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Getting Home -- Safely (part 1)

Posted on Fri Oct 23rd, 2015 @ 8:10am by Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Ducati] & Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Edited on on Fri Oct 23rd, 2015 @ 3:53pm

1,010 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Shuttle back to Typhon/Sickbay


As the shuttle turned to make its way back to Typhon, Raven sent a message to the starbase, informing them of what they found and the potential complications.

She also requested that, instead of docking the shuttle, that it be parked just within transporter range and the crew brought back to the station by way of a decontaminating transporter. With everything they'd seen on the ship, it was a necessary precaution.

=^= Typhon to Runabout, This is Captain Mabrade, do you have wounded? =^= He continued. =^= Do we have to need medical personnel on stand by? =^=

"Confirmed," Raven said. "One wounded, two shaken up. They will need medical attention after decontamination."

=^= We will beam you to the Transporter Room nearest a sick bay. =^= Mabrade confirmed. =^= Prepare for transport.=^=

Leon began shivering. "I'm cold," he said completely confused.

Raven pulled out a blanket from one of the bins and handed it to Leon.

"Thanks," Leon gave the Intelligence Chief a half smile.

[[ Ops, Typhon ]]

On the Control Room the Captain motioned the transporters to activate.

Buck was feeling guilty for having sent them but how would they have known about anything since they couldn't scan inside the transport. "I'll meet them in sickbay Captain," though he left it open if Landon wanted to join him.

"I think it might be a good idea for me to meet the team that has come across." He looked at the Ranking Officer at the OPS console. "OPS, you have the Con until I return."

[[ Sickbay ]]

Raven was the first one cleared. She'd spent the least amount of time on the ship and had not encountered whatever attacked the men. She was still furious with Leon and planned to file a report with Command about his blatant disregard of the rules and safety protocols on just about everything.

Mabrade entered the Sick Bay, he took a quick note of the size as it will be someplace worth knowing. He had also studied the files of his Command Staff so the Commander's image was in his mind as he approached.

"Commander Adams..." He offered a polite expression. "I am Captain Landon Mabrade; your New Commanding Officer. He offered a hand in the human tradition so widely used as a greeting. "I wish this was under better conditions that coming down to check on your health you understand?"." He nodded.

Raven turned to the man and took a quick, assessing look. "Hello, Captain. I didn't know we were getting a new Commanding Officer," she said, shaking his hand.

"I am not one for grand entrances." Mabrade replied. "It was a sudden change of command and I am dealing with things as they come down. We can do the formal meetings when we get a handle upon this situation and have a little breathing room."

"Then I will say welcome aboard and good luck," Raven said.

"Thank you Commander." Mabrade nod with a grin.

Aria's shoulders relaxed slightly as she took a step towards the new Commanding Officer. She stood directly infront of him and looked him up and down quickly. "Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki. Chief of Security" she said simply. "I will need to brief you on Typhon's current Security protocols, and a report on what occured on the shuttle". She got straight to business.

Mabrade looked into the eyes of the Security Chief for a second. "The Typhon Security Protocols will be a long meeting and what say we go for the prudent and you fill me in on what happened a board that ship, I am confidant the station is secure for the moment"

Aria stared at him for a few seconds. "I am concerned about the ship out there. We need to secure the station, as well as the ship itself" she explained.

"The station is secure, but one of your officers almost got himself jettisoned out an airlock," Raven said, glancing at Aria.

"I look forward to the report on that incident." Mabrade looked around the sick bay for the Security personnel that would be wounded. "I take it the man was returned alive?"

"He's alive. But I won't go on an away mission with him again," Raven said. "You'll have my report tomorrow, when I cool off. I think you would prefer a factual report to an angry rant."

"That would be preferred, facts do help with decisions." Mabrade agree. "As for the other I should think that and be arranged after the present situation is clear."

Raven nodded. "Is there anything else you need from me right now?" she asked.

"Not right at the moment, we are still putting together pieces." He told her. "Though I was thinking of sending an automated probe from Science to the ship, maybe get at the Computer Core?"

"I already have the data from the computer," Raven said. "Well, everything after it left the shipyards. I'm going to load it into a secure system that isn't connected to anything in case there's a virus. Someone wanted us to get at the information, so I want to make sure that whatever they had in mind fails. Apart from that, go right ahead."

"I am told the power was low so we hope to get it to minimal and then effect a download to get what else might be in there just as a precaution. Plus I want a better look at that ship and maybe what attacked your party?"

"Life support and one console that let me get into the database," Raven agreed. "I don't know what they ran into, but it definitely needs a second look."

"I have the Science Officer readying a shuttle as we speak." Mabrade replied.

Raven nodded. "Good. Lieutenant Kanzaki here can help you with that. If you will excuse me, I'd like to take care of these data crystals."

She bowed to the Captain and Aria and left sickbay.

(To be continued...)

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana
Assistant Chief Tactical Officer

Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security Officer


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