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Posted on Tue Oct 20th, 2015 @ 6:12am by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Buck Ducati & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Lieutenant William Huxley & Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Ducati]

803 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Mirror Universe Transport's Interior
Timeline: AFTER "Now What?"


< Engine Room >

Leon felt a sudden chill and thought back to all the media he had seen about horror, thrillers and the like. A chill usually meant something bad but he didn't want to look weak to the others as he was the idiot who barged onto a dead transport from the Mirror universe without thinking.

He looked around for anything odd, nothing seemed to be.

William was taking his last scans of the engine room when he noticed the tactical officer looking around.
"Something wrong sir?"

"Do you feel we are being watched?" Leon asked softly still glancing side to side every few moments.

"Ever since we got onto this transport..." Wilhelm mutters. "This wreck should be atomized."

This wasn't his first ghost ship, each one was different but the feeling of something being off was almost universal. William was more prone to shrug it off.
"Why, just because it gives you the creeps? I say we head back to the station and call in a salvage team from the Engineering Corps. They specialize in these type of missions."

=A= Kanzaki to Montana. We've pulled out for now. Beam back to the shuttle until we can establish what's happening over there =A= Aria's voice came out of Leon's comm badge.

Before Leon could answer Aria's announcement noises came from around them. Screams that got louder as they seemed to get closer.

Then the ghosts appeared, humanoid but barely visible thanks to the haze around them themselves. Leon froze with absolute fear although he phaser was in hand at the beginning of the screaming.

The ghosts began to launch strings of mist and Leon barely missed a few aimed at him. He glanced around and saw the Colonel was under similar attack.

Wilhelm ducked a tendril that was grabbing towards him. In frustration he grabbed his saber, unfolded it automatically and swung at the tendrils just passing through it effortlessly. "Any time now Lieutenant Kanzaki..."

Aria sighed as she detected weapons fire on the ship from the Runabouts console. She quickly ran her fingers over it and powered up the transporter.
"Beaming you guys back now" she said as she brought them in.

The pilot was beginning to take the runabout back to the station when the Marine and Assistant Tactical Chief appeared on the transporter platform.

She turned around in her chair to face them.
"You know..." she said. "When I say Beam back. I MEAN IT!" she shouted at them. "Do you guys not know how to bloody listen!"

"Did you see that Colonel? It's like they vanished as the transporter beam got us." Leon said as he remained frozen in place, he shivered like he could still feel the cold that the ghosts cause when they rushed passed.

"Oi!" Aria said. "Listen!"

It took him another couple of moments to realise that Aria was talking to them. He turned to face her and got angry. "We were kind of busy trying to stay alive and fight back!" He said then deflated a bit. "Well he was, I froze, sorry Colonel."

Aria rolled her eyes as she slid down into the runabouts pilot seat. "That old ship should be towed to an external spacedock, it can be disassembled for its parts. Also its computers could have information, but I do not suggest taking it aboard Typhon. This doesn't feel right"

"That ship should just be atomized and done with nothing good or useful will ever come off of that wreck." Wilhelm said as he stepped off the transporter pad. "As for freezing Huxley, don't worry about it. Things happen, though I suggest you get some nice, hard training on the holodeck so you can get some muscle memory built up."

"Agreed. That ship is going nowhere near Typhon," Raven insisted. "We need information, and then we need to either destroy it or send it somewhere else. We aren't taking it back with us."

"Excuse me Colonel, it was me, Leon," Leon said pointing to himself, "not Huxley."

Before anyone could reply a chirp from the runabout's communications array preceded Buck's voice. =^= Typhon to away team, please report Lieutenant Kanzaki? =^=

"Beware of the--" Leon was muttering in the background.

=A= We're on the way back. Power up the Base's phaser array, that ship will make good target practice =A= Aria replied simply.

"Sorry about that.." Wilhelm said. "Just a little edgy myself." he said to the assembled officers.

Raven buckled in and hoped they got back to Typhon before someone decided -- yet again -- that they needed to tow the Terran Empire ship back with them.


Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana
Assistant Chief Tactical Officer

Lieutenant William Huxley
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security Officer

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer


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