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Saints and Sinners (part 1)

Posted on Thu May 12th, 2016 @ 1:12pm by Commander Billy Jo Rhodes & Commander Raven Adams & Captain Darius Cayne & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & N'alae t’K’manatran & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm]
Edited on on Thu May 12th, 2016 @ 1:39pm

1,147 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Saints and Sinners


The new bar opened just in time to welcome the visitors for the cultural celebration.

Raven was curious to see what sort of place would call itself Saints and Sinners. So, she dressed casually in a black peasant shirt, black leather pants and a dark red leather vest and went to see what was so special about the new place on the promenade.

N’alae waited patiently while she was frisked at the door. When they were satisfied that she wasn't carrying any weapons she paid for her Sinner Credits and walked towards the bar. Red had never been a particularly good color for her, so she wore a fitted black pinstripe pantsuit with a white blouse, two-tone black and white dress shoes, and a black, white-banded fedora with a short red feather pinned to the side. She thought that it might be a little over-done, but the fit reminded her of her uniform and she had to admit that it cut a pretty good figure.

Originally Na'lae had dismissed the invitation; places like that belonged to the past and held little draw for her now. However it had been brought to her attention recently that she needed to get off the ship. Her XO had strongly suggested she go to the new club’s grand opening night. ’You might have fun by accident’, he had said.

The nightclub was already quite busy and the crowds pressed on N’alae’s mind painfully as she found an open seat at a table not too far from the bar. She closed her eyes for a moment and focused, trying to distance herself from the presences of so many people nearby. Unfortunately the technique only relieved the pressure marginally. N’alae sighed. It was going to be one of those nights. Having fun would indeed be an accident.

Mabrade had decided on a simple upper casual outfit; the black slacks and shining boots a red turtleneck shirt under a blue blazer double breasted style jacket when he had met Billy Jo at the transporter to escort her to the new Night Club called Saints and Sinners; he was not sure which side of that title he dwell but by the end of the night he hoped to have figured it out.

Billy Jo chose a dress with a short skirt and high heels, perfect for a night out, no matter what it entailed. With her hand in the crook of his arm, she was ready to check out the new club.

"You look lovely by the way." Mabrade complemented her. "I got a little tongue tight or I would have said so earlier." HE winked.

"Thank you, Sugar," she said, giving him a bright smile. "Nice to know all my hard work is appreciated. You know it takes a lot of time and effort to look this good."

"Do you gamble?" He smiled. "I am one to take it or leave it." He explained. "More something to pass the time on campaign but not exactly what I play with a lovely woman at my side. Unless you wish to indulge?"

"I gamble with ships. That more than enough excitement for a girl who's heart is still back home on the farm."

"Something tells me there is more excitement in your hometown on a Saturday night that at a casino called Saints and Sinners?" He smiled hoping she took it as a good humor statement.

"Hog calling gets pretty intense," she admitted.

"IS that some code?" Mabrade asked innocently.

Darius walked down the corridor, white buttoned shirt, black suit, black shoes, and a thin black tie. With a smile on his face, he walked toward the door and showed his invitation to the Hostess and allowed the Bouncer to do his scan for weapons, as well as a old fashion pat down. When he was cleared he walked in and looked around for Raven.

She was at the bar, waiting for Darius and a table. She sensed his presence before she turned around and smiled. She raised a hand so he'd see her.

Darius walked over to the bar and, as soon as he was near, wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed the side of her neck. He added a soft chuckle before sitting down next to her and taking her hand. "So, be honest." He asked as he raised a brow and eased closer to her. "Do you think the bouncer took too long to pat you down or was it just as quick as mine was? Because if he did, just let me know and I can break his hands. He doesn't look so tough. I can take him... I think."

Raven chuckled softly. "He didn't pat me down at all." She glanced down at her wardrobe. She was dressed from head to toe -- mostly. However, it would be rather difficult to hide a weapon where it couldn't be seen. For most people, that is. Her weapon of choice tonight was a piece of decorative wire jewelry wrapped around her wrist and forearm that unwound into a simple garotte. And the thin blade built into her boot. A leftover from her days before Starfleet. "I think a quick look would be enough, don't you?"

Wilhelm wearing a black polo, blue jeans with black leather square-nosed boots sat down at a table and seen Otto working through the crowd towards him. Otto was wearing a dark green t-shirt that had a faded Marine Demolition tab as a background and big block letters that said "BOMB TECHNICIAN" and on the back "IF YOU SEE ME RUNNING, TRY AND KEEP UP!"

Otto sat down with a huff and said, "Well... what did the bouncer get off of you?" Wilhelm shrugged, "Most of it, hold out phaser in one boot, combat knife in the other, the fold-up Saber I keep in that small of my back sheath. He did miss the ceramic throwing knife I keep in my shoulder blade holster. you?" Otto laughed, "I think they caught on I was a Marine. Only thing they missed was the mini stun grenade in the heel of my boot." he said and shrugged. Seeing a waiter, Wilhelm waved him over, "Two pints of Lager and two shots of Aldebran Whiskey please." Wilhelm said flipping a ten credit chip at the waiter as a tip. Wilhelm then looked at Otto, "You get next round and you owe me a dice game." Wilhelm said with a shark smile while pulling out a set of dice and Otto looking crestfallen.

(To be continued...)

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

N'alae t'K'manatran

Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer

Commander Billy Jo Rhodes
Director, Athena Shipyards

Captain Darius Cayne
Captain, USS Arthurian

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp


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