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Mystery [Part 2]

Posted on Wed Jun 10th, 2015 @ 6:21pm by Commander Buck Ducati & Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Ducati] & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Lieutenant William Huxley & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & N'alae t’K’manatran
Edited on on Wed Jun 10th, 2015 @ 6:22pm

1,457 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Typhon Air Space



Raven went to the Intel station in the back and ran the scans through the Intel database. Why would an old ship without any transponder codes be here? Like the new officer, she didn't trust the ship at all. She pulled up a visual of the ship in question and then frozen. It was badly damaged, but not too damaged to be recognizable. A moment later her console beeped. She looked down at the results of the information which confirmed the visual scan. "We have a problem," she said quietly. "The ship isn't from our universe."

Aria walked over to check. "It seems that way" Aria said. "The marking are not Federation"

Buck froze at the news. "What universe is it from then?" He asked fearing the answer already as he could guess as he went to join the two women. He had a bad feeling about this, nothing good came of any dimensional travel.

Wilhelm came walking into Operations, "I can arrange for a boarding operation." Noticing the new arrival.

"It's from the Terran Empire," Raven stated. "From the looks of it, it's been in space for a long time."

"You didn't answer my question Commander Adams," Buck said firmly though he did nod his acknowledgement of her report.

Raven was surprised he needed more information than the fact that it was from the Terran Empire. "The one commonly referred to as the Mirror Universe. But as I stated, it is from the former regime and not the current one."

That was certainly an unexpected development. The odds of encountering the universe once were fairly low, to encounter it a second time was even more rare.
" I had a run in with the mirror universe once before, shortly after I took over as chief engineer on the Ben-Nevis. We found some sort of portal that linked the two realms. From what I understand it's difficult for entire ships to cross over either direction."

The Ben-Nevis was later destroyed, but he was sure the relevant files were in the computer banks.

"It's difficult to cross between universes at all. Although with that particular universe it's happened multiple times," Raven said. Most of them, however, were classified. "And even though it may be difficult for a ship to cross over, there are enough instances that it is not as rare as some would imagine. Most of the appearances of a Mirror ship in our universe is a sign of trouble."

[Khiy's office]

N'alae sat on the sofa in Khiy's office, browsing a report from Winkel that she had received earlier. She had changed out of her dress and now wore her uniform, she was more comfortable in it anyway.

The com-link unit on her wrist beeped, and she looked down at it for a moment, then back up to Khiy. "Data coming in from the Morning's Wake," she told him as she got up and crossed to his desk. "It's being routed through the Ra'khoi," she added. When she was standing in front of his desk, she transferred the data from from the com-link to his computer. Scans from the cloaked vessel appeared on the screen, and showed readings very similar to what was being seen in Operations.

Khiy looked over the data pooling on his computer. His eyebrow tilted as he reached one line of code in particular. "That can't be right." He looked back to N'alae. "Where the hell did this ship come from?"

N'alae's heart skipped a beat when she saw the data and she sucked in a sharp breath. "Back when I made Sub-Commander, I was briefed on the existence of the alternate universe." She told Khiy, she eyes never leaving the computer. "There was a standing order on my ship to retrieve anything and everything from the alternate universe. My Commander had ties to the Tal Shiar, and they wanted to get their hands on that technology - restricted or not."

She called up the image of the ship, magnifying the battered hull to get a better look at the symbol on her side. "No one ever actually thought we'd find anything." She stood up and brought the com-link close to her face.

"N'alae to the Mourning's Wake. See if you can track that ship back to where it came from. Secure all sensor data under protocol alpha-six-three-echo." She paused before adding, "Keep this confined to the bridge."

[Typhon Operations]

William turned to Commander Ducati.
"The Callisto should still be in comm range, I can have them stand by if we need some backup."

"I think we can handle it Lieutenant Huxley," Buck smiled at the new Chief of Operations and turned to the Marine Commanding Officer. "Clearly this one did, somehow. I'll allow a team of 4 including you Colonel if you wish to go." He offered to Hackleberg.

He turned to Eco again. "Any luck on that data Commander Eco?" He asked.

'Not much the sensors can give us, I'm afraid,' Eco frowned, 'she's definitely been around for a while.' Calibrating the sensors to make a finer sweep he shrugged, 'she's in need of repair, but there's some sort of interference ... Can't quite see what's inside, and what specifically needs checking ... We'd have to go in to check, sir.'

"Excellent," he nodded to Eco then he faced Raven once more and sighed. "Raven, you have again dodged my question about your interest to go over there? I know you want to, who wouldn't." Buck said with a grin.

Wilhelm looked at Buck with a smile. "Love to go over Commander."

"Commander Ducati, I don't trust the ship and I don't trust why it's here. Intelligence definitely wants to see what is on the computer and where the ship has been -- before letting anyone else tamper with it. Security and engineering should also be there." She glanced at Wilhelm. "Colonel von Hackleberg would also be of use in case this is a trap."

Wilhelm piped in, "I would advise we use an assault shuttle to get over there. We can use the shuttle's sensor to get some good, close range scans and if it appears to fragile we can assess it for a tow or destroy it outright."

Buck rolled his eyes, he knew the two officers would not back down. "That's why I am sending you, Huxley, Kanzaki, Montana and Eco along with Hackleberg to check the transport out then you all will use the tug to put the transport into one of the docking ports on the outer ring." Buck smiled. "We will take every precaution. We can't run and hide every time something strange or not trustworthy comes our way. We'd never explore anything now would we?" He asked of the crew.

Raven gave up arguing. They weren't interested in listening. They'd already made up their mind that the ship WOULD be towed to Typhon regardless of protocols and common sense.

Wilhelm made an spoke out making an appeal, "Commander, as old as that thing looks. That ship might not even be up to the stress of the docking clamps and mooring tractors. It would be safer to put it into a stable orbit and explore it from there." he paused and continued. "A much better option then it possibly imploding against the hull."

"Find out when you are on board if it can survive the docking process, if not then we will have to try something else." Buck said. "Now go."

"Going," Raven stated. "But remember that Intel, Security and the Marine CO think it's a bad idea to bring the ship to Typhon," Raven said. "At least the CHIEF of Security thinks it's a bad idea," she said, looking at Montana. Not wanting to get in yet another discussion about the importance of checking out the ship, she turned and headed to get her bag before boarding the shuttle.

Buck could tell that he could be making a mistake in his decisions but as a command officer he will live with them. The urge to investigate the transport and find out all the questions Raven had would only be answered on the transport so no other course of action. He glanced at the others to see if they had any last words before heading to the tug.


Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Played by Ducati]
Assistant Chief Tactical Officer

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine Commanding Officer

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Second Officer

Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief of Security

Lieutenant William Huxley
Chief Operations Officer

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner of Trans Galactic Trading

N'alae t’K’manatran
Member of Trans Galactic Trading


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