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Departure, Operation Homecoming

Posted on Wed Apr 21st, 2010 @ 3:21am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Ian Casey

483 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Marine Shuttle Bay 3
Timeline: current


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg entered one of the Marine shuttle bays and saw the organized chaos of the First Battalion preparing for their departure. Platoons were receiving their marching orders and rules of engagement in one corner and in another Wilhelm saw Marines loading mortar tubes and ammo into a assault shuttle. Outside the Station, Wilhelm knew the freighter, Odessan Voyage, with his friend, Captain Aleksandr, was already waiting on station for permission to begin their slower journey to Tiberius.

Major Parino was up all night getting this prepared, he saw the Colonel and though a last minute briefing wouldn't hurt the op at all...

"Mornin Sir, got a few Minutes?"

"Of course Major. What can I help you with." Wilhelm replied

"The battalion is formed Sir, I have Seven Margo recon vehicles loaded and ready to go. The last time we checked the landing zone was clear and not a sign of any Garrison forces. After we hit the Lz we will have Thirty minutes till dawn to travel Two miles to the perimeter."

"That should be sufficient. I'll have the freighter arrive at dawn to lower their shields and see if I can't have Commander Casey make an attack run then to put them off guard." Wilhelm said.

"Just give the word, Colonel," Ian said as he walked up to them. "My pilots are standing by. Thought I'm come by and see if there were any last minute changes."

Captain Fannin stepped into the shuttlebay and wandered over to the gathered Marine officers..

"Not that I'm aware of Commander. When the Major is ready you may deploy your fighters." Wilhelm said to Ian, then seen the Captain walking up, "Ah, Captain glad you could make the sendoff of the First."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world Colonel. What do you have planned for our dear Major Reynolds?" Fannin shook hands and greeted his field commanders all around...

"Well sir it is quite simple. Just the way I like it. Major Parino and the First will land at an LZ a few miles away from Camp Stonebreaker, and make a dawn assault. The freighter that was ordered will be carrying some supplies and supposedly marines, will arrive at dawn followed closely by some of Commander Casey's fighters. When Reynolds lets down his shield to allow the freighter in all hell is going to break loose." Wilhelm said with an aggressive smile.

"Very impressive plan Colonel, I wish you all a safe trip. I also feel you are up against a worthy foe in Major Reynolds."

"I wouldn't expect anything less Captain." Wilhelm then turned to Major Parino. "Major, Commander. Deploy your men and good luck. I'll see you when it's over."

"Yes Sir."


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon

Major Jerry Parino
CO,1st Battalion, 21st Marines

Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon


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