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Old Lies and Misperceptions (part 2)

Posted on Tue Oct 20th, 2015 @ 5:06am by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & N'alae t’K’manatran
Edited on on Tue Oct 20th, 2015 @ 5:07am

1,338 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: TGT Office on Typhon
Timeline: Before away team leaves



Khiy shook his head. This wasn't going well. "Both of you need to relax." He found his choice of words strange suddenly and he frowned to himself. He just asked one woman who would likely now live the rest of her life in secret because of the warbird, and another woman whose life *was* a secret because of Starfleet intelligence, to "relax".


He sat heavily into his chair and regarded the two. A different approach would be needed. "We were all smugglers at one point. In those days it could cost you your life if you trusted anyone. We were obviously pretty good at playing it solo since we made it out where most didn't. Nowadays we are playing a totally different game. If we don't trust in others it could cost is our lives." He stopped for a moment to let the truth of it sink in. "Now I can't tell either of you who to trust, but I can tell you that I trust both of you implicitly. I don't know about you ladies, but I intend to die of old age."

"Khiy, you know I trust you. If you trust her, I'll work with her, but if she does anything to cause trouble..." Raven knew Khiy would understand that she was talking about Morticia. She'd spent years keeping her alter ego a secret from everyone but him and she wasn't sure she was ready to trust someone else with that secret. Especially someone as suspicious and mistrusting at N'alae.

"The last thing I want is trouble, believe me." N'alae assured her, "Although I'm sure some will find me eventually once the Wake makes her official debut." She paused for a moment to suppress a flash of anxiety. She was not looking forward to facing the Empire in one of their own ships, especially one that had become 'available' in such mysterious circumstances. "The Empire has been oddly quiet about this matter..." she added softly looking into empty space.

Coming back to the conversation, N'alae looked at Raven and continued, "I have had lots of practice keeping secrets Raven; I even have a few of my own. Don't worry about me."

Raven wasn't one to trust easily. Even though she remembered N'alae from her days as an independent merchant, that had been quite a while ago. But Khiy said he trusted her. So, she decided to take a leap of faith. "No one knows about Morticia here except for Khiy. I would prefer it stay that way, if you don't mind. The Hawthorne is berthed here as well. Morticia helps Khiy from time to time."

"That sounds like quite the juggle." N'alae tried to jest, but considering the conversation, it felt weak. "In all seriousness though, your business is your own. We were never best friends, but I respect you." She smirked, "It is good to see old comrades moving up in their careers."

"Or totally changing them," Raven replied with a half-smile. "I help Khiy as I can. Since you'll be running one of his ships, that will extend to you as well."

She turned to Khiy and continued. "Tiberius IV is a desert planet where the sand is like water. The only places you can safely land are the rocks. The Borg had a facility there until it was destroyed a year ago. It might make a good place to keep a few ships out of sight."

Khiy turned and looked to N'alae before returning to Raven. "Are we talking a legitimate purchase or just setting up shop? Because to refit the Morning's Wake I will have to purchase a drydock. I would rather like to source one out and move it in orbit to a place with a warehouse on it. Of course all of this would have to be kept on the quiet side of things." Khiy stopped and made sure to make eye contact with Raven. "Legally would be preferable."

"No one currently has claim on Tiberius IV. It is inhospitable and has nothing worth mining, so of little use to the Federation. If you rebuild the Borg facility, you could have a base and add a drydock. Or you could make a permanent arrangement with the Athena Shipyards."

He nodded. "It would be nice to use an advanced shipyard like Athena, it's just that I don't think we can trust all of the dockworkers there to keep quiet on what they see." He continued after a moment of thought. "Has this facility on Tiberius IV been fully picked through by Starfleet? We all know how they are about the Borg."

"Starfleet Intel has been over it. Anything of interest was removed," Raven assured him. "A few higher-ups went through after, just to say they had something to do with it. As far as I know, no one's been there for four months."

N'alae frowned a little. She had to admit that a facility such as that would be extremely useful, but the idea of using a Borg facility was a bit...morbid. Then she shrugged. "Beggars can't be choosers." she said to Khiy. After a pause she asked, "That is the right use for that saying?"

Khiy noticed the gesture. "Not to your liking?" He asked. "I want your opinion on this since you will likely be spending a lot of time there."

"Without seeing the actual specs I can't really give you an informed opinion," N'alae responded. "But speaking to the use of an old Borg facility, I'm certain there is much benefit." Then with a perfectly straight face, she added. "Once you get the severed-limb-and-mechanical-grease smell out of it, of course."

Khiy allowed a smile. "Of course." He looked back to Raven. "What kind of paper work is going to be needed for this? I can't believe Starfleet is going to allow anyone to just assume the planet and structures."

"Well..." Raven hesitated. "The planet hasn't been claimed by Starfleet as it has no tactical advantage -- nor does it have any particularly valuable minerals. And the sand is too dangerous for casual use." She turned to N'alae. "The planet is 2/3 sand. A sand that is so fine ships and people sink to the bottom and suffocate. The rocky outcroppings are small and scattered. Some lead to underground tunnels and caverns. That is where the Borg set up a base. Now that the equipment has been removed, it is of no further value." She paused and gave Khiy a mischievous grin. "And Morticia put a sizeable down payment on it through the Damron Group. I think she'll make you a very good deal."

"Interesting." He said with a lift of his brow. "There must be something more to this planet if Morticia is willing to liquidate some of her hidden funds."

"Sand as fine as water, underground caverns that lead to underground lakes..." Raven said. "There are several interesting possibilities there. Not for the Federation, but as some sort of base, it could prove quite useful."

Khiy nodded. "I'd need the area scouted for viability, but, I think that might work out well. I'd still need to purchase a drydock and tow it into place, however. I heard Starfleet might have one or two they are looking to decommission. A new dry-dock just isn't affordable."

"Check with Commander Rhodes at the Athena Shipyards. She'll know who to talk to about that. And she can likely get you a good deal on one, too," Raven said. Raven had worked with Billy Jo a time or two and knew the woman would get Khiy a good deal.

"Sounds perfect." He said after a glance to both women. "I'm excited to get this project off the ground."

"So am I," Raven said. "I think Morticia will be happy to work with you again as well."


Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, TGT

N'alae t’K’manatran
TGTV Morning's Wake Commander

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer


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