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Someone to talk to

Posted on Sun Jul 18th, 2010 @ 5:44pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Ian Casey

1,044 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: O'Brady's Pub

Sean O'Brady stood behind the bar wiping it down. It was early afternoon so there weren't a lot of customers in at the moment. Lunch rush was over and most people were about other business. Once he was done Sean pulled up a chair and took a seat as he poured himself a pint and waited for a customer to arrive.

"Can I get a Draylaxian whiskey?" Ian asked as he walked in and sat down at the bar.

Sean nodded and reached under the bar and set a glass on the bar before filling it. "How is your friend doing?" he asked recognizing Ian from the other night.

"Which friend would that be?" Ian asked.

Sean looked at him, "Miss Johnson, I saw you escort her out the other night when she had a bit too much to drink." He said, "So I was guessing she was a friend."

"We aren't exactly on speaking terms," Ian said, draining the glass. "Keep 'em coming," he said, setting the glass on the counter.

"Why is that?" Sean asked as he filled the glass once more.

Ian drank half the liquid in the glass then looked at Sean. "It might have something to do with the fact that I was dating her and her friend at the same time and neither on knew it."

Sean sat down with a whistle and nodded, "Yeah that might do it." He said. "I guess the question is what are you going to do about it?" He asked.

"I don't know what I can do about it," Ian said, downing the rest of the whiskey.

"Answer this question for me." Sean said, "Did this solution help her really?" He asked. "You have to ask yourself is she worth fighting for? If you don't feel she is then is her friend worth fighting for?"

Ian looked at him for a moment then said, "I would do anything for either one of them. They are both amazing women." He raised his glass and sighed when he remembered it was empty. "To answer your question, yes, she is worth it. I just don't know how to get her back."

"What did she tell you the last time you spoke to her?" Sean asked.

"To leave her alone," Ian said, holding up the glass for a refill.

"Anything else?" Sean asked.

"She wants me to do a little soul searching to decide what I truly want," Ian responded. "But I've already done that. I want to be with Anna."

"If you truly know that and you have given her the few days she probably asked for then tell her that. You can't blame her for wanting you to be sure. After all you yourself said you would do anything for either of them but you can only choose one. She doesn't want to take you if your heart is with the other woman." Sean said filling Ian's glass. "She sounds like a smart woman to me. The fact that she wants you to think about it instead of either not forgiving you at all or not considering the other person says a lot about her."

"She'll never be able to trust me after what I did," Ian said, sipping the drink. "So wouldn't I only be hurting her further by continuing to pursue her?"

"If you are willing to be with her and only her don't you think that choice should be hers to make?" Sean asked. "She didn't tell you no when you talked to her last. She told you to search your heart and let her know what you really wanted correct?"

"Yes," Ian said with a nod.

"Then sounds to me that she is willing to give you another chance but only if she knows that is what you really want." Sean turned and placed some pretzels on the counter in a basket. He refilled his pint and grabbed a pretzel and pushed the basket toward Ian. "So to me it sounds like she left the ball in your court."

"But taking a few days to think about it isn't going to change anything," Ian said, eating one of the pretzels. "She's the one I want to be with. I've already made my mind up about that."

"Give her the time she asked for. It will give her time to heal and in her mind it will let her know you didn't jump into the decision lightly." Sean said.

"You're right," Ian said with a nod. "It's not going to be easy to stay away from her though."

"Things that are worth having are rarely easy." Sean said with a smile.

"If a future with her is anything like what we've experienced so far then she's definitely worth waiting for," Ian said thoughtfully.

"Then it sounds like to me that you have your answer." He said and held up his mug in a toast.

"To Anna," Ian said, raising his glass. He sipped the drink and looked at Sean. "What do I do about Raven?" he asked. "I can't leave her to deal with everything on her own."

"Talk to her if she will listen. Be honest with her. You at least owe her that much." Sean said.

"I agree," Ian said. "But when do I go to her? If I go now then she may still be mad and not want to talk, but if I wait then she may think I don't care about her or her feelings."

"Go now, at least try because you are right if you wait she will assume you don't care. If she tells you to leave or give her time then give it to her but if you do care about her too then she deserves to know what you've decided." Sean said. "Though I have a feeling you already knew that." He said with a grin.

"You're right," Ian said, draining his glass and standing up. He tossed a strip of latinum on the counter and smiled. "Thanks for the drinks," he said as he walked to the door.

"Anytime lad," Sean answered with a smile as he grabbed the glass and moved to clean it.

Sean O'Brady (NPC by Anna Johnson)
Bar Owner

Commander Ian Casey
Commander Air Group


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