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Whatever I Say

Posted on Thu Oct 22nd, 2015 @ 3:31pm by Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov

680 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past

Carter adjusted his uniform, took a deep breath, and depressed the door chime on the Chief Intelligence Officer's office. This was a meeting he didn't want to have, but Carter, the eternal hopeless romantic, would do anything for love.

Raven wasn't expecting anyone, so someone at her office door had to be trouble. "Come in," she said, turning to face whomever she would meet.

Slowly, almost gingerly, Carter entered the room. "Commander Adams, I umm..." He gently rubbed the hair on his head. "I'm terribly sorry to bother you but..." He paused. "I'm afraid I'm here to ask you for a favor."

"Commander Rotrov? I haven't seen you for years," Raven said, surprised to see him back on Typhon. "What kind of favor do you need?"

Carter nodded. "I had been transferred to the Corps of Engineers for awhile. It was a great opportunity, and while there, I uhhhh..." He paused and looked down at the ring on his left hand. The ring was the symbol of the promise he made to William, and he wasn't about to be a coward about it. "I met and married the Chief of Security, Lieutenant William Bradley."

He was sure she didn't care. They, Carter and Raven, hadn't spoken since he left his position of the Runnymede nearly four years ago.

"At any rate Commander, I have been reassigned to Typhon again as the Chief Engineer of the Station. William wants to be with me but..." Another long pause from Carter as he drew a lengthy breath. "But he wants to transfer to Intelligence. Normally I would never be so presumptuous as to ask but..." His voice trailed off.

Raven preferred working alone. She LIKED working alone, but she could see how much it meant to the man, and she didn't want to hurt his feelings, or tell him that he had to leave his spouse behind. "There's not a lot of work around here, but if he wants, I might be able to find him something."

Exuberantly, Carter jumped forward and hugged Raven. "Thank you, Commander!" He squeezed her tightly and then, almost as suddenly, let her go and stepped back. "I'm ummm... I'm sorry, but thank you so much." He smiled profusely.

Raven took a moment to regain her balance. That was the last thing she'd expected from the man. She straightened her uniform as she caught her breath. "You're very welcome, and it's quite all right. Take some time to settle in and get familiar with the station, it's changed a lot over the past few years. That'll give me some time to set up another office for him so he has room to work."

Carter nodded in concurrence. "I will let him know to expect the transfer orders." The engineer couldn't stop grinning. "And with your permission Commander, I'll excuse myself."

Raven couldn't help smiling. "Go right ahead. And welcome back. I hope everything goes well for you."

With that, Carter almost skipped out of the office and made his way into the hall and towards his quarters to get in touch with William.

Raven watched him go. Had she really just agreed to an assistant? She shook her head. At least she had a day to get everything ready for him, and to move her personal files. "Edgar," she called.

A virtual raven appeared on her desk, its head cocked to one side.

"Send a message to Ops. I need another office set up. We're getting another Intel officer."

Edgar looked at her and then blinked. "Better tell Khiy."

Yes, she would have to tell her friend. Not that having an assistant was a bad thing, but it would mean that she would always go to his office to talk business. Or his ship. That idea made her smile. "Thanks."

Edgar disappeared and she pulled out a box and began to load it with things to move to her quarters. She'd become far too casual with her office. It was time for some spring cleaning.


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov
Chief Engineer


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