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New Garrison Vessel

Posted on Wed Oct 21st, 2015 @ 12:25pm by Commander Buck Ducati & Captain Darius Cayne & Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki

2,083 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Various
Timeline: AFTER "Attack"


The Arthurian, a Starfleet Prototype, dropped out of warp. It's captain, Darius Cayne, sat in the middle chair. His eyes focused on the screen as a view of Typhon appeared from a distance. Darius adjusted slightly in his chair. He was still a bit uncomfortable with his new position, or maybe it was the chair itself. As he cleared his throat, he stood up and placed his arms behind his back, taking a few steps away from his seat.

"Typhon in view, Captain." The helmsmen said as he looked from his console to Darius. "Not a bad home port, ehh Sir?"

"We'll see." Darius said as he kept his eyes focused on the view screen. "Open a channel."

The operations officer tapped on the console. "Channel is open, Captain."

=A="Typhon Station. I am Captain Darius Cayne of the Starship <i>Arthurian</i>. This is a prototype vessel, you won't find it in your records, so I understand your hesitation. However, I would ask you to communicate with your Intelligence Department, or check your messages, because this ship <i>is</i> Starfleet."=A= He paused for a moment, turning away from the screen as he walked back to his Captain's chair. =A="Starfleet Command should verify our existence and will also inform you that <i>we</i> are your new vessel and Typhon is our first, and only, Port of Call. You are our home now, so take whatever time you need. Make whatever calls you require. We aren't going anywhere."=A= Darius slowly took his seat again and raised his hand slightly before waving it, signally the channel to be closed.

"Make whatever calls you require? We aren't going anywhere? A bit much, don't you think?" The first officer said as he looked over to Darius curiously.

"We're a new ship. New class. Built by Engineers and backed by Intel. Intelligence being a department that has a reputation for secrets and is constantly under scrutiny. This, whatever it is, needs to be built on a mutual trust. We give them the chance to check our story and use their own means to look into us. Using their own means and not the means we tell them to and welcome us by their own accord. In turn, that should give us the benefit of the doubt. Putting everything on the table from the get go." Darius said as he kept his eyes focused on the screen, awaiting the reply.

"But they have to take us. It's orders." The first officer replied.

Darius nodded slightly before speaking. "Yes, but we aren't going to play that card. If they feel they need to do it out of duty, then that's their choice, but its still not us demanding port. We let them check us out. Allow them to give us a sign of welcome."

Captain Mabrade had just taken command of the Typhon Base, standing in the Central Control he was wondering the type of man to come with such fortitude, almost as though the Base was inconveniencing them by not being informed of their arrival?

Now that it was to be verified by Spook Central did make somewhat of an explanation; the fact Mabrade was just arrived on the heels of the last Commanding Officer might add to this but he did not like having some vessel so close and acting quite sure of themselves.

"The Spooks will be 'FULLY' explaining the terms of this vessel's service and the reporting chain of command will be put in place as well." He said very quietly to himself as he observed and then turned to Communications Officer.

=^= This is Captain Mabrade of Starbase Typhon, you will hold position until vitrifaction are completed. =^= He said calmly. =^= Once things are in order we will welcome you to a proper docking and I will welcome your Commanding Officer in my Ready Room after you dock.=^= Mabrade motions across his neck to cut the signal.

[U.S.S. Arthurian]

The first officer looked over to Darius as he lay back against the cushion of his seat. "And now it's a waiting game. Didn't get the sense he thrilled to see us."

"You're the Betazoid, Commander. I trust your empathy, but only so far." Darius replied as he kept his eyes onto the view screen for a few seconds before looking over to his first officer.

"Sir?" The first officer questioned.

"Merlin. Pull up Captain Mabrade's file. Ensure its up to date and put it up on the Operations console." Darius said as he stood up and walked over to the operations station.

"Yes, Captain." The computer's virtual intelligence replied as it went through the database and pulled up the requested information.

The Operations Officer stood aside as Darius approached the console, bringing up the file. He scrolled through it and finally reached the service record. "There is your answer, Commander." He said as he looked over to the first officer and continued. "His record shows his transfer to Typhon was recent. At least a Stardate or so ago and suddenly a ship he has never seen before, with Intelligence written all over its file, just shows up. The man is bound to be cautious, and suspicious."

The first officer nodded as he stood up, watching Darius as he returned to his seat. "Which explains the feeling I got. He's only just arrived and suddenly we're showing up on his doorstep. Given Intel's reputation, it's a natural reaction. Sadly."

"That's why I insisted on him doing whatever he needed to do in order to verify our service. I want everything out on the table. He needs to be assured that this ship won't keep secrets from him." The Captain said as he sat back down in the chair and returned to look to the view screen, awaiting the response. "He may not know it, but he and I are in the same situation. Both of us have only recently taken command of something and have been thrown at each other without any time to prepare. Caution and suspicion come with the territory."

