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Now Things Just Got Creepier

Posted on Sun Jun 28th, 2015 @ 10:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Ducati] & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Lieutenant William Huxley

1,547 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: The Tug

Commander Ducati had ordered Raven, Leon, Aria, Huxley and Eco to check out the transport by going over in a runabout tug. Once it was deemed safe to bring it to one of the outer ring's docking ports.

It was better to put it there then inside the main dock, security reasons of course.

Leon manned the tactical station and glanced over at Aria with narrowed eyes. He still disliked her for barging in and taking his job, though the executive officer had asked them both to work together as Chief of Security and Acting Chief Tactical Officer, though he was Assistant Chief now. He agreed to the deal.

"I'm still not comfortable with bringing the ship to any docking port," Raven said. "Commander Ducati is far too eager."

William was studying scans of the transport in an attempt to determine a layout. While most ships followed the same basic design, it wouldn't be wise to get lost on an unfamiliar ship.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't we isolate the docking port from the rest of the station. Activate the bulkheads and re-enforce them with high level force fields. If we do that and don't link the ship up to the station's computer, it should be sufficient enough to negate any risks."

"We would still need to get in and out of the docking port to study the ship and that could open us up to potential danger to the station," Raven said. "Why even take the chance if we don't know what happened to the ship, how it got here and why it's abandoned. Someone should have noticed it before now. Have you asked yourself why we're only learning of it now? That is sufficient reason to be extra careful."

'Well, unfortunately there's disruptions in the sensor analyses. We can't really answer anything for sure until we get in there and take a look for ourselves.' Eco shrugged philosophically, 'we are where we are, Ducati's made his decision.'

'Make the best of it and keep your eyes peeled, guys.' Eco was decidedly excited to be taking on the mission. It made a change from monitoring plasma feeds through the main reactor, which was his usual job right about this time of day.

"We couldn't even scan inside Commander, so how were we meant to find out anything without going inside. We are explorers afterall." Leon said to Raven, "Well I signed up for that anyway." He smiled.

The pilot was a few moments away from passing through the station's shielding and then only a few moments to the Mirror vessel.

"I didn't say don't go inside, I said don't bring it to the station," Raven replied. "It is unwise to bring a ship you know nothing about to the station where it could have anything on board."

While he understood the Intel officer's hesitation, William wasn't as paranoid as she was.
"I'm sure if we get onboard and don't like what we see, the Command staff will take that into consideration. If push comes to shove I'm sure we could blow it up, but we should at least poke around and see what information we can find."

"I did not say..." Raven began, then gave up. She looked at Leon. "You two speak the same language."

"Why are you so paranoid?" Leon asked he folded his arms over his chest, though he sported a small smile.

Raven ticked the items off on her fingers. "The Borg attack on Tiberius V, The Borg facility on Tiberius IV, the Borg pulling Typhon through a wormhole into the Delta Quadrant and nearly taking over the station, the recent attempt to take over the station by a group of mercenaries, the fact that is ship is from the Terran Empire, a known enemy of the Federation, the fact that it appeared out of nowhere, and Starfleet regulations about not putting the station and its crew in danger..." She paused. "Do you want me to continue, or will that be sufficient for your understanding?"

"We didn't have a chance with the Borg, nor the mercenaries as they were very good actors and prepared." Leon said thinking that they could have had inside help, he'd have to look into that further later with Aria's help. "Then this happens and it's just sitting out there doing nothing. We can prepare for anything." He smiled at her. "It's better then not being prepared like the last dozen times."

"With the Borg, no, we couldn't be prepared, but with the mercenaries they weren't very good actors. They raised all sorts of red flags but none of you wanted to listen. The reason they didn't succeed is because Khiy and I didn't trust them and were ready for them when they tried to steal supplies and hack into the station's computer." She gave a frustrated sigh. It wasn't worth arguing, it really wasn't. She felt like she was doing nothing but repeating herself over and over with no progress.

"You didn't ask or tell me, I knew they were up to something but my superior didn't do anything when I voiced my opinions." Leon said shaking his head. "So don't think you weren't alone, and yes you and Khiy stopped their operation. Though my security teams did catch a few, thank you and pass on my thanks to Khiy next time you see him."

There was no time to ask or tell him anything. And, as Raven had been in communication with the Chief of Security at the time, there was also no need for her to inform Montana. But, instead of responding, she just nodded her head. She could, indeed, pass on the information to Khiy.

They were in transporter range now and the pilot stopped the ship before turning to the others. "Alright you all get on the transporter and I'll send you over."

Checking his gear, William headed towards the transporter room.
"Shall we go see what the fuss is all about?"

"Yes," Leon nodded as he grabbed his gear and readied himself on the transporter platform. "May I suggest that the Colonel and I go over first then the rest of you, is that agreeable?"

"May I suggest you make sure there's breathable air over there before you decide to simply beam in blind?" Raven countered. "And it might also be a good idea to find a way to scan the inside of the ship so you don't beam into a bulkhead."

Aria had been waiting silently by the transporter pad. "Its simple. Anything that tries to kill us, shoot it"

Wilhelm looked over at Raven, "I agree." he said as he walked over to a nearby equipment cabinet and pulled out sets of full face breathers. Passing them around, "We'll wear these initially. These masks have a 30 minute reserve. As to initial scans..." he said nodding towards the pilot, "Fire the Limpet." Wilhelm shrugged. "A probe configured as a sensor limpet. Unless that thing is solid kelbonite we can get a good landing zone. Beyond that however is beyond this shuttle's abilities." He finished with a grunt not happy with the circumstances.

Raven nodded in agreement. "Good idea."

"I was about to remind you that we can't scan inside Commander, and yes that is a great idea." Leon wasn't an idiot like he thought Raven thought he was for he then would suggest environmental suits. The full face masks must be Marine gear, nothing Starfleet had was similar. "Colonel do you have enough of them for us all, minus the pilot of course?" He asked.

"Just a reminder, Commander Montana, that I am a Betazoid," Raven said. She didn't think he was an idiot, just too quick to jump to action and not considering consequences. He'd been arguing against everything she suggested since they started this venture and she doubted he was about to remind her of anything. He was already on the transporter pad ready to go -- and breaking a number of regulations in the process.

"Okay the limpet is latched onto the Transport and it is sending back a sonar created map of the interior." The pilot announced and glanced back over at the others. "I can get you all inside safely."

"Plenty of masks for all there's enough for a full Company in the shuttle, plus some full EVA suits." Wilhelm said.

Raven nodded. "Until we know what's over there, we need to be cautious. This ship's over 50 years old. No telling how long it's been adrift."

He found himself thinking about the 50 years old that Raven had just reported and a shiver ran up his spine. He grabbed one of the masks and handed one to Wilhelm before gesturing to the transporter platform. "Ready when you are Colonel."

Wilhelm nodded fixing the mask and all his other gear. "Let's bounce."

The two men vanished in a transport beam that Leon had engaged on the panel next to the platform which the pilot had already programmed.


Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Played by Ducati]
Assistant Chief Tactical Officer

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine Commanding Officer

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Commander Saul Eco
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant William Huxley
Chief Operations Officer


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