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Yet another big party!

Posted on Thu Apr 22nd, 2010 @ 2:10pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Jason Reid & Commander Ian Casey & Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Lucas Jackson & Commander Dhindara Vrel

2,477 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Diplomatic Conference Room
Timeline: Current

Faron stared at the large banquet hall, with a slight laugh. There had been a nearly 4-hour long argument between his wife, and Ambassador Wix over the selected Decor.

In the end, he had suggested to leave it Fleet Standard. This was accepted strictly because the cooking needed to get started. The Duck needed roasting, and about half a million or so other Earth and Trill dishes showed up, after many, many hours.

Now it was time to open the door to the 'Meet the Ambassadors' night banquet, and he hoped someone would show up.

"I still say we should have gone with the British Imperial style." Amalia could just be heard from the kitchen.

"And I still say we should have gone with the Klingon style." Wix retaliated.

"But it's so.... boring!" Amalia muttered.

"Doors are open. Quit your bickering." Faron yelled, and then pressed the unlock button on the main doors.

Captain Fannin was in his quarters, It had been a while since he had put on his formal dress uniform. James was due bye at any time and he wanted to be ready. He was hoping the senior staff would be making an appearance to the banquet so he wouldn't be stranded with the sectors entire diplomatic staff for several hours. James arrived and was perfectly adorned in her dress uniform.

Ambassador Torik arrived promptly as the doors opened. It would be illogical to be tardy for such an occasion. He looked around and found the captain. he approached him, rendering the Vulcan hand salute in greeting. "Live long and prosper, Captain Fannin. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Torik, of the Vulcan Embassy. I arrived on the station not too long ago, and have been occupied setting up the embassy, which is why we have not met before now."

Fannin smiled at the Vulcan. "A privilege to meet you sir." Fannin gave the Ambassador a slight bow. "Tell me what do you think of our endeavor here on Typhon."

Torik raised an eyebrow. "As an ambassador, I can state that the effort of attempting to resolve differences through diplomacy are never without merit. To use an old Earth term, however, you doubtless have your work cut out for you. I, of course, will do my utmost to broker peace and harmony between the many peoples here. Logic dictates that the glory of creation is in its infinite diversity. I will attempt to find the 'glory' in all those with whom we deal. If you will excuse me, captain." He bowed to Fannin, and began to wander amongst the other guests.

T'var had received the invite only a few hours before and she had been surprised and needless to say, a tad nervous. These last few days had been so packed and amazing, she was starting to feel a little overwhelmed. It didn't help that she hadn't had any time to meditate for the last couple of days, and that meeting Wilhelm for breakfast had caused her to lose nearly an entire nights sleep, even if it had been remarkably fun to just sit and talk to someone for once. As she considered this she realized that he was the only person besides her commanding officer and that annoying little Ferengi she had spoken to since she came aboard, 'So why then am I being invited to this?' she mused as she walked the corridor awkwardly, still attempting to get the hang of high heels. It was something she was definitely not used to. Flat Vulcan shoes, boots, even bare footed, but high heels? It was bloody barbaric.

She could already hear the sounds of party-goers through the large double doors of the diplomatic conference room ahead, and she was feeling decidedly self conscious. Finally however, just before she entered the room she stopped, pulled off the uncomfortable shoes and threw then down a disposal chute. It was customary for several different races to go barefoot, and and her slightly see-through but conservative Ilcinion net-dress, and temporarily died-blue hair would undoubtedly keep anyone from noticing, or hopefully caring that she wasn't wearing shoes. 'At least I wore stockings today...' she mutter through a slightly forced smile as she entered the massive room.

Colonel von Hackleberg just got off duty when he received the invitation to the party. What caught his eye was the word FORMAL. Sighing to himself he thought it would probably be a good thing to attend even if all he did was stay between the Captain and the Romulan Ambassador. Taking a quick shower Wilhelm gets out his formal dark green uniform with it's rows of awards and campaign medals, and what will almost never be found on any other uniform, a silver, seven-pointed star with a black eagle crest in the middle of it, representing Prussia's Order of the Black Eagle. After putting on the uniform and then it's belt with a gold-plated Marine Corps buckle, Wilhelm connects his ancestor's curved light infantry saber with an eagle shaped handle to the belt. Pausing quickly in front of the mirror to make sure everything is in order Wilhelm then puts on his dark green beret with a Colonel's Wings plus crossed swords insignia. Making his way to the conference room, Wilhelm steps in.