[Typhon Control]

Mabrade stepped forward to the OPS console and the Officer manning it. He looked at the OPS person and gave a medium expression.

Checking his roster in the PADD that he kept with him until he is ready to have his vital members memorized. =^= This is Captain Mabrade, Commander Adams, I am sorry to disturb you on short notice.=^= He began. =^= But I have a vessel reporting that your department is expecting the USS Arthurian to dock with Typhon as her Operational Port of Call? The Commanding officer informed me that your department will verify his assignment to us? =^=

A raven appeared on the console beside the Captain. His head cocked to one side. "A message came in from Starfleet Intelligence informing us of the pending arrival of the Arthurian. Admiral Maxwell Hunter has authorized its transfer here," the bird said.

"Edgar I presume." Mabrade said. "Thank you for the update, please forward an invitation for Commander Adams to meet with me at her convenience." He requested. "Flight Control, get the Arthurian a parking slot near the door if you please for rapid deployment, I have a feeling that a ship like her will not be sitting around much." He turned to the Raven. "Thank you Edgar, is there anything else I need to know?

Edgar shook his head, looking more like a bird shaking off a bug than an actual no. "She's working on a project right now. I will give her the message when she is free." The avatar disappeared.

"Open a channel with the Arthurian." Mabrade went to stand near the screen. "USS Arthurian, Typhon welcomes you to your new port of operation , Flight control will be giving you your birthing and I cordially invite your Captain Cayne to meet at my Ready Room once the ship is docked. I apologize for the delay; as we have a changing of the guard I hope you will understand?"

[U.S.S. Arthurian]

Darius stood up and walked to the screen. He stopped and looked over to the Operations Officer before nodding his head. "Open Channel. Allow for Visual."

"Aye, Sir." The Ops officer replied before tapping on the console and opening the channel, giving Typhon a visual.

=A="Captain Mabrade. No apology is necessary. Were the situation in reverse, my reaction would be the same. I would also like to welcome you, and your senior staff, on board the Arthurian for a welcoming of our own and a tour where <i>no door shall be closed</i>. I want to secrets between us, Captain. We are at each others service and I would prefer all cards be on the table. We both are on the same mission. Seek and Explore. Protect and Serve. Peace and Goodwill."=A= Darius said as he placed his arms behind his back and kept his eyes locked and solid. He wasn't about the Intelligence Department's reputation to place he, and his crew, in bad standing with the new guard on board the station. Both crews would be serving as representatives as Starfleet and it would serve no purpose for them to be feuding with each other while feuding with the Federation's enemies.

A new commanding officer, Buck had heard that this station was cursed like that. There had been many and he also was aware that there was many executive officers as well been through this starbase. He planned he would be the last and would be placed as the commanding officer when the time was right.

He entered Ops from his daily rounds of the station's key areas and checking in with the prominent civilian leaders to see if they were happy, which they were for now.

Buck approached the new commanding officer. "Hello Captain, I'm your executive officer, Commander Buck Ducati," he was facing the Captain's back so took a moment to tidy his hair and uniform before he would offer his hand.

“A pleasure Commander Ducati.” Mabrade gave a glance over his shoulder, wondering if an introduction from his XO was the best time while having communications with a vessel on the Control Deck?

A glance at the viewer told Buck that they had guests. "Welcome to Starbase Typhon, Captain...?" Buck asked the new arrival having not been present for the conversation between the two captains.

=A="Cayne. Darius Cayne. Captain of the U.S.S. Arthurian. Pathfinder Class. It's a prototype."=A= Darius replied, his gaze shifting from Mabrade to Buck for a moment.

"It certainly looks like it. Commander Buck Ducati sir, Typhon's executive officer, again welcome, how can we assist you Captain?" Buck asked.

=A="The new garrison vessel."=A= Cayne replied quickly.

Buck's eyes widened in delight. "Really? That's wonderful." He rubbed his hands together. "And a prototype, to whom to we own this good fortune? And why is it still a prototype, I mean Starfleet doesn't simply give a new starship one or two tests then puts it on active service does it? Unless we are the ones who are, you and your crew as well, to put it through its paces. Sorry I tend to ramble." He said with a blush.

"Ramble... that's an understatement" Aria muttered to herself as she began to organise the security arrangements for the ship to dock. She had to make sure that their docking bay was secure. "Ducati really needs to learn to zip it" she thought to herself.

“Captain Cayne, our Flight Control Officer will give you the docking assignments and Glad to have you aboard Typhon.” Mabrade cut in. “Once you are docked we can have the formal meeting. Typhon out.” The Captain motioned for the line to be cut and glanced to his executive Officer. “Come along Commander Ducati; I think it is time for a more formal introduction, we can talk more in my Ready Room.”

Buck nodded. "Aye sir," he said and gestured just in case Mabrade was unsure of where to go.


Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer, SB Typhon

Captain Darius Cayne
Commanding Officer, USS Arthurian

Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer, SB Typhon

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine Commanding Officer

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer, Second Officer

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security Officer


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