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Saints and Sinners (part 2)

Posted on Thu May 12th, 2016 @ 1:30pm by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Darius Cayne & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & N'alae t’K’manatran & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm]
Edited on on Thu May 12th, 2016 @ 1:49pm

1,087 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture



Otto sat down with a huff and said, "Well... what did the bouncer get off of you?" Wilhelm shrugged, "Most of it, hold out phaser in one boot, combat knife in the other, the fold-up Saber I keep in that small of my back sheath. He did miss the ceramic throwing knife I keep in my shoulder blade holster. you?" Otto laughed, "I think they caught on I was a Marine. Only thing they missed was the mini stun grenade in the heel of my boot." he said and shrugged. Seeing a waiter, Wilhelm waved him over, "Two pints of Lager and two shots of Aldebran Whiskey please." Wilhelm said flipping a ten credit chip at the waiter as a tip. Wilhelm then looked at Otto, "You get next round and you owe me a dice game." Wilhelm said with a shark smile while pulling out a set of dice and Otto looking crestfallen.


N'alae flagged down a waiter and ordered a Sun Spot. Looking around, both with her eyes and her mind, she tried to see if there was anyone she knew in the club. With so many people, her psionic senses were a little cloudy, but she soon felt and then saw Raven at the bar with Darius a few meters away. The table N'alae was sitting at had two empty chairs, so when the waiter returned with her drink she asked him to invite the couple to join her.

The waiter worked through the crowd to the bar and stood near Raven. "Excuse me," he said politely, "The lady at the table over there would like to know if you'd join her?" He gestured towards N'alae who waved slightly.

"A friend," Raven said to Darius. She was curious to see how he reacted to her. It would help her decide if one day she would tell him about Morticia.


Raven stood and slipped her hand into the crook of Cayne's arm. "Shall we?"

Rii'Na had not been to too many parties since joining fleet. Some people were just too curious. She came in the entrance to 'Saints and Sinners' in a nice deep blue long and flowing dress with wrap. Her hair was done with a nice decorative comb and the chain of her earring sparkled in the dappled light.

She wandered around for a bit, taking in the surroundings and atmosphere. She found a table to sit and took a seat very daintily. She barely knew anyone that was there, sometimes it was easier to sit alone and see if others approached her.

Khiy stood patiently with his arms out while he was frisked by the bouncer. It was an exercise in futility, he thought to himself, since tonight was one of the rare occasions where he wasn't hiding any weapons on his person. The reason for his otherwise lack security was that he instead brought along one of his bodyguards, the Gorn.

"Does it count if he is the weapon?" Khiy asked with a smirk as a second bouncer fastidiously patted down his companion. "Those teeth have to count for something. You have a dentist on staff?"

The bouncer simply ignored Khiy and continued on his work, oblivious to the angry growling sound coming from the object of his attention.

After what seemed like an excessively long pat down, Khiy and his Gorn bodyguard were allowed to enter the club. Khiy handed the two bounders 50 credits for their work and thanked them for keeping the venue safe. It never hurt to make friends with the bouncers after all.

Khiy was glad for dressing up since it looked like most of the people inside put on their best for the grand opening. He felt right at home in his black striped double breasted suit with matching fedora and wingtip shoes. He was going for a 1930's Terran gangster look.

He purchased a thousand of the clubs Sinner Credits since he wasn't sure how far they would stretch inside and didn't want to risk being caught short of change. If he didn't spend them all Khiy had resolved to tip the staff at the end of the evening to clear the slate. Bouncers were good friends to have, bartenders and servers were better.

Making a quiet entrance, Khiy and his shadow stayed near the walls and simply observed who was there. He wasn't surprised by how many Starlet officers he saw in the mix. Military work could be incredibly stressful and a night out a the club would be welcome relief.

He quickly picked out where Captain Mabrade sat as well as the Colonel. While trying their best to blend in, they still stood apart in a crowd. It was as if an invisible bubble surround them as people unconsciously seemed to give them a little extra space. Khiy wasn't sure if it was out of some subconscious fear or respect that people did this. Whatever the case may be, they always stood out like sore thumbs to him. Perhaps he would pay them each a visit before the night was out.

Raven was here with her new boyfriend, although he wasn't sure if they were putting titles to their relationship yet. Her attendance didn't surprise Khiy at all. He figured she would be amused by the duality of the club, Saints and Sinners, as she was a duality in that of herself. He wouldn't disturb her tonight, he thought, though he would be sure to later ask who she arrived as, Raven or Morticia.

Khiy was surprised, however, to see N'alae. This kind of setting was not one he would expect to see her at. He couldn't be more pleased with her progress on the Morning's Wake, though, he was worried that she never seemed to leave the ship. A night out, especially at an event like this would do her well. Perhaps she might even open up to make some friends.

Khiy slowly made his way around the room taking note of the people in attendance. It was the right mix of high ranking officers, business owners, contractors and socialites. All in all, a good place to do business. Perhaps, he thought, he would be buying one of those "Saint" Memberships tonight.

(To be continued...)

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp
First Sergeant

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO

N'alae t'K'manatran
TGT Pilot

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Captain Darius Cayne
Captain, USS Arthurian

Commander Ashe Rii'Na
Executive Officer

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner TGT


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