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Finding a Replacement

Posted on Tue Jul 6th, 2010 @ 10:00pm by Commander Ian Casey & Commander Raven Adams

425 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Typhon Intel Offices

Karma took a few minutes to change uniforms and affix the new pip to his collar then made his way across to the base. He was smiling broadly as he made his way to the Intelligence offices. Before entering, he paused to collect himself and assume a professional manner. Taking a deep breath, he pressed the chime to Raven's office and waited.

"Come in," Raven said. She smiled when she saw Karma, then blinking when she saw the change in uniform and the additional pip. "Leaving Intel I see," she added.

"Yes, ma'am," Karma replied as he stopped in front of her desk. "That's what I came to see you about."

"Have a seat," she said, curious to hear what was going on.

Karma nodded and sat down. "I was hoping you would have a recommendation for someone that would be suitable as my replacement aboard the Calypso."

"I don't have someone who can replace you as Chief, but I might have someone who can be a temporary replacement until one can be found. I don't have a lot of people myself or I'd send one of them with you," Raven said. She began to look through her database of Intel officers. "What about Dayton Marsh? Do you think he's capable of running things temporarily?"

Karma thought about it and said, "He's a good officer but I don't believe he's Chief material. He should be okay for a short time. I'll be there to help if the need arises."

"I don't think he's ready, either," Raven concurred. "Right now, I'm looking for a temporary fix until a new department head can be assigned to you. I'm willing to find someone else if you're not comfortable with Marsh."

"Marsh will do as a temporary leader," Karma said, "but we really do need a full time replacement."

"Agreed. I'll talk to Admiral Stone and see what we can arrange."

"I'd greatly appreciate it," Karma said with a nod. "Do you have any instructions for Marsh?"

"Not at the moment. If I do, I'll send it to both of you," she said.

"Thank you, ma'am," Karma said. "Is there anything else you'd like to discuss while I'm here?"

"No. But if you find any new information on OreCo or Tiberius IV, let me know."

"Of course, Commander," Karma said as he stood up. "If you'll excuse me I need to get my new office set up."

"Of course. Good luck... Commander."


Lieutenant Commander Karma Sinclair
Executive Officer
USS Calypso

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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