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Dinner and a Movie - Part 2

Posted on Wed Jun 16th, 2010 @ 4:00am by Commander Ian Casey & Captain Anna Johnson

1,115 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Johnson Quarters
Timeline: Immediately After 'Dinner and a Movie - Part 1'

Elenore was curled up on a pillow in a chair, it was obvious she had claimed this spot as her own. When they entered her eyes opened a moment she licked one of her paws and wiped her face then she went back to sleep.

Ian stepped inside and looked around. He hadn't thought much about it before but Anna's behavior had awakened a concern about the murders in him. As he scanned the room he tried to see anything unusual or out of place, but he couldn't tell for sure since he was unfamiliar with the room.

Jana stepped over and scratched Elenore's head then moved into the kitchen and washed her hands once Anna had finished and started helping her get the lasagna layered. "So how do you like it here?" Jana asked.

"I enjoy being on the base." Ian replied. "There is never a shortage of excitement."

"I like it when they run old movies in the holodecks like the theaters on Earth." Jana said. "It is taking some getting used to though."

"I'll have to try that sometime," Ian said. "What kind of movies do they show?"

"I've seen them show some sci-fi, some murder mysteries, action. I just keep up with what they are showing so I know if it is something I might want to see. The next movie they are showing is an old black and white Alfred Hitchcock movie. I can't wait to see it." Jana said as she topped the last layer off with cheese then put it in the oven to heat.

"I'm not familiar with that name," Ian said, looking at Anna. "What about you?" he asked her. "Do you go to the movies too?"

"Sometimes though the movies I enjoy and the ones Jana enjoys are often very different." Anna said as she made salad. "What do you enjoy?" She asked.

"I prefer a good comedy," Ian replied. "I like to be able to laugh when I'm trying to relax."

"You should try the movie 'The Princess Bride.' It has action, adventure, love and comedy all rolled into one." Anna Suggested.

"I'll have to keep that one in mind and look for it," Ian replied with a nod.

The aroma of the lasagna heating was starting to fill the room now and Jana worked on the garlic bread while Anna began to set the table.
"What else to you enjoy doing in your spare time?" Anna asked.

"Reading, playing cards and cooking," Ian replied as he closed his eyes and inhaled the aroma coming from the other room.

A small pitcher of iced tea was placed on the table. "Do you want tea or wine with dinner?" Anna asked.

"Wine, if you don't mind," Ian replied. "It complements the flavor."

"That was what I was thinking." Anna said as she placed the glasses and set a bottle on the table then handed Ian the cork screw. "Do you want to do the honors?" She asked.

"I would love to," Ian replied as he grabbed the bottle. "I want to thank you both for having me here tonight. I can't tell you how much this means to me."

"It's nice getting to know some more people around here." Anna said and Jana agreed with a nod and a smile.

Jana meanwhile grabbed a couple of oven mitts and pulled dinner out of the oven and cut the lasagna into serving size pieces and put it on each plate. The bread she placed in a basket and set it then each plate on the table and some Italian dressing and creamy Italian dressing to use on the salad if they wanted it. "I think we are ready." Jana said as she made sure there was enough silverware for everyone.

Anna smiled, "Let's sit down and dig in then." She said as she put some creamy Italian dressing on her salad and grabbed some garlic bread.

Ian poured the wine and sat down. He watched the women for a moment then took a bite of the food. "This is delicious," he said after a moment.

"Thanks," Jana said before taking a bite of salad. "It took me a while to get the seasoning just right. For a while you were better off just getting it replicated ready to go." She said with a laugh.

"You'll have to give me your recipe," Ian said as he took another bite.

"I would say its a family secret but I did most of the cooking at home after Anna left for the academy." Jana said with a laugh.

Well, I know where to go now to get a decent meal," Ian said with a smile. "I'm sure the eateries on the promenade would pay a fortune for food like this."

"Most of the ones we've tried are pretty decent though. Especially if you don't wanted replicated and don't feel like cooking." Anna said.

"What else do you two do together besides making men fat with delicious food?" he asked after taking another bite.

"Typical sister stuff." Anna said.

"I write and draw and play my guitar and keyboard." Jana said.

"With both sing a bit." Anna added.

"I would love to hear you perform," Ian suggested.

"Jana has performed for others I don't make a habit of it." Anna said then moved and pulled out a sketch book. "You are welcome to look at this though." Inside were the pictures of Dhindara she had drawn on her way to get Jana, there were pictures of Jana, her mother, and an ugly looking monster of a man that were how she viewed her father. There were also pictures of her twin brothers that had just started the academy.

"These are very good," Ian replied. "Have you considered showing them off?"

Anna shook her head, "I don't make a habit of showing them to just anyone." She answered.

Ian looked at her for a moment and smiled. "I'm glad you chose to show them to me. It means a lot to me."

"Well I do consider you a friend now." Anna said. "Part of having friends is learning to trust them a little more as time goes on right?"

Elenore a woke and jumped down and rubbed through Jana's feet. She looked down, "I think someone else is ready for her dinner." She said and moved to the replicator for some cat food for the cat.

"I should probably get going so you two can have some time together," Ian said, setting the book on the table.

To Be Continued...


Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Second Officer

Commander Ian Casey
Air Group Commander
SB Typhon

Jana Johnson


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