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Camp Stonebreaker gets It's Marine On...

Posted on Sun Feb 21st, 2010 @ 6:38pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

265 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Marine command bunker
Timeline: Current


Tell the Colonel the flash message has been received and we are implementing All defense systems. he had the camp fully manned and ready within thirty minutes alpha Company was split onto four patrol groups and were on their way out to there sector defensive lines to begin patrols on any approaches to the camp. Several hardstand artillery position were manned and ready for support. Air traffic was expecting a few Razors for air support and cleared the revetments for their arrival.

Marine were moving fast and someone out there actually had a trumpet sounding assembly... Sergeant Major Knight stepped into the bunker. "Sir the perimeter is secure what are your engagement orders Sir."

"Right now if it's Romulan kill it. That's all I know for now. The Colonel needs us to be watching for any possible acts of sabotage. let me know when our exterior patrols are in place.'

Erwin turned to his console and sent the Colonel a message.

~as per your orders, 3rd battalion has secured the area and standing by on full alert. patrols are out and should have four mile screen in two hours. signed Major Reynolds.~

**Marine HQ, Starbase Typhon**

Wilhelm received the message from Major Reynolds and muttered "Excellent." Wilhelm said to himself. Going over to the COMM panel Wilhelm started typing, "Excellent, work. Maintain ROE's and regular status updates. If any situation occurs react immediately don't wait for orders. Viel Glück! signed von Hackleberg"


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Marines CO
Starbase Typhon

Major Erwin Reynolds
3rd Battalion, 21st Marines
Camp Stonebreaker


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