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Two legs of a three-legged stool

Posted on Thu Apr 22nd, 2010 @ 6:30am by Commander Basil Hart & Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Krang Darkmoon

796 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Present


Basil heard the scuttlebutt. There had been two murders on the station. Security was investigating. His morgue was empty, and this bothered him. Forensic medicine was something at which he was very knowledgeable, and he almost felt slighted that he hadn't been asked to help, let alone perform autopsies to determine cause of death. He tapped his commbadge impatiently.

"Captain Fannin, this is Doctor Hart," he said in the clipped British tones for which he was becoming famous. "Do you have a moment to speak with me?"

Fannin replied and headed for the sick bay, Several minute later he walked in to she what the chief Physician needed...

Krang walked into sickbay with some other officers pushing three antigrav sleds containing stasis pods. He looked at Helen and said, "I need to see Doctor Hart. It's a matter of some urgency."

Helen paged the doctor, who canceled his call to the captain and came out to see what all the commotion was about. As soon as he saw the antigrav sleds and stasis pods, he knew what was going on. "Ah. Bodies. Care to elaborate, Mr. Krang?"

"We have what appears to be a series of murders. The first..." he indicated the stasis pod furthest from him, "..appears to have be bludgeoned. The other two had their throats slit. All three bodies lacked forensic evidence and there was a number written in the blood. I was hoping you could find at least some detail that my team can't see."

Edward shuffled into the room and stood quietly as Krang talked to the doctor..

"I can't really tell you much more, Doctor. We have nearly nothing to go on so far." Krang said frustratedly.

Basil was all business. "Put that one there, that one there, and that one over there." He indicated three exam tables towards the back of the sickbay. "And get stasis fields on those bodies. I don't want to lose any potential evidence." He turned to Krang. "Thank you, Mr. Darkmoon. I'll take custody from here. We'll start autopsies right away, and keep you informed of anything we find."

Basil then turned his attention to the captain. "Sorry, Sir. the reason for my requesting your presence has suddenly taken a lower priority than getting information from these bodies. I hope you will forgive me. I would like your permission, however, to visit the crime scenes, and see if anything more can be learned. Did you have any questions of me, captain?" He hated to admit that he wanted to ask the skipper why he hadn't been provided with the bodies yet, but they came in before he had the chance. Now he was caught flat-footed, having called the captain for no apparent good reason. He felt sheepish, and he hoped his cover story was good enough.

"No problem Basil, please don't let me interrupt your getting started with these poor souls. Commander Darkmoon is in charge of the investigation, I'm sure he could see know problem with you viewing the crime scenes but it is left to his discretion."

Basil gave him a scapegrace little smile. "Thank you, captain." He turned to Krang. "Commander?" he questioned.

"Yes doctor?" Krang replied.

Edward was getting a nose full of an odor he didn't care for. "Gentlemen, If you will excuse me." Fannin turned and headed back to the bridge.

Basil smiled. "Would you be so kind as to allow me to investigate the crime scene for any forensic evidence that may still be there? If you wish to show me to the places where the victims met their demise, I would be most appreciative."

"Not a problem, Doctor. We have not released the crime scenes yet, so whatever was there should still be." Krang said.

"Excellent! Let me grab a few things, and I'll be at your disposal!" He turned to a nurse. "Make sure these bodies are undisturbed until I return." The nurse acknowledged the order, and sat at a nearby desk to watch. Basil grabbed the essentials, and turned back to Krang. "You may fire when ready, Gridley." He grinned, not knowing if Krang would catch the 20th century reference to Bugs Bunny, one of Basil's favorite animated characters of the era.

"I think you're confused, Doctor. Gridley is off today. I'll be escorting you myself." Krang answered, genuinely confused, but that was nothing new when dealing with Doctor Hart.

Basil chuckled. "I'll explain on the way. After you." He indicated with a hand that he was ready to follow Krang, and the two of them left Sickbay and headed towards the scene of the first murder.


Captain Edward Fannin
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security/ [SRT LEADER],
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer,
Starbase Typhon


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