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Commander Ceremony / Dinner

Posted on Sun May 9th, 2010 @ 10:08pm by Commander Lucas Jackson & Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Dhindara Vrel & Commander Basil Hart & Commander Raven Adams

1,615 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Officer's Mess
Timeline: Current


Anna had received notice to meet in one of the conference rooms and to bring her sister with her so she and Jana made their way there. When they arrived there was food set up and people working on getting everything done but they seemed to be the first of the guest to arrive. "What is all of this?" Jana asked, "I'm not sure exactly." Anna answered as she was offered a glass of champagne and Jana was offered some sparkling grape juice.

Fannin was in his dress uniform, He had been wearing it quite a lot lately. This was a different occasion. He had just come through the kitchen with Chief warrant James. The discussion was about the food, they would probably need more than originally planned for the guests. They inspected the table decoration and looked over the seating arrangements. Everything looked very good. There was still a few items he needed to address and he whispered into James' ear and she was off in a flash. He saw his second officer and walked over.

"Anna, how are you? and who is this young lady?"

"I am good. Though I have always hated these uniforms." Anna said. She turned to the young lady in a nice dress, black of course, and smiled, "Jana this is Captain Fannin. Captain Fannin this is my sister Jana."

Jana held out her hand and smiled a rare smile, "The last time we were in the same room it was too crowded and I never got the chance to meet you." she said.

Fannin smiled and took her hand. "My dear you shall never be overlooked by me again in a crowded room, a pleasure to meet you. Are you attending any studies while here on the station?"

Jana nodded, "Anna wanted me to keep up with school until I am old enough to decide on a career. I still don't know if I will go into Starfleet yet or not." Jana answered.

"The Fleet certainly needs good young minds such as yours. I have spoken at several schools here on the station. I have a spot for an adjutant on my staff. The young people on Typhon could use a voice in what happens here. If you're interested just let me know."

"What would an adjutant do exactly?" Jana asked.

"You would be addressing some issues between the staff and younger people. I'm sure there would be many issues that you could bring us up to speed on."

"I'm not exactly sure what issues there could be. If we behave then there shouldn't be any issues." Jana said. "Though I would be willing to try I guess."

Krang pulled at the collar of his dress uniform for the hundredth time since he put it on. He had recently had the tunic to his dress uniform tailored a bit, but it still did not fit comfortably. This uniform design was distinctly human and it aggravated him to no end, but he had to wear it because it was a formal occasion. He made his way into the room and found the Captain and Anna Johnson talking to a young woman he did not recognize. He walked up to the group and stood near by, allowing them to acknowledge his presence when the conversation allowed without him actually interrupting.

Anna knew the staff but had not actually spoken to Krang yet, "Mr. Darkmoon it is nice to finally meet you face to face." Anna said holding out her hand in greeting, "This is my sister Jana, she is staying with me here on the starbase." Anna said in introduction.

Krang did his best to smile without being intimidating. His species did not 'smile' very well. He took the offered hand and shook it gently. "The pleasure is mine ma'am. You have certainly made a name for yourself among the staff." He then turned to Jana, "It is nice to meet you. Are you settling in to life on the station well?" he asked.

"I'm getting used to it a bit. Until I moved here I had never left Earth." Jana said, "I like it though, there is always something to do here if you take the time to look."

Krang made a noise that passed for a chuckle. "Don't I know that." he said, "And it's not always something you're supposed to be doing either."

"I don't get into trouble. I prefer to be mostly invisible if I can help it." Jana said.

Walking into the room Dhindara looked around to see who was present. She had taken great care to make sure her dress uniform was fitting perfectly, and she didn't mind wearing it at all. Unlike most in the room, she noticed, Dhindara actually preferred the white and gold over the standard black and grey. "The key is to make sure you don't get blamed for the mayhem you cause", Dhindara said with a smirk as she joined the group.

"Hello counselor." Krang said with a nod. "You are looking lovely as usual."

Raven slipped quietly into the room. She wasn't as comfortable in her dress uniform as she was in her regular uniform. She always felt like she was on display when she dressed up. Her line of work usually required that she blend in -- something she preferred to these formal occasions. She saw Jana and walked over to say hi.

Jana looked at Raven, "I guess black was a bad choice for me if I wanted to blend in tonight." She said softly but smiled.

Lucas casually walked into the room. While the dress uniform he had on wasn't his favorite style of all time, he certainly had no objections to it. The white was different than the typical boring look StarFleet. Plus, the design of the uniform seemed to show off particular features of his body that Jackson liked - mainly his muscles.

He slipped into the conversation with a general hello to the officers.

^^late arrivals^^

Basil slipped in quietly. He realized that there was a difference between "Fashionably late", and just plain "tardy", and he feared he had crossed the line. But he must have gained a little weight since the last time he wore his dress uniform, as it was too tight around the middle, and he had to have it altered. He would need to change his diet card.

Fannin was in a very good mood as he checked to make sure all was ready. Chief Warrant James called the dinner to order and asked the guests to take their seats.

Edward stepped to the podium and gave them a minute to settle in.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I wish to thank you for attending this function. It displays you commitment to the vessel and your support of the fleet. In the eyes of many you are at the pinnacle of your professions, experts all. Respected for your knowledge and bravery. I salute you all."

Anna applauded wondering where exactly this speech was going.

"Now If I could have you all stand please", Fannin waited until they got up.

Warrant James read from a document she pulled from a large envelope, "Attention to Orders, Effective May Third 2387 the following Officers shall be promoted to the Starfleet rank of Full commander. As you name is called please step up to the Captain.
Krang Darkmoon, Anna Johnson, Dhindara Vrel, Basil Hart, Raven Adams and Lucas Jackson."

As his officers approached Edward awarded them the pips of their new rank..

Anna stood at stiff attention as he placed the pip on her collar, "Thank you, Sir." She said and returned to her sister who was beaming with pride.

"Congratulations number two"

Dhindara was surprised. She hadn't expected to make Commander this soon. "Thank you, Sir."

"Your more than welcome commander Vrel."

Basil raised an eyebrow, but accepted the pip. "Thank you, captain, I shall do everything I can to be deserving of this honor."

Fannin nodded, I know you shall Basil, keep up the good work."

Basil nodded and smiled.

Krang stepped forward and stood at the podium. He accepted the pip quietly. Being the center of attention like this was not something he was comfortable with, but he knew it was a good thing, so he bore it with what passed for a smile. "Thank you, Sir. I have just been doing what I thought I should."

"And a fine job is has been." Fannin smiled..

"Thank you, Sir." Krang said and then made his way back to his seat.

Raven waited for the others before stepping up herself to accept her pips. "Thank you, Sir," she said quietly. She really wasn't sure what she'd done to deserve the promotion, but she was happy to receive it.

Fannin pinned the pip's on Raven. "Well done, Commander."

"Thank you, Sir," she said with a smile, then returned to her place.

Finally Luke stepped in front of Captain Fannin. He knew he was on a fast-paced StarFleet career, but getting promoted to Commander so soon was still a shock. After all, it has been only five years since he was an ensign on the Jupiter Station, and he only has been on Starbase Typon for five months. Nevetheless, he sported a huge grin while saying, "Thank you, Captain. It has been my honor to serve next to a great captain such as yourself and a wonderful staff of chief officers."

"Your welcome commander, you have all done a fine job here."

Fannin returned to the podium and raised a glass. "To the officers of starbase Typhon."

Basil stood and raised his glass. "Hear, hear!"


Congratulations to all of the Typhons Senior Staff


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