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Prisoner of Typhon, part 3

Posted on Thu Feb 18th, 2010 @ 9:07am by Commander Raven Adams & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Dhindara Vrel & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

1,273 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: Brig
Timeline: Current


Morgan had never seen this man before. There was something about him that made her very uncomfortable. The way he talked clearly indicated that he was trying to involve the Damron Group and get the base security mad at both of them. "Commander, the Damron Group does not use sabotage. We don't blow things up. Whatever he says, he's lying. Bring in your Betazoids and your Vulcans. Force the truth out of him. If he says I condoned this, he's lying. Dig deeper."


Morgan looked at Krang. "Your counselor is enough of a Betazoid to get the information out of him. Call her down, see what this man is hiding."

Krang tapped his commbadge, "Darkmoon to Counselor Vrel. Please report to the high security brig right away."

"On my way", Dhindara responded.

"You keep that Betazoid away from me." Kupal said, "I guarantee you won't like what you find..."

"Sounds like all the more reason to call her in." Krang said with a smile.

As Dhindara walked through the doors she noticed her target in the room. She smiled, directing it at Krang to not give away the happy circumstance. "What do you need?"

"Well, here's the thing. I need your special interrogation skills. Seems our 'guest' here claims that he had nothing to do with the crime he is accused of and has no knowledge of the Damron group with which the evidence seems to link him. The seemingly ever present Widow Damron claims to know nothing of the gentleman or his actions. Since we have three sides to the same story, I need you to try and discover the truth. As far as justification goes, Widow Damron specifically asked for someone to scan him."

Dhindara turned to the woman. "I believe there's a misunderstanding, Misses Damron", she said. "I can scan you upon your request, to prove that what you're saying is the truth. I cannot invade someone else's mind just because you think this would get you off the hook. The person in question would have to agree with that. Alternatively, I would need a direct order from an O-6 or more, up my chain of command." All the while, Dhindara's mind was cautiously probing what mental defences the tall artificial blonde had to resist her with.

Morgan gave Krang a haughty look. "First, I am not "Widow Damron." You make me sound like I'm a hundred years old. I'm Ms. Damron. Second, I am not ever present. I'm all knowing. There's a difference."

Then she turned to Dhindara. "As for you, I know who you are and I know your recor4d. Do you think I haven't had every person on this Starbase investigated? Including you." She folded her arms across her chest. "I don't need you to 'get me off the hook,' so to speak. I pay people good money to do that. It wouldn't hurt them to have to earn their salaries. I don't like some no-name little thief claiming to sabotage in the name of the Damron Group. We don't operate that way." Her eyes narrowed. "We don't need to."

Dhindara smiled at her. "I would hope you won't operate that way. It would be a shame. Besides, I don't see you gaining anything from sabotaging the base." She looked up at Morgan. "And thanks. That you took the trouble to look at my record honours me. But, you should know that what I did in the war was out of the necessity to defend my home. And we were dealing with a ruthless enemy who would violate the rules of warfare at every opportunity. Against them, I had no moral concerns, or many legal boundaries, to worry about. In this case, that's different."

"I never said there was something wrong with what you did," Morgan assured her. "In fact, I admire someone who will take... creative methods... to do what they must."

"I can make you an offer", Dhindara said. "You're claiming that you have nothing to do with the sabotage attempt against the Starbase. Let me test that statement and if you speak the truth, you're cleared."

Morgan gave her a shrewd glance. "That all depends on what you have in mind. I don't want you to dig into my head. I have business secrets you have no business knowing. Tricks to succeeding that are mine alone. I will not enable you to commit espionage and sell the information to my competition."

Dhindara chuckled. "Well, I have little interest in business. I make holo programmes and sell them on the side, so I can make a comfortable living. Anything else, I don't care about. Besides, I'm a Starfleet officer. I'm bound to keep things confidential." She smiled at Morgan. "But as I said, it's an offer I can make. I'm not trying to force you. It's your one and quick way out of suspicion, if you're indeed speaking the truth. Otherwise, there's nothing I can do for you within the confines of the rules I have to obey."

"Oh, please," Morgan scoffed. "Most people will do anything if the price is right." Her eyes narrowed. "Play your game. You and I both know better. And, if I catch the slightest scent of you selling anything you just took from my mind, I'll ruin you. You'll be out of Starfleet and out of your little holo business."

Dhindara sent the feeling of a slight jolt of electricity through Morgan's body. Of course, such a thing could not be picked up on security records in the brig. "Don't threaten me. I will do my job regardless of what you think of it."

"Don't you threaten me. I've worked with too many Federation officials to be deluded by your claims of altruism. And it wasn't a threat. It was a promise. Don't mess with the Damron Group." Morgan smiled coldly. "I don't care what you do with that little piece of baggage in the cell. He has nothing to do with my business or me. Besides, I'm not the suspect here. So I don't need to be defended." She turned to leave. She'd had enough with Dhindara. Just because Morgan was here alone didn't mean she was unprotected. All her vital signs, including brain functions, there was a good chance that the electrical jolt was recorded. If not, one of her Betazoid telepaths would catch something. They weren't with her, but they were close enough to know if she were in danger. There was bound to be something Morgan could use later if need be. Morgan wasn't stupid. She was surprised the counselor thought she was.

As Morgan left the room, she stopped by Krang. "If you need anything from the Damron Group, let me know." Then she glanced at Dhindara again. "And don't trust her." With a flourish, Morgan left the room.

Kupal picked up the PADD that Krang had thrown on the floor and started typing into it, "At least she's gone, even though she was easy on the eyes though a hell of a temper..."

"What shall we do with him now?" Dhindara asked Krang.

"My vote is to let him sit and rot till someone comes to claim him, but I think that might be frowned on by the brass." Krang said.

Dhindara shrugged. "If you still want me to try and read his mind, I'll need permission from the higher-ups."

=/\\= End of Transmission =/\\=

Lieutenant Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Dhindara Vrel
Starbase Typhon

Trevor Kupal (NPC)
Starbase Typhon Brig

Morgan Damron (NPC)
Chairman, Damron Group
Tiberius V


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