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The meeting of the Captain's

Posted on Sun Feb 7th, 2010 @ 8:42am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commodore Edward Fannin

1,026 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Starbase Typhon
Timeline: Before Promotion Log

Rebecka walked through the command station of the Starbase. It was amazing, her son T.J. would be going crazy at all of the sites there were to see here. Perhaps the Captain would let her bring him here later. Rebecka stepped over to the captain's office door and rang the chime.

Edward was expecting Captain James at any time. "Come in Captain, Glad to meet you"

Rebecka stepped through the doors, "My son would love the site of all of this. Though he may not be that impressed since it doesn't fly." Rebecka said offering her hand, "It's nice to meet you as well Captain Fannin thank you for inviting me to meet you." She said.

"I know your pretty busy. If there's anything you need please let us know. And if you have the time bring your son for the grand tour of the ship. He may never see a hunk of floating metal this big again for a while."

"I was surprised when I got the notice about the Asgard getting decommissioned and even more so when I realized they were moving me to a ship twice its size. Though I couldn't turn down your offer of a meeting and lunch." Becka said.

"Well I had planned on a nice lunch but we're going to be dining in this afternoon I fear, Pizzas are on the way with a surprise for the pie lab..I'm currently waiting for a few classified messages from Fleet that will need a quick response."

"Nothing serious I hope." Rebecka said.

"Really It's nothing, but you know how Fleet command is about getting mission confirmations."

"I know sometimes its hard to get those missions to get out again too. I now have an entire department I never had before that I will have to get use to. I'm not sure how I will do with marines on board." Becka said with a slight chuckle.

"With the Marines it's all about keeping them very busy. If you can't do that there's going to be trouble."

"Sometimes that may be hard to do on a ship though. I guess I will have to make sure there are good training programs available in the holodecks." Becka said.

"How long will you be staying with us here on the Typhon?"

"I'm not certain to tell you the truth. I'm still waiting on my marines to arrive. Unless of course I get called out before then. I may just have to do the next mission without them." Becka answered.

"I'm sure they will show up soon, we have several inbound ships docking in the next several shifts. I'll check to see if their aboard for you."

"I'm not that worried. I'm just glad they were sitting here bored waiting on us to arrive." Becka said.

Yeoman James entered with several Pizzas and the Captains dug in. "I'm hoping some of your crew will get the chance at some leave while there here with us."

"I gave them orders to in fact." Rebecka said. "I plan on finding something I can do with my son as well."

"There's a lot to do here, we also have some interesting observation decks where you shall see the larger ships moving about. He may enjoy that."

"I let him get a view of the Alabama from the Asgard before I took him over. First thing he wanted to do was see the bridge." Becka said with a laugh. "He wants to fly."

"I see no problem there at all, The Alabama is docked and just getting fitted out. I'll notify security that Her new captain has arrived."

"I was hoping to take him over and get him settled before my meeting with the Admiral." Becka said, "Not sure what she wanted to talk to me about."

Fannin took a bite of pizza, he would be seeing the Admiral later. "I don't know what Admiral Burke's agenda is here on the starbase. My guess is to meet all the captains that have been rolling through here recently."

"All I know is she specifically wanted to meet with me." Becka said with a shrug then ate some pizza herself.

"When your ready let me know if I can get away for a few minutes I'll be glad to join you."

"In the meeting with the Admiral?" Becka asked.

"No not with the Admiral, I have my own meeting to do with her I'm sure. I was talking about the Alabama."

"Oh okay, I want to show my son the ship first but I would be glad to have you come on board and give you a tour of it once I have him settled in with his nanny." Becka said with a smile.

"Sounds good, It was a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to seeing the USS Alabama and perhaps a better dinner other than take out pizza!"

"I can cook pretty well and if you like Vulcan cuisine my nanny can fix you an authentic meal." Becka said, "Though my son is on a vegetable protest after spending a lot of time on Vulcan. I have to make them look fun to get him to eat them."

"My current prime directive is to consume as much interesting food as I can get..."

"Well we could compromise and have Vulcan food for you and a cheeseburger or pizza for him I guess." Becka suggested.

"Sounds good and make an extra hamburger for me while your at it. Old style food certainly helps me get a good nights rest.."

"Well then I can just make my famous burgers instead along with some homemade fries and baked beans." Becka said. "How about dinner tonight around 1800 we can then tour the Alabama and perhaps bring T.J. up here when we are done." She suggested.

"Sounds good, that will be a good reason to stop eating this disgusting pizza...."

"It's not that bad." Becka said. "I'll look for you then."

Fannin watched as she left the Ready room headed for the admirals new Office.

Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commodore Rebecka James
Commanding Officer USS Alabama


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