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Dinner at Fannin's Pad

Posted on Tue Apr 6th, 2010 @ 2:23am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Ian Casey & Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Lucas Jackson & Commander Basil Hart & Commander Dhindara Vrel & Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

2,182 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Fannin's Private Quarters
Timeline: April 3rd, 2387


Fannin was dressed in a Polo shirt and a pair of faded jeans, he was very surprised when James showed up in a in a short skirt and a thin white silk blouse. The place was all set and the kitchen was full of mess hall staff in black slacks and white dress jackets. Edward decided to break out a few bottles of authentic champagne he had been saving for just the right occasion. He looked into the dinning room which had been cleared out.. he hoped there would be enough room.

Major Parino had picked up his date Patty and arrived right after the music started. The double front doors were open into the Captains quarters. Patty was very impressed with the wood floors and all the light. It was a very nice place. Fannin walked up to Jerry. "Good to see you, please introduce me to this wonderful young lady."

"This is Patty Gold, she's a grade school teacher here sir."

"Edward took her hand. "A pleasure, welcome to my home in the sky, Patty"


The Chief Science Officer leisurely walked into the Captain's abode, making sure he wasn't 'late.' Of all things, Luke always had to be on time. The only occasion of which he would care to miss an appointment is when its time to see a doctor. Let's just hope Doctor Hart doesn't see me, thought Jackson, knowing he was way overdue for his check-up date. Nevertheless, he quickly scanned the crowd, searching for those who have already arrived.

Fannin saw Luke and took a a flute of Champagne off a passing tray. "Here ya go Luke try some of the real stuff. Good to see you."

"Why, thank you, Captain. I don't know if this will hold up to the spring wine I had at the New Year's Eve party, but I'm always willing to try." Luke chuckled lightly and took a sip of the drink. "It is good to see you as well. It seems as though we haven't gotten to talk much lately."

"I've been laying low...avoiding the Ambassadors on the station is my prime directive right now." He smiled. "I may not be able to dodge them tonight, though. If you see me get cornered, come rescue me."

"You have my word, Sir." Luke paused for a moment, allowing a grin to form on his face. "And if you get cornered by a group of feminine individuals, I'd be more than glad to help out with that also."


Ian slipped in and looked around. He couldn't believe how many people had already arrived. He scanned the room as he walked to the buffet and looked over the food.

Fannin saw Ian and waved him over, "Hello Ian, I had Commander Nash asking about you yesterday. Did you get a message from him?"

"Hello, Captain," Ian replied as he walked over to stand next to Fannin. "Yes, I received the message." He paused and looked around the room. "I'm surprised he isn't here. It's not like him to miss a free meal like this."

"I'll have to send a message to him. I hope it just slipped his mind."

"I'm sure he'll show up," Ian said with a smile. "He's probably just....preoccupied," he added with a sly smile.


Anna stepped in wearing jeans and a comfortable top and Jana followed her dressed in all black and looked around the room at the large crowd. She was starting to regret agreeing to come to this party.


Wilhelm walked in wearing tan slacks, and a black dress shirt with open collar. Along with him was Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp, "You behave yourself Otto..." Wilhelm said, while pointing a finger.

"Come on boss. You know me," Otto said with a grin.

"Exactly..." Wilhelm said as he scanned the crowd.


Raven walked into the room, dressed in a short black leather skirt, a black silk blouse and a black leather vest. She wore a pair of high black boots to complete the look. She glanced around the room and headed for the buffet to see what it offered.

Jana made her way over to Raven, "I'm glad to see someone else I know here." She said.

"Hi," Raven replied. "Did you come here voluntarily or were you encouraged?" Raven grinned to show she was only half serious.

"I was encouraged but came not expecting this many people. It's too crowded for my taste." Jana answered.

Raven nodded as she looked around. "I agree. I'm here because I feel I have to be." Raven shrugged. "Have you met Dhindara yet? You might like her. She's not at all what you expect."

Jana nodded, "She was with Anna when they rode out to meet the transport I was on." She said, "Who are all these people anyway?" She asked.


Faron entered the room with a Trill woman. He approached Captain Fannin. "Captain, may I introduce Ambassador Alexis Wix of Trill."

The woman bowed slightly. "So this is Captain Fannin. A shame I didn't meet him in my last host's body. Now I'm far too young for him."

Faron stifled a laugh.


The doors opened and Morgan Damron walked in, followed closely by her two bodyguards. She looked around the room and smiled. She was dressed in a striking red cocktail gown, her hair impeccably groomed. She walked over to Fannin and kissed him on both cheeks. "What a lovely little party."

"Why Morgan, so glad to see you. It's been a while." He was tempted to grope her when she kissed him but didn't want James killing her bodyguards and ruin the carpet." "Please relax and enjoy yourself... You look magnificent." And she truly did. Fannin glanced around his living room and noticed there seemed to be an abundance of very beautiful females walking about.. "Morgan you must tell me what you have been doing all this time."

Morgan chuckled softly. "I have been building Damron City. It's almost complete. My people should be arriving any day now. It will be nice to have our own space to grow." She, too, looked around the room. No one else of consequence...Yet. "I do not wish to keep you from your crew." She wanted to make the rounds and leave...Unless someone more interesting showed up.


Over at the buffet line, Wilhelm saw Commander Ian, "How's your Wing shaping up?" Wilhelm said as he glanced Otto maneuvering toward a cute blond.

