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Distressed Liner (Conclusion)

Posted on Tue Dec 10th, 2019 @ 5:48am by Lieutenant Sonia Kapoor & Captain Landon Mabrade & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Lieutenant Jonas Nomad
Edited on on Tue Jan 14th, 2020 @ 1:20am

1,291 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Conference Room


With all the needed people here, Mabrade took his place at the head of the table; putting the holographic representation of a small luxury liner rotating above the table for all to see.

"The SS Andorian Princess was crossing through space near Typhon when she fell prey to an attack by Pirate vessels. We suspect it is of the same group as Culver encountered. They hit the ship and made more of what we think is a snatch and grab, rifling through the cargo bays and luggage areas before leaving the wounded passengers and damaged ship to fend for itself," Mabrade started.

"What bothers me is the timing of the attack; they were keeping to a schedule and knew exactly how long it would take our Sabre to get there," he noted. "I do not like it when things are so smooth; just like knowing the Keplar was coming and having a trap for it."

"Do we have any information on their possible numbers and equipment they are operating?" Wilhelm asked.

"Yes," came a voice from the back of the room. "And no." Raven Adams walked into the room. She'd called in a favor and was now back on the starbase. The Arthurian was safely in its berth, undergoing repairs. "Whoever is behind the attacks isn't part of any known pirate organization. I personally think it's a private operation with ties here on Typhon."

Dr. Kapoor hesitated to make any comments, since she was so new to the base. She'd heard that other areas of the Federation were also plagued with pirates, ... but she was sure those present already knew that. They were more connected than she was likely to ever be.

"Having ties here on the station is troubling. I know Security is probably doing their best to get to the bottom of this but they are already stretched enough having to look after the station and Athena as well. If we were stretched thin enough who knows what they could get away with. We really need to get an insight into just how anyone on the station is co-ordinating this so well." Rii'Na shook her head. "If the marines gave security a hand we might be able to turn the station inside out and see what shakes loose, but even then these people could still get missed, if they are cunning enough." Her brow furrowed. How could they stomp on these pirates if they were working with someone hiding in the shadows of the station.

"What's the story on the crew and damaged ship Captain?" Nomad asked . "Are we going out for repair and rescue? I can have a team ready in 5 ticks and be on our way out there to help repair their ship."

"Better get 'ticking' then," Mabrade said. "It was a cruise ship, and there are wounded, and the ship is damaged enough not to be under her own power. I was hoping you and a good team could see what you can do while she is being towed, or maybe you can get her repaired enough to travel," he explained. "I have not gotten all the details as the Sabre is not yet on station; you will get the relay in transit." He gestured to Captain Culver. "He will be in command of the Nova class that is your ride, he has fought one against some of these pirates and will be best chance should it come to defending the ship." Looking to his XO. "Commander Rii'Na will command mission once of the ship to be repaired."

"Aye, Captain." Jonas responded. Nomad kicked Kapoor under the table and whispered to her. "Better speak up now if you want to come and join the fun."

"Captain Mabrade, is there an estimate of the number of wounded?" the doctor asked, ignoring her long-time friend. "Or the severity of injuries?"

"I have heard about thirty percent of the passengers and forty percent crew; small cruise with 100 passengers and seventy crew," Mabrade relayed. "But that is minor and major. I didn't get specifics, just know about what degree are critical and who are able to be patched up, but their medical staff were taken as prisoners. So only first aid to the wounded, I am gathering."

Sonia nodded and made notes on her PADD, then put it away in her bag and stood, ready to meet her people. She hoped they'd been directed to the Nova that was transporting them ... and that the meeting was finished. There were people waiting, and maybe dying while they waited.

"Commander Rii'Na, my Marines would be more than happy to help Security in the search. They'd appreciate the change from normal garrison duties," Wilhelm said, then looked at Mabrade. "Sir, I have a full company ready for immediate deployment to help with the Liner. However, I'd recommend only a platoon if you wish to have Marines along for the ride. Also, our full Razor wing is ready to go and ride along as parasites if needed.

"Your ride is a Nova class I think your platoon will have to double up at least; maybe Hot Bunking' depending on the repair crews."

Raven had plenty of adventures recently, so she said nothing. Besides, Darius was still recovering and she wanted to be close at hand. She made a mental note to make some modifications to the station's security. If the commander was going to try and shake out any pirates, she wanted to catch them if they tried to get away, or find another place to hide.

"My Marines won't mind hot bunking, or even like the old days, camping out in the cargo hold. Marines are death to pirates and relish the opportunity to let that natural order play out." Wilhelm stated.

Aria had been listening quietly to the conversation. "I'm going to need extra security personnel" she stated simply. "If the Marines want to help out I'm fine with that, but they'll need to be briefed on the security procedures in various areas" she explained. "More delicate areas should be guarded at all times, if there is a pirate ring on board then we need to cut off their supply network. All outgoing and incoming personnel, cargo or supplies should be searched and scanned for contraband. It'll cause delays, but I need authorisation from you Captain to do it" Aria explained looking over at Mabrade.

"Go for it, Aria, and I do not have to tell you to be kind." He raised an eyebrow. "Thank you, Colonel, for any help you can give from your Marines." He glanced around the room. "Okay, we have a liner that needs us to get on the move. If no one objects, I would like the Ship to warp out in two hours; I know it is short notice, and I should give you more time," he sighed. "We just do not have it, and the longer we wait, the more time those pirates have to plan and get in position. Get your people on board and ready to go in that time." He nodded. "Good luck and dismissed."

Aria nodded. "Colonel," she said. "Have your marines reporting for security duties at the security briefing room in one hour. I'll run them and you through our protocols," she said.

"Aye, sir." Wilhelm said to Mabrade, then looked at Aria. "At your convenience, then." he said, getting up and walking to the door, already issuing orders into his COMM.


Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer

Dr. Sonia Kapoor,
Chief Medical Officer

Captain Joshua Culver
CO of Keplar -A
PNPC Mabrade.

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines

Commander Billy Jo Rhodes
Administrator, Athena Shipyards

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Jonas Nomad
Chief Engineer


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