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Warning Order

Posted on Tue Jul 6th, 2010 @ 4:33am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Dhindara Vrel

590 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Marine assembly deck
Timeline: Current


Major Parino heard the announcement and sent his Sergeant Major into action.. They had Four hours to get on the MAS Gladius. He didn't need the First Battalion slowing things up...

The Third battalions commander watched as the First Battalion started the process, Jerry has a good handle on things with his men. He saw The Colonel and walked over rendering a salute. "Sir it seems the First is on the move, Will the XO be taking the Second, or do you wish me to assist them in boarding?"

"No Major. It'll be hard enough getting the First situated." Wilhelm looked at his PADD, "Hmm, Third next then the Second." Wilhelm then focused on the Major. "By the way, good work on the pre-mission workup for the First. They look like their ready to bash some heads in!" Wilhelm said with a smile.

"They'll go in hard Sir, Eager and never been tested."

"Well that is to be expected. At least we have some damn good NCOs to reign in the boys if they happen to get out of hand." Wilhelm replied.

"I think I have instilled enough respect for the need to follow orders in them that even the less experienced shouldn't be getting out of hand", M'Eow remarked as she stepped up behind them. "I've had rookie companies in the Dominion war, and they held up pretty well."

"Well that's good XO. Now we just have to keep them from running when they see their buddies start drop, god forbid." Wilhelm says then continues, "According to the little intel I received we are changing the Order of Battle. Second Battalion will be the first on the ground, and they're going hunting for AA that'll hold up everything."

Erwin saw Major Parino walking down a vehicle ramp and waved him over. "Good to see you, your marines looking sharp today."

Parino smiled. "I have a Sgt. Major who just doesn't mess around."

"I hope everybody has been made aware of the fact that there's civilians down there, and I mean our civilians and that we have to be careful", M'Eow reminded everybody.

"That's the reason why we are going in the first place Colonel." Wilhelm responds "Plus I hear in the pipeline we're not the only ones going to Exeter. I've received reports that the bulk of the Seventh Marine Division is being deployed along with our Brigade." Wilhelm comments.

Chief Warrant Officer James walked up to the Colonel... "Sir I have a message from the captain." She handed him a folded sheet of paper. "Captain Fannin asked me to let you know to stop by if you and your staff can manage it before you leave.

Wilhelm took the paper and looked at the note on it, "Thank you Chief. Please inform the Captain I will be up to see him shortly." Wilhelm said then dismissed the Chief.

Major Parino turned toward the Colonel. "Sir I'm joining my unit on board now." he saluted and headed for the ramp to get his men settled in. Major Reynolds was next in heading for the Gladdius.

Wilhelm watched Major Parino join his men then turned to Lt. Colonel Purr. "Take over the loading for now, I have to go meet the Captain. After the troops are done loading the Razors will start. Departure time is in 17 hours." Wilhelm then walked to the nearest turbolift.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Commanding Officer, 21st Marines Regiment
SB Typhon

Major Jerry Parino
CO, 1st Battalion, 21st Marines


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