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Posted on Thu Dec 24th, 2009 @ 5:23am by Commander Lucas Jackson & Commodore Edward Fannin

523 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Jackson Survey
Location: Corridor, USS Valhalla
Timeline: Current

"Lieutenant Commander! Lieutenant Commander!"

Jackson turned around to see an Ensign running down the corridor, shouting at him. His hand was outstretched, waving a PADD in the air. He soon caught up to Lucas, as he had slowed down to wait for the Ensign. "I have a message from Lieutenant Commander Tolren. It is very important."

"Thank you, Ensign," Luke began. "I will be sure to make note in my logs of your speed in getting me this message."

Luke began reviewing the words that were on the PADD. Apparently, while exploring the area around the station, Tolren scanned various planets within a recently catalogued star system. The fifth planet seems habitable. Along with the information were orders to get the Nova-class garrison vessel, the USS Valhalla ready for launch.

The Valhalla would be a great resource for mapping the system, especially since the Typhon's Astrometrics Labs were yet to be deemed operational. Luke began making his way down to Internal Docking Gate 17B, where the starship was located.

Lucas tapped his combadge. "All officers assigned to the garrison vessel USS Valhalla, report to Internal Docking Gate 17B. Captain Fannin, please meet me on the Valhalla."

Fannin left the Main Control area and headed for the Valhalla, it wasn't long before his arrival on the Bridge of the New Nova Class vessel was announced. "Yes Commander Jackson, You requested my presence."

"Tolren sent me orders to prepare the vessel for a small scientific study. I request your presence on the mission, as I think it would be beneficial for you to receive a first-hand account of that which surrounds us."

Ed nodded, "Unfortunately I must remain at my command, as the XO is still out. I have forwarded the discovery to Fleet and they advised to conduct a complete scan of this system using the surveyor as soon as possible. That means you're taking her out." Fannin handed Commander Jackson a set of sealed orders with a federation security badge on it. "Remember that the Valhalla has a bite, but no fighter support. I expect a daily report of your findings on this mission and immediate notification if you run into trouble."

Luke looked at the Captain and took the packet. He was a little nervous on the inside, by his Orion-mind wouldn't allow him to show it. Alright, Captain. I will make the Typhon proud." The Chief Science Officer gave Fannin a salute.

"Outstanding." Yeoman James handed Fannin a Padd and he signed command of the Valhalla over to Commander Jackson. Commander Jackson has the bridge, I'll get the Odin up as soon as possible for support May take a few days to get a seasoned crew put together but we'll work on it. "Fleet is giving you a week or two but you will be granted a extension if needed. Good luck Jackson."

"Thank you, Captain," Jackson waved Fannin off, then took the Valhalla's captain seat...


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer
USB Typhon

Ensign Joseph Thompson
Communications Officer
USB Typhon

Chief Warrant Officer 1st Class Terri James
Command Yeoman
USB Typhon


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