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More Chaos (part 1)

Posted on Fri Nov 4th, 2016 @ 9:58am by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Landon Mabrade & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo & N'alae t’K’manatran

1,147 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture


There was utter chaos on the promenade decks of Typhon. Smoke and the smell of flames uttered from several shops as secondary bombs exploded. Smaller explosions from less targets, designed to cause panic. Although their yield was less destructive and was designed for mainly light damage, people began to flee and run away from the areas.

The main areas to the Promenade were flooded by people trying to reach other decks. Alarms and klaxons sounded, drowned out by screams and shouting. Aria was literally pinned into a wall trying to get some sort of order. She had lost contact with several security teams and the Marines were also being overwhelmed.

Then there was something that got her attention even more. The sound of phaserfire, it was coming from the main access to the promenade. The sound of screaming could be heard. Aria tried pushing through the crowd, she knew that the main access also had linking sections to the docking rings of Typhon.

"Those are Starfleet Phasers" she muttered as she firmly gripped hers. The one thing she was worried was that her security teams were under attack by someone. It was a possibility that they had engaged the terrorists.

=A= Security and Marines. We have a firefight in progress at Main Promenade Access Alpha. Requesting immediate backup. Also we have several civilians in the crossfire, we need people down here =A= she called.

Mabrade was in motion, he had made hiws sway from the upper decks; skipping a few of the regulat throughfares by cramming himself into Jeffery tubes; not the best fit, but he came out on the proer deck as The Marine contingent closest to the fire fight were approahing.

"With me!" His large frame did allow him to move and even with slight panic his bulk and stature allowed him to either intimidate a path of 'nudge' his way politely through the escaping crowd.

Coming through an open doorway the scene of chaos reminded him of siege tactics, those wanting to cause a mass hysteria and hide their true actions. HE saw a man with a Fleet tunic but the color was off and his carbine was not standard issue.

"Take him." Mabrade said and fired the phaser to drop the would-be Terrorist. "If I am wrong I owe him an apology afterward.

The way a Knight fought is ot know your banner, your colors and the uniforms of the forces you represent, infiltrator will aways try to kill from within; they often make mistakes. Mabrade went to the man and took the carbine; notching it down to heavy stun he decided he had the firepower he needed. Snatching the tree power replacements from the belt he shot the man again.

"Stay down." He remarked and looked again to the chaos.

Raven was listening to the chatter from her office, concerned that yet another attack was taking place on the Promenade and although the station was on red alert, it had not gone to lockdown. As the second officer, she quickly remedied that. Then she sent a message to Khiy, asking him to keep an eye out for unusual activity. She knew Caleb would get the word from Typhon Command, but Khiy, as a civilian, might not.

=^= Mabrade to CIC, alert the Marines if you have not and get some support to guard vital areas of the ship, security can handle the attacks I want Marines ready to defend the station.=^=

[GSS Morning's Wake]

N'alae watched the readouts from the station on her command chair's small display. The Wake had moved in as close to the station as they dared; even under cloak there was still the possibility that they might be detected if they got too close.

"What is going on over there..." she muttered to herself. Explosions and phaser-fire were being detected in multiple locations.

"Message relay from the Khellian," her comms officer reported. "Commander Adams requests we be alert for unusual activity."

"Let her know that we got her message." N'alae told him, looking away from the display towards the view of the station itself, magnified on the forward screen. A brief acknowledgement was sent to the Klingon Bird of Prey for relay back to Raven. "Contact the base and inform them to go to yellow alert. Tell the Orsius to hold position at Tiberius IV, but have them run a full system scan. If anything else is out there I want to know."

"Yes Commander." The comms officer replied.

N'alae looked back down at the display, a moderate amount of concern on her face. The station was in chaos. Khiy had yet to check in after the latest explosion. "Do you have Khiy on your scanners?" She asked.

"No Commander." Her operations officer replied.

"Find him." N'alae told her. "And prep three additional security teams. Have them stand-by in transporter room four."

[Typhon Station]

Aria was pinned down on the otherside of the corridor from Mabrade. Phaser fire was darting past her as she and her teams returned fire. The no-mans land in between them was littered with debris and the occassional stunned body who had got caught in the cross fire.

=A= Security Team Seventeen to Lieutenant Kanzaki =A= her comm badge chirrped. Aria tapped her badge to open the channel.
=A= Kanzaki here =A=
=A= Sir, someone has just tried to activated the civilian transporter near your position. They are trying to get past the security locks =A= they reported.

Aria looked over to where Mabrade was.
"Did you hear that?" she shouted over the phaser fire.

"It did not sound good." Mabrade replied as he gave a short burst from the Carbine Rifle he had liberated earlier. "Sounds like we should get to it."

Aria pulled the second phaser from her belt, now with one in each hand she began a straight sprint down the corridor. The terrorists didn't have the best shot so her dodging left and right at speed was too much for them.

She reached the intersection, and instantly opened fire upon the two men with the phasers. The third was about to raise his weapon, however Aria spotted him and delivered a quick roundhouse kick into the side of his head. The phaser was knocked out of his hand and span away onto the floor.
"Enough of this!" she said. "Captain, its clear. The transporter room is just down there" she explained. She looked back at her security officers. "Get these men to the brig, make sure they are unarmed"

"Shall we?" Mabrade said while replacing a fresh power magazine in the carbine. "You are security; I let my Chiefs lead in their specialty." Mabrade offered her.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

N'alae t'K'manatran
Commander, Morning Star


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