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Flash Message

Posted on Sun Feb 21st, 2010 @ 7:51pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

972 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Marine Headquarters
Timeline: Current

~Flash Message Follows~

To: Colonel Hackleburg, Marine Commander 21st Marines.>

Due to the recent loss of Fleet aircraft you are instructed to bring you regiment to full alert status. Notify Units planet side they are to be prepared for any acts of sabotage or acts of aggression. I will expect to here from you as this task is complete. This is not a drill.

Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding officer

*********************************End Message****************************

Fannin stepped back from his communications console at his desk, he would need to talk to the Colonel very soon about the vulnerability of the colony on Tiberious five. There was a lot of civilians starting to arrive and that could present a major problem keeping them safe.

Down in the Marine HQ on Deck 83, Wilhelm was running all over the place barking out orders after the Yellow Alert was issued. "...You get those boys from the First to report in for duty, in full kit, immediately, I don't care if they had a tough training cycle." Wilhelm shouted at a luckless Lieutenant. Sergeant Major van-Zhee came up to the Colonel with a PADD, "Colonel, emergency flash message from the Captain. It has been verified and authenticated." van-Zhee said formally while handing over the PADD. Quickly scanning the PADD, Wilhelm looks over at the COMM Lieutenant, "Lieutenant Hargraves. Inform Major Reynolds and the Third to "Stand to" and they won't be coming back to the Starbase quite yet. Also inform them to go to full alert status and keep on the lookout for any acts of aggression or sabotage." Finishing, Wilhelm turns to the Sergeant Major, "Shran, get your Raider squad and the Second ready for a combat drop if necessary." After Seeing the Sergeant Major leave quickly, Wilhelm turned to see the status board and could see that elements of the First were starting to report combat readiness. "Inform Command of the Regiment approaching full combat readiness..."

**Typhon Main Bridge***

Fannin was handed the message from the watch officer. "Excellent. Please inform the Colonel a "Well done" and ask him to report here as soon as he is available."

**Marine HQ**

Getting his troops to full readiness, Wilhelm received a message to report to the Captain personally. "Sergeant Major. Watch over the troops, I have to go see the Boss." Making his way to the Main Bridge, Wilhelm hits the chime on the Captain's Ready Room.

Yeoman James saw him and held the door for him, as he passed the Two security officers at the ready room entrance.

"Colonel Hackleberg, good work, Glad you could make it up. Grab a cup of coffee and tell me where the 21st is at."

Taking up the Captain's offer for a cup of coffee he made a quick cup. "Well sir, I sent out messages to Stonebreaker, and the Third is at full alert, though they don't like it because most of them were supposed to coming home today. The Second and the Raider Squad is being made ready for combat drops if necessary. The First is getting cleared away for Base defense and boarding operations." Wilhelm stated, "What brought on the combat alert sir? I wake up to alarms and a regiment running around with their heads cut off."

"Our Air group commander was out on a sortie with his squadron commanders when they struck a Romulan cloaked mine. Apparently the Romulans have been very busy around here. I'm not taking any chances with them right now as their entire political system seems to be in flux right now."

"Sorry for the expression sir, but their political system changes more then I change my skivvies...Did all the pilots make it home sir?"

Fannin frowned. "No, Lieutenant Commander Clark was killed instantly when his Razor struck a mine. Lieutenant commander Mann is returning now and should arrive shortly."

Wilhelm looked down at the deck, "Sorry to hear that sir...."

"Yes hate to lose any crew commander Clark was one of our Squadron commanders and his lose will be felt immediately."

Yeoman James entered and changed the view screen to operations control. "Excuse me Captain but as you can see all units are ready and standing by. This also includes all Marine forces on the station and planet side."

Fannin smiled at the marine Colonel, "You have done a outstanding job getting this regiment in order colonel. your training is paying off in spades."

"Thank you Captain. Come to think of it, I remember overhearing an engineering officer about a Romulan freighter in dock that had some damage. I wonder if we should send a team with some explosive residue scanners?"

"That would be a good plan if we could get access to it. sounds a bit mysterious doesn't it?"

"Seems like more than a mere coincidence sir. If we had a good enough reason we could probably torch our way on, but knowing them, they would hit the self-destruct and take out half the starbase."

"Yes, and I've had enough of debris fields today I'll say. See if you can get a few techs to get close to the ship and see if they can detect anything interesting."

"Yes sir. I'll put my best explosive sniffers on it. Hopefully, it was a Warbird that dropped those mines and not the frieghter. When I get the results I'll let you know. Also, might I suggest sir, you have someone go over their manifest and see if they were underloaded with goods or not. If they had alot of empty space in their hold, it would suggest them more sir."

"I'll have intel get a few folks on it as soon as I get with Raven. Let me know if you come up with anything."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Marines CO
Starbase Typhon


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