"Things are progressing slowly but surely," Ian replied.

"Well that is good considering the shape it was in...I heard one of my marines was fleeced by one of your boys in one of the gambling dens. My marine said your pilot looked like he'd been there a couple of days." Wilhelm said.

"That's going to change," Ian replied with a nod. "There are going to be some major changes coming soon and I'm sure many of the pilots won't like it."


John Vail was standing at the portable bar having a discussion with Admiral Stone who had just returned from one of his many journeys. They were reminiscing the career of one of there old Commanders who had fell on hard times. Both were dressed in casual slacks and sport coats. There was a very exotic lady standing beside Admiral Stone that seemed to catch the eye of every single man in the room.

Morgan noticed the two Admirals. There was always an attitude Admirals wore that set them apart. That, and she made it her business to know who was who. She walked up to the two men. "Admiral Stone, Admiral Vail, a pleasure. I'm Morgan Damron."

John Vail bowed while Admiral Stone looked on smiling. "Always a vision, Morgan. I wasn't aware you were here, my dear." Stone jumped in, "Yes, Morgan. You must tell us how you appeared on the Typhon."

To complete the admiral trio, Admiral Ferrari walked in. Dressed in loose-fitting jeans and a red polo shirt, you could barely differentiate his appearance for that of him when he's at work. "Good evening, Admirals...Miss?"

Vail saw the Admiral, "Ferrari, this is the amazing Morgan Damron. Morgan, this is our Academy Commandant."

"Ah yes, Admiral Ferrari. A pleasure," Morgan said, smiling. She turned back to Vail. "I've been here for a while now. I'm building Damron City on Tiberius V."


Luke leisurely made his way to the buffet, inserting himself into the middle of the line. Gently, he nudged Raven in an attempt to gain her attention. Before she had the chance to turn around, he cautiously adjusted his shirt.

Basil arrived fashionably late wearing jeans, loafers, a collared shirt, and an old-fashioned doctor's smock. His stethoscope was around his neck, and he seemed to be looking for someone. Spying Luke at the buffet, he snuck up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Have you ever seen one of these outside a museum?" he asked, dangling the stethoscope in front of the surprised CSciO.

Luke grimaced slightly and looked intensely at the medical instrument. "Hello to you too, Doctor." He paused for a moment, allowing the other man to take in his sarcasm. "I've seen a few of those from a few of the various doctors that I have seen in my life. They tend to give me the chills."

Basil smiled broadly. "Well, I know that some folks consider doctors the harbingers of doom, but I like to think of my profession as more of a preventative maintenance job. Now, when may I expect to see you in my sickbay?" He was still smiling pleasantly, but Luke got the distinct impression that the doctor was in deadly earnest.

"Oh...Um...Well," Luke stumbled, trying to decide how to answer. "I guess I am slightly overdue for that follow-up appointment...I'm sure my potassium levels are fine, though. Must I still come?" The officer slouched slightly, feeling rather vulnerable next to Basil.


After loading up a plate Wilhelm wanders over to a table where Major Parino is sitting with his date. "Jerry. Miss. Good seeing you both here." Wilhelm says.

Jerry saw the Colonel, "Hello Sir, May I introduce you to my guest Patty."

"Charmed Miss." Wilhelm said with a bow then looked at Jerry, "So how is the First coming along?"

"Good sir, please join us. the battalion will be moving down to Stonebreaker this coming week and Major Reynolds and his marines will have to give up the high life they have been living"

"I was actually thinking of having your battalion make an exercise out of the landing." Wilhelm said, "Maybe kick the Third out forcefully..."

"That would be a hoot Sir, I'm up for it."


Khiy made his way quietly into the room. He had chosen to come late so as not to be really noticed by the vast majority of guests. He was dressed much the same way as always, button down black shirt and jeans. He spent some considerable time feathering his hair over his ears so that he wouldn't be asked of his heritage.

Initially he wasn't going to come to the gathering tonight, however, it was decided after some consideration that it would be at least advantageous to match a face to a name. It was also likely that most of the "popular" ones would make a showing tonight. Never hurt to note the big players.

He weaved through the crowd to find himself at one of the replicators. After ordering a black coffee, he retreated to a quiet corner and began observing the guests.


Raven was filling a plate with food when she felt the nudge by Luke. She looked over at him, but he was addressing the Doctor. Not wanting to intrude, she continued to a chair in an out-of-the-way corner of the room. A good place to observe people. She noticed Khiy -- she'd sensed him enter the room -- but she did nothing more than glance at where he was standing. If he wanted to talk to her, he could find her.

Having left the Doctor by the time Raven sat down, Luke left the food table and headed toward the woman. Along the way, he picked up two glasses of sparkling juice from a waiter. "Good evening, Raven. Care for a drink?"


Ambassador Wix sighed. "I guess I won't be getting the Captain's opinion on bar quality after all."

Ambassador Lenar nodded. "If you will pardon me, madame, I have a lot of paperwork."

"One question, Faron," the woman said as they walked out the door. "How could a man that charming be such a diplomatic dunce?"

Faron shrugged, as they stepped into the corridor. "He has this thing with... I was going to say Romulans... But I'm going with Diplomats."

Ambassador Wix shrugged. "Well, I'm sure the Romulan Ambassador didn't take it personally."

The door closed on Faron bursting into laughter.


Anna grabbed some champagne and a snack and mingled a bit. She wasn't really looking for anyone just sort of letting everyone know she was there.


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