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Operation Homecoming II, Rolling Thunder

Posted on Fri Apr 23rd, 2010 @ 2:38am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Ian Casey

687 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Tiberius V, landing Zone Victor
Timeline: Current


The decent to the Planet was right on mark, local jamming had so far masked their arrival to the Landing zone. As the first shuttle hit the LZ Marines gushed out into a security perimeter. There was just one wave. Major Parino hit the ramp at a fast pace and as soon as he was clear contacted his Company commanders. As soon as he was confident of a good link he would hail the Colonel...

Edward Fannin was observing the landing in the ready room with a few operations cadets. The landing had gone very well considering This battalion had never attempted it outside of their holodeck training. He was also happy their had been no accidents or equipment failures.

Jerry moved in Behind His Sergeant Major Boris Varnic. He keyed the voice mic..

"Captain Fletcher, Com check."

Captain Amanda Fletcher was well deployed according to plan Three hundred meters from the Major and at the center of Two Marine companies.

"Fletcher on, you 10-2 Sir. Alpha and Bravo formed, ready to move."

Parino smiled. They had been on the ground Fifteen Minutes. "Run your skirmishers out and move out as planned. Tell your guys we need full scans, I'm right behind you with Charlie Company"

Fletcher acknowledged the Majors command and put the entire movement in motion with a hand signal...

Major Parino zoomed out his command display on his hud visor. He saw both forward companies jump off.. Time to call the Boss.

"Marine One, this is Rolling Thunder. We're down and rolling."

Onboard the freighter Odessan Voyage Wilhelm was in the secure COMM room, "Acknowledged Rolling Thunder. Proceed as planned." Wilhelm then looks over to the freighter's Captain Aleksandr and says "Are the life sign simulators online and how long until planetfall Captain?" The grizzled captain replies, "Just over two hours Colonel. Make it...0623 local, and those damn simulators are up and running and draining a 'ell lota juice." After thanking the captain, Wilhelm hits the COMM to send a high powered transmission across the whole Tiberius system. "Starfleet exercises in progress in the Tiberius system. All units to follow prearranged orders. Verification Bravo Echo Lima Three Nine Romeo. Message repeats." Wilhelm then hits a coded channel, "Marine One to Lightning One. Report status."

"Lightning One on station and standing by," Ian replied, glancing at his status board to ensure his pilots were holding position.

"Very well Lightning, ETA 120 minutes." Wilhelm closed the COMM and decided to grab a cup of coffee for the two hour wait.

**One Hour later**

Sergeant Major Varnic crawled up to Parino. "South side of Stonebreaker is thirty yards dead in front of us Sir all Companies are in position and weapons on stun. No movement noted. As soon as the fights get here those sentry weapons will drop off line and we can roll over them."

"Major Parino to Marine one, In position and ready for air strike."

"Very well Thunder. Hold postion till queued, ETA 60 minutes. Out." Wilhelm said then looked at the freighter's aft sensor screen and seen Commander Casey's fighters tucked in tight. Wilhelm then hit the COMM for Camp Stonebreaker, "Marine One to Stonebreaker. Be advised freighter Odessan Voyage is inbound, ETA 60 minutes. Prepare for departure. As notified, exercise rules are in effect. Acknowledge."

Major Reynolds looked at sergeant Major Knight..."What did he just say?"

The gunny turned and stated, "They First battalions on its way Sir."

"After that, he said something about an Exercise didn't he?"

"Just that exercise rules were in effect.. You don't think the Colonels playing a game on us do ya?"

Erwin jumped up, "Wheres the Mike force Knight?'

"About Three miles to the West on the camp Sir."

Wilhelm looked out the freighter's bridge at the approaching planet and realized it looked like paradise. Except for the minor fact that all hell was going to break out in less then an hour.


Captain Edward Fannin
CO,Starbase Typhon

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines, SB Typhon

Major Jerry Parino
1st Battalion CO, 21st Marines

Major Erwin Reynolds
3rd Battalion CO, 21st Marines


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