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More Chaos (part 2)

Posted on Fri Nov 4th, 2016 @ 10:13am by Lieutenant JG Jane Porter & Captain Landon Mabrade & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Edited on on Fri Nov 4th, 2016 @ 10:18am

1,090 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture



"Shall we?" Mabrade said while replacing a fresh power magazine in the carbine. "You are security; I let my Chiefs lead in their specialty." Mabrade offered her.


They arrived at the transporter room's doors which had been sealed. Aria wasted no time in using both phasers to cut open the doors. After a few minutes the doors swished open and a large man jumped at her, he had obviously been waiting for the doors to open.

Aria jumped back as the man went to grab her. He stepped out, however Aria was much quicker.
"Give up, or I'll shoot you!" she shouted. The man ignored her and tried to grab her again. The phaser opened fire and he fell to his knee's breathing heavily. Aria walked over to him and he looked up. "You guys have seriously pissed me off today..." she said before smacking him hard in the side of the face with her knee rendering him unconcious.

"It seems there is no way to be lady like in a fight is there?" He joked as he stepped past her into the transporter Room.

Mabrade began putting his codes through the matrix; connecting to the computer and the Transporter control. "While defending a castle it is best to seal the doors." MAbrade said calmly. "Also to sent a little present back the way it came." He smiled as a massive charge of energy was 'beamed' back to the point of origin. "My pal the OPS officer at home taught me that, send a massive feed back to the transporter and it will over load the point of origin."

"That should do it" Aria said. "However, we've still got a lot of panic with the civilians" she explained with a sigh. "I suggest we get you back to Ops Captain. Once there you'll have a better co-ordination of what the hell is happening in the whole mess. I can manage down here" she explained.

"I will leave the Marines to support." Mabrade tossed the expended rifle aside. "I will be in touch." He said as he was starting to walk away.

[Marine Sub Station]

Wilhelm looked around at his the room listening to reports from around the Station. The Concourse and Promenade were cleared. All vital areas under heavy guard as well as armories, med bays, hangars and docks. Wilhelm briefly brought up a view of the inner dock area noting the massive space doors were closed. =^= "Captain. In conjunction with Ops, Security, and Flight Control, the Station is on full lock down. Nothing in or out. Station defenses are fully energized and in place. Our strike fighters are on the CAP with more on Ready Five."=^=


The station shook, causing Jane to pause. She'd been potting the herbs into their new workroom. "Oh, dear, not again," she said to herself. "Computer, what was the cause of the explosion?"

"Detonation of explosive devices on the promenade," the computer replied.

"Casualties?" Jane asked, wishing she could go help, but knowing that she would only be in the way. She was a botanist, not a security officer -- or a Marine. Doubtless Wilhelm would be in the middle of it, helping with the rescue.

She dusted off her hands and went into her office to put on a pot of tea and send a message to the Marine CO. When he was done with his work, he would be in need of a bit of refreshment. She followed that up with a message, inviting him to join her in the arboretum when he was free -- she'd wait up.

[TGT Offices]

Khiy ducked as an energy bolt splashed inches over his head and cascaded a shower of sparks down on top of him. He winced but otherwise kept his eyes trained on the entry way where the attackers were advancing from. Smoke billowed in the dimly lit hallway from the intense volley of fire between Khiy's bodyguards and the assailants, however, he could still make out the dark shapes of people moving quickly between offices.

The attackers were ruthlessly efficient. They entered the TGT offices in force and immediately shot everyone in sight. A moment later they breached the nearest offices and cleared them before moving on. All of the people in at least four offices had been shot before Khiy heard the first scream. He exited his office and rounded the corner only to narrowly miss a concentrated hail of phaser fire. They had cleared three more offices before Khiy returned with the Gorn and Nausicaan and began to add their own phasers to the fray.

The attackers progress had slowed drastically since the volleys had started, however, they were still claiming ground. More importantly, the ground taken was fortified as they were using overturned desks for cover.

Khiy hazarded a glance around the corner only to to be rewarded with a dozen blasts at his head. One bolt came so close that he could smell burnt hair and had to blink a number of times to clear the flash from his vision.

"Any luck calling for help?" Khiy asked his secretary who was currently punching the wall console.

"No!" She screamed and punched the console once more for emphasis. "They cut the main power line out of the office."

Khiy nodded. It made sense why the emergency lighting had been activated. They had planned this assault carefully.

"What do they want with us?"

"If I was to hazard a guess," Khiy stole another glance around the corner, "I say we are their insurance. Those are Grey Star Securities ships out there. They must have a plan to get off this station eventually. They will need our ships to clear a path for them, or at the very least not challenge them. What better way to ensure that then have TGT personnel taken hostage."

The secretary stood motionless for a second, processing what was happening. Suddenly she sprang to action. "The hell they will." She briskly walked over to the Nausicaan and roughly pulled out his spare phaser pistol from his belt. She quickly rounded the corner and fired three times before she was forced to retreat back behind cover.

Khiy had to smile despite himself at his secretary's actions. He tilted his head in her direction. "Ever think of a career in securities?...

(To be continued...)

Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO

Lieutenant JG Jane Porter

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, TGT


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