders would do with the gas the you cannot punish the unknowning." Buck said.

"Commander Ducati, do I look like a violent woman." She lightly giggled. "I am just a woman who knows people that pass through my door and I will inquire about who and where to find them." She put the class on the bar. "To pursue them and bring them to you is more of an ..." She thought of a way to put it? "I have 3 levels I consider in my favors: small such as finding you the names; a Medium is where I actually use heavy favors to bring them where they can be intercepted ... what you ask is..,. Oh Boy level." She smiled quaintly as the effects of her drink might be affecting her from the look of it. "As in ; as humans say, 'Oh Boy do you Owe me." She look him in the eyes. "Which level are you willing to give me as an IOU a favor?"

Buck raised his eyebrow again as he watched the Ferengi woman. "Honestly I don't know much about you so I can't make a judgement like that." He said then added a moment later. "Now what possible favors could we do for you? You run a non-profit organization, you have no issues with customs," he paused wondering if he'd get a reaction.

"If I knew that then it would not be a favor, favors are owed or won." She gave an almost shy smile. "I will call on the favor when I need it; hence the contract between... us." She had a slight tilt of her head. "I would not make you do evil or illegal things for your part of the favor I assure you." She nod and slid the napkin sized contract for him to sign. "Just it will be a thing only '*you* can do for me at the time."

"I have my doubts Ebele." Buck replied with a raised eyebrow as he placed his thumb on the padd's interface.

"I would not be able to keep my place if the authorities were looking for me, I am just doing business the only way a female Ferengi can, Favors are worth more than profit so I am safe as they are not Latinum, Ferengi prohibit females from Profit, I am only following the Rules Commander."

Buck nodded. "You have a point. Owing someone is far more valuable then any currency." He frowned and stood. "Please begin whatever you need to do to find out what we had just discussed and report back." He said. "Unless there is anything else I must return to Ops?"
Have a nice day Commander.” Lady Ebele said with a grin. “It was a pleasure .” She had that sly grin as she watched him go.

Turning to Stacy she smiled widely and passed her the IOU. “File that with the others.” She winked. “Come on Girls time to it the Space Lanes.” She motioned to the two Klingon sisters.



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