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Breaking the bad news 2 (backpost)

Posted on Sun Nov 22nd, 2015 @ 3:56am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Staff Warrant Officer Jake Gordon & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Buck Ducati & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana [Ducati]
Edited on on Sun Nov 22nd, 2015 @ 1:18pm

883 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past


"You are to be confined to your quarters. Anything that you say may be given in evidence should a court martial or hearing come of this" Aria explained calmly and clearly. "Myself and these two security officers will now escort you to your quarters Commander" Aria said as she beckoned him to turn around and head back towards the turbolift.


“Thank you Aria.” Mabrade complimented. “Now back to the problem at hand, routing the cargo through the Shipyards. “Could someone get me Commander Rhodes at the shipyard?”

Leon frowned but knew he had performed poorly on the away team and now with certainty would no longer be a Starfleet tactical officer. He was escorted to the turbolift.

A moment later Billy Jo came on the comm. "Rhodes here, how can I help you Captain?"

"Commander Rhodes," Mabrade decided to be professional. "I was hoping we could impose upon the shipyards for transport unloading until the Station Lock down is lifted. I know your facilities could handle the cargo for a short time if you would be so kind?"

"Of course, Captain," Billy Jo said. "We've got plenty of space for cargo right now. I'll inform my crew to expect extra traffic."

"You have my thanks and I will make it up to you at a later time I assure you for the added service." He nod to her.

"Happy to help, punkin' ... I mean Captain."

"It will just be until the Lock-Down is lifted, not to long." Mabrade acted like it was just Billy Jo being herself. "Thanks for the help."

"Glad to be of help," Billy Jo said. "Give me a hollar if you need anything else. Rhodes out."

The Captain's comm buzzed again. "Adams to Mabrade."

"Mabrade here." He replied. "Commander Adams, where are you at the moment?" He asked of his second Officer.

"Sir, I am currently aboard the USS Arthurian. I have the Captain's permission to work from here. How can I be of help?" Raven said.

"We have a lot of unanswered questions, could you process the data from the Empire vessel where you are?"

"Edgar has been working on the data since I returned from that trip," Raven said. "I have access to the lab here on the Arthurian and I can continue to do analysis from here."

"Any help Commander would be almost vital as we are fighting this blind." Mabrade relayed his sentiments. "Anything you need in computer resources contact Lt. Malaxi, she is another top person we have with computers."

That depended on what you wanted to do with them, but Raven wasn't going to argue with him. So she simply nodded.

"Keep me apprised on anything you find out." Mabrade returned the Nod. "Also you might work with the Arthurian in the event someone tried to break the lock down...only under extreme measures. I am trusting your judgment in those matters."

"Yes, sir. I'll be happy to work with the Captain of the Arthurian." Only a faint sparkle in her eyes indicated any sort of humor associated with her comment.

"Thank you Commander." He motioned to cut the connection. "I suggest we alert the Marines, just to be on a status in case Security gets in over their heads?" He nod. "Get me von Hackleberg."

"Yes sir? How can the Marines be of service?" Wilhelm said over the COMM. Wilhelm looked over at Marines already kitting up and getting their assignments.

"I want increased protection around vital areas." Mabrade commanded. "Just in case, better safe than sorry." HE looked at the display. "You think your Marines up to the task?"

"Absolutely sir. The first detachments are already deploying per the Lock Down orders." Wilhelm answered.

"If any ships have docked but have not disembarked a single person nor taken on passengers, clear them for departure."

=^= Starbase Operations, this is Rotrov and I’m aboard the Lexington. We just went to yellow alert over a lockdown. Please Advise… =^= The voice of the Engineer came across the channel.

=^= This is Mabrade. =^= He replied. =^= The Security Chief initiated a Lock Down. There are murders and we need to assure that the culprit does not escape .=^= He continued. =^= What is your status?=^=

=/\= It appears that the lockdown procedure has sealed the Lexington off completely from the station. I have a skeleton engineering crew that was scheduled to begin repairs. =/\= Rotrov paused for a moment as he looked over at William. =/\= And Sir, I have Lieutenant Bradley with me. =/\=

=^= Confirmed. =^= Mabrade said calmly. =^= We hope to narrow this down and get the Security Lock Down lifted, until then remain where you are and continue repairs. =^=

=^= Understood Captain. Rotrov out. =^=

“Someone get me a count of how many of my Command Staff and Department Heads are still on the station?” Mabrade ordered. “I need to know what I have to work with?”

"Me, Commander Savar, Lieutenants Kanzaki and Huxley sir." Buck replied.

=^= Ops, I found Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana dead in his quarters, I came to his quarter to give him today's replicator access but never answered the door. It's cold as well, the door. =^=
"Get Security dow there on the double." Mabade shook his head. =^= Aria, I think you have another crime scene?=^= 

This was going to be a long process a this rate.



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