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First Impressions

Posted on Wed Mar 16th, 2016 @ 7:39pm by N'alae t’K’manatran & Winset-Kelix ‘Winkel’ Mar-Abek [N'alae] & Crewman Sonos Danat Mr

1,561 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: TGT Vessel
Timeline: Back-post


Sonos stepped off the shuttle, his sharp eyes taking in everything. He stood tall and walked confidently with long even strides. He carried no luggage, since there were crew to tend to that sort of thing. He had given them precise instructions and was interested to see how well they were carried out.

His senses were immediately assaulted with the ever-persistent disaster that was construction. It seemed that the shuttle bay was in the middle of some sort of retrofit. The acrid smell of welded metal filled the air making his nose itch, and he did his best not to look in the direction of a million sparks as they arched tantalizingly outward from several bulkheads further back in the space. There was also a constant thumping, and although he could not see where it was coming from, he could feel it deep in his chest.

Reaching the end of the short ramp, he stood at the next to the shuttle wondering if he needed protective equipment just to cross the deck to the doors.

Voices pitched in anger drew his attention to two men several meters away. One was a tall, strongly built Human male, while the other was a short, slightly rotund Rigellian male with a dark look on his face. Both were rather filthy, as to be expected in such a profession. The Rigellian, quite obviously the professional superior to the Human male, was currently engaged in a heated - albeit relatively one-sided - discussion about the contents of an open crate. Presumably the crate contained supplies for the construction, which he seemed very displeased with. Sonos watched them impassionately for a moment, noting the Rigellian’s lack of professional regard for his subordinate, and idly wondering what was in the crate.

Sonos’ observation was interrupted by the appearance of an attractive Romulan woman in a black and grey uniform. She entered through a small door to the left of the shuttle and walked confidently across the deck to stand just less than a meter away from him. This was a person of authority. The Captain of this ship.

“Mr. Danat.” N’alae said, “I am Commander N’alae t’Kamanaran. Welcome aboard the Morning's Wake.” She offered her hand in greeting, with a polite smile on her face.

Sonos took her hand and gave it a brief shake. “Thank you Commander.” He released her hand. “Doesn’t “t’Kamanatran” mean “outcast” in Rihannsu?” He asked. He did not intend to be impolite, but a small flicker of something - was that annoyance?, no surprise - flashed across her face.

N’alae was briefly taken aback by his question. Few people knew what her name meant, and those who did usually had enough decorum not to mention it. “It does.” She replied casually. She was not ashamed of it, after all she had chosen it herself after discarding her family name.

Sonos noted that she did not elaborate regarding his question, and left it alone. Perhaps in time he would be presented with the full story behind such a blatant rebellion, but he was patient. Instead he looked back over to the two men he had been watching earlier.

Following his gaze, N’alae narrowed her eyes a little in irritation. Then she sighed; Winkle was always the best at first impressions “Our Chief Engineer…” she began, but Sonos cut her off.

“Winset-Kelix dar’Jez Mar-Abek.” Sonos said. “Also called ‘Winkel’, although I am not sure why anyone would design to give him an affectation.”

“You two have met?” N’alae asked.

“No.” Sonos replied, looking away from the angry engineer to face the Commander. “I have however, heard of him. It is quite unexpected to see him here, particularly in such an esteemed role.”

N’alae nodded in agreement, but said, “You would be surprised just how short the list of available, qualified engineers is for a ship like this.” She glanced around the shuttle bay. “He’s actually quite good at his work, if you can get past the attitude...and sometimes the smell.” She shrugged.

“Yes, I’ve heard that about him as well.” Sonos replied evenly.

N’alae wasn’t sure if he was serious or trying to make a joke. The man’s voice, although pleasant enough, hardly changed as he spoke. “We are glad to have you here Mr. Danat.” N’alae said, changing the subject.

