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Academic Arrival

Posted on Sun Feb 21st, 2010 @ 7:35pm by Commander Lucas Jackson & Commodore Edward Fannin

555 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Prior to Yellow-Alert


Rear-Admiral Luca Ferrari, the Academy Commandant, stood at the entrance to the Captain's Ready Room. He had just rang the chime; now, he awaits an answer. While he did outrank the captain, giving him permission to just waltz in, it was common courtesy to wait.

"Come in." Fannin hit the lever on his new door system that Commander Darkmoon had installed. he immediately observed a Fleet admiral standing there and came to attention.

Luca gave a slight chuckle. "At ease, Captain. I may be of higher rank, but you are now my captain; I am in your home." The man paused for a moment, before he continued, "I'm sorry I did not inform you promptly, that I was coming to your starbase. I was mainly requested on Tiberius V. Lieutenant Commander Hawkins would like a review of his cadets. Informally, I will also be observing the planet's overall condition."

"Yes, Sir. I have just been informed that the Starbase will be the home of Theta Fleet Admiralty. Commander Hawkins will be glad to see you too I'm sure. His Cadets have been very helpful here."

"Please...You don't have to call me 'Sir.'" Luca gestured his hand, indicating the willingness for a handshake. "I'm not that old. 'Sir' is still my father. Plus, I despise formalities. They make everything so bland and insensitive. As for the base, I have heard that, as well...I will treat your base with respect for the duration that I'm here for. The new Academy will be ready shortly, but I'm honored to be here."

"Yes, your new admiralty office is on Deck 59, the plans for your academy when submitted will be on Deck 60 I believe.We are very good to have you here with us. many of the Admirals will be arriving this week."

"Acknowledged," announced the admiral. "Now...How are things going for you and this station? I hear lots of things about the base, through the grapevine."

"Things have been going very well here and it continues to grow."

"That's great," re-established the Commandant. "And how about where I will be headed...Tiberius V? There aren't any risks I should be informed of?"

"A few Orions have been reported, most have been destroyed. I would have an escort while traveling. I have instructed operations to keep all traffic well guarded."

"Alright...As long as things are too bad." Luca smirked for a moment. "And how have you been, Captain?"

"Very well actually."

"That's great to hear!" The Commandant didn't know Fannin very well, so by the light conversation, he gathered that the captain generally stays to himself. They've had a few brief meetings before, but nothing private.

"I look forward to having your Academy on the Station, Sir."

"Captain...Remember what I said about using formalities." Luca smiled slightly. "But thank you...As am I." The man paused, then continued, "Now, I am told to be on a shuttle within an hour. Do you by chance know where this is?"

"Well actually I don't, but my guess is the main shuttle bay lets try there first."

"Alright," Luca responded. "After you," he added, outstretching his arm. Captain Fannin walked out of the room with the Academy Commandant following closely behind.


Rear-Admiral Luca Ferrari
Academy Commandant
Theta Fleet

Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon


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