Fannin saw the Colonel walk into the room. "Splendid! Colonel, you are definitely the warrior tonight. Sir, shall we meet our hosts?"

Wilhelm saw the Captain. "I suppose so, Sir. Didn't get all dressed up for nothing." Wilhelm said with a smile.

Fannin stepped up to the Ambassadors standing at the head table. "Ambassador Lenar, Ambassador Wix, Thank you for hosting this wonderful event."

"My pleasure, Captain Fannin." Faron said with a nod.

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi waited long enough to miss most of the pre-dinner chant but not be late -- technically. She didn't like official functions and she didn't like socializing with the other diplomats unless she had to.

Morgan Damron wanted to make an entrance. She was invited -- sort of. She was the ambassador for the Damron Group, after all. She'd sent Ambassador Lenar a note letting him know she would be there with an escort. She walked in and looked around the room, then walked up to Lenar and smiled at him. "Hello, Ambassador."

"Ms. Damron." Faron said with a smile.

Fannin Turned, "Good evening Ms. Damron"

"Good evening Captain Fannin," Morgan said with a wide smile. She turned to look at Faron. "Ambassador. I hope you are both well."

Fannin smiled. "I am well Morgan, how about you?"

"I am magnificent, Captain," Morgan replied.

Faron nodded. "Save a minor diplomatic incident, which our intrepid Captain is not necessarily helping with, yes."

T'var sidled over to the food table and filled up a small plate and grabbed a glass of champagne, then quickly made her way to the back of the room. It was safe to say that she had always been one to play things safe, and as such had never really developed her social skills. Plus she was seriously starting to doubt that she had actually been invited to this gathering. perhaps it had been a mistake? A letter dropped into the wrong box so-to-speak? So with these thoughts in mind T'var stood quietly sipping her drink and waited for something to occur.

Wilhelm looks across the assorted party-goers and spies Ensign T'var at the back of the room. Walking over he says "Well fancy bumping into you here. Stunning dress by the way."

"Why thank you!" T'var smiled suddenly feeling quite pleased that she had chosen to wear the delicate garment. "You know, I think that I have spent more replicator credits while on this station then I have in my entire time at the academy." She motioned to some of the guests, all of whom were dressed in finery befitting their stations. "I must admit though It's a bit intimidating being here, I'm never quite sure what to say on occasions like this. Small talk was never really my thing."

"Ohh, I've been to quite a few of these and most of the time it fits the standard format of 'Hello.' followed by some minor civilities and maybe a compliment and then move on. It's just one of those things where the more you do it the easier it is." Wilhelm said then shrugged and added, "Of course you have the occasional 'back-room' dealing, politically speaking, at some of these events too."

"I had the feeling that it was something like that..." T'var smiled at her friend and took his arm gently, playing the perfect woman. "I don't suppose you'd feel like introducing me to some of these people? I'd perfer to meet them on your arm then by myself."

"It would be my pleasure..." Wilhelm said with a smile.

Fannin moved over to the bar and ordered a drink, the atmosphere was wonderful. It was good to take a break and socialize with the crew. He hadn't seen commander Johnson arrive yet or several other of the senior staff for that matter. He did have another interesting conversation with Major Parino who was becoming the talk of the Station. He managed to bring a different beautiful date to every event so far this year...

Ian stepped through the doors and looked around. He hadn't been sure what to expect but he definitely wasn't expecting what he saw. He walked to the bar to order a drink and smiled as he saw Fannin. "Hello, Captain," Ian said to him. "Sorry I'm late."

"No problem Commander, I'm just glad you could make it. I know you've been swamped with the air Group the last few weeks, Tell me how it's been going."