“Hmmm.” Sonos said in agreement. “A ‘ship like this’ will have much use for my talents.” Yes, there would be many unique and hard-to-come-by items needed during the retrofit of the ship, and many more in the future as she continued her operations. Sonos allowed himself to enjoy a moment of excitement at the prospect, and smiled at the Commander. “I look forward to it.”

N’alae smiled back. She found this man to be a little odd, but his reputation was not to be ignored. Then, catching movement out of the corner of her eye, she looked back towards Winkel to see him crossing the room towards them. She groaned inwardly. He stepped up to stand next to her, always just a little too close. One day she’d show him just how far apart he should stand…

“Hello Commander,” he said cheerfully, the earlier rage gone. “Who do we have here?”

“This is Mr. Sonos Danat, our new Logistic Officer.” N’alae replied. Sonos looked Winkel up and down but did not extend a hand. Winkle looked at the tall Cardassian with look of mock curiosity.

“Oh?” He said, in an overly embellished manner. “Good! I’ve got a list as long as this ship of parts I need.” He fished a PADD out of one of his vest pockets and held it out to Sonos. It was extremely dirty. N’alae scowled at the engineer.

Ignoring its state, Sonos calmly took the PADD from the dirty engineer and quickly glanced through the list displayed. There were a few items of particular interest, however most were typical requests. Finished, he simply handed it back to Winkle. “Please file a separate request for each item through the Logistic Office Mr. Mar-Abek. I will be happy to process them once they are properly received and authorized.”

Winkle stared at him for several seconds, the PADD in his hand held out in front of him. “What do you mean, ‘for each item’? Didn’t you see how many things were on the list?” His voice went from mild disbelief to several octaves above polite.

“Yes.” Sonos replied smoothly.

Winkle sputtered, looking back at his list.

“And please, also file the appropriate requisition requests for any other supplies you need from storage, and I will have them delivered.” He grinned politely at Winkle, although N’alae could of sworn it held a slight impish quality. Then almost as an afterthought, Sonos extended his hand. “I look forward to working with you.”

Winkle just glared at Sonos, his eyes narrowing slightly. Then he turned and walked away, muttering under his breath. Sonos let his had fall back to his side, indifferent.

N’alae bit her cheek to keep from laughing aloud. No doubt Winkle would have one of the other technicians fill out and submit the forms, but he would have them submitted. He would complain, but N’alae sensed that Sonos would not budge on the matter, so in the end Winkle would have to do it - or not receive the supplies he needed.

N’alae looked back at Sonos with a new respect. He was just what the ship needed - a counterbalance for Winkle. “May I show you to your office?” she asked.

Sonos politely declined. “That will not be necessary Commander. I am sure that you have more important things to oversee. I have seen the schematic for a D'deridex class warbird, and am familiar with it’s layout. Besides, I already have quide.” He looked back towards the shuttle and frowned slightly. What was taking him so long? “However,” he continued, turning back to face her, “since it appears that you are conducting extensive retrofits, I would like to request an updated copy of this ship’s schematics.”

“Of course. One has already been uploaded to your terminal.” N’alae replied.

“Thank you, Commander.” Sonos looked back to the shuttle again and waved over a young man who finally appeared from inside the shuttle, pushing a mag-sled laden with crates of varying sizes. “Just a few things I thought might be useful.” He said dismissively. “I took the liberty of having one sent to your office. I believe that you will find its contents most pleasing.”

N’alae tilted her head in gratitude, giving him a pleasant smile. He was eccentric for sure, but she had decided that she liked him. If he handled his department as well as he handled Winkle, he would do well.

“Come.” Sonos said to the young man, and the two moved towards the exit. “I would not recommend bumping into anything,” N’alae heard him say as they got farther away, “some of those items are...fragile.”

N'alae t'Kamanatran
TGT, Commander of the Morning's Wake

Sonos Danat
TGT, Logistics Officer of the Morning's Wake

Winset-Kelix dar’Jez Mar-Abek ‘Winkel’
TGT, Chief Engineer of the Morning's Wake


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