"Things are progressing faster than I expected," Ian replied. "That Chief Maintenance Officer of mine is a miracle worker. I'm wondering if he trained under Captain Montgomery Scott."

Fannin laughed. "We need more miracles around here, but I'm glad to here things are going well in the Group. I'm expecting things to get busy in the next week or so.Fleet command has been sending a lot of messages concerning the operational status or our Marines and the Air group. They may have something planned for us." He ordered another drink from the barmaid...

"The Colonel and I have a little exercise planned," Ian said. "I'm just waiting for word from him on when."

"Yes I feel that sure would get your unit's in sinc."

Basil walked in fashionably late, wearing a genuine tweed suit, a blue shirt with a button-down collar, and a bow tie. Looking around, he sidled over to the bar. Smiling at the pretty bar maid, Basil ordered. "I'll have a pint of warm Guiness, if you please, young lady."

Wilhelm and T'var made their way through the crowd with Wilhelm introducing her to different guests when they came up to the Trill Ambassador. "Ah, Ambassador Wix, I have to say this is quite the interesting party. May I introduce to you Ensign T'var of Vulcan and Trill..." Wilhelm said with flourish

"Pleased to meet you Ambassador." T'var curtsied slightly despite herself. She really wasn't used to being around such an important person.

Wix smiled. "Always a pleasure. My Fourth, Fifth, Seventh, and Ninth hosts all enjoyed hosting parties. Then it was apparently lost for 5 hosts, but it is quite entertaining to watch the way everyone interacts with eachother. They all seem to break off into smaller groups."

"Well I must confess I'm not exactly used to this sort of gathering. If it wasn't for Wilhelm here i'd be completely lost!" T'var grinned at Wilhelm and then back at Wix. "So you're a joined Trill? I've been hearing stories of joined Trill throughout all my time at the academy, and I have to say I've always admired what it is you do. If I had been born on Trill I know I would have been picked for the honor."

Wilhelm smiled at the compliment and gave a shrug to the ambassador.

Wix smiled. "It is a unique experience for both the host, and the Symbiont. There is great competition for them, however, and it is a pretty rare thing for one of mixed blood to get one. It is even questionable as to whether or not it is even possible for the joining to take place, though I understand that there is a half human woman who has successfully undergone the procedure, so I suppose anything is possible." She said with a nod.

Khiy spent the better part of his day ignoring the invitation that made its way to his office. He couldn't think of any reason why he was invited, nor why he should go at all. However, as the 'day' past by and 'night' fell upon the station, Khiy found himself putting on one of his finest suits. His mind was changed about going to the event by the greatest persuader of all: he was bored.

After entering the room he noted that everyone seemed to be dressed in their best garments and he was suddenly relieved that he hadn't overdressed for the occasion.

He walked a little taller, as if his invitation was in fact not a mistake, and he made his way over to where the drinks were being served. After retrieving a choice beverage he scanned the room for people of note. The last invitational wasn't so long ago and, although keeping to himself at the last gathering, he managed to pick out people of note mingling with one another; the Captain of the station, the Marine Colonel, a number of diplomats ranging in race.

While looking over the room, his eyes stopped at one individual. With a small smile on his face he made out the Romulan Ambassador as she was tolerating what looked to be a fat Bollian telling a very dramatic story. He started to weave through the crowd towards them.

Miral was trying very hard to follow the story the Bolian Ambassador was telling her, but she was having a hard time. A movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. It was Khiy. A flicker of relief flashed across her face and was gone. "Hello, Mr. Tal'ehrihn," she said.

Khiy inclined his head to her. "Ambassador Annhwi." He turned his attention over to the Bolian. "I'm sorry to cut your conversation short, but I must borrow the ambassador here to disscus some business with her." He flashed as large a smile as possible to the now anxious looking man. Looking back to Miral, he nodded to her. "If you are willing of course."

"Of course," Miral said to Khiy. She nodded politely to the Bolian. "If you will excuse me." She walked several feet away before smiling at Khiy. "Thank you."

Stay tuned for Part II


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