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Dinner, a Movie and... Breakfast, part 3

Posted on Mon Jul 12th, 2010 @ 8:29pm by Commander Raven Adams & Commander Ian Casey

1,082 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station



"My place it is then," he said, grabbing her hand and leading her onto the lift.


As the turbolift doors closed, Raven glanced up at Ian and smiled. It was amazing how much had changed in the last 24 hours. At least from her perspective.

"What are you in the mood to do when we get there?" Ian asked.

"Ian, I told you, it's up to you," she reiterated. Raven was beginning to have second thoughts. No matter how many times she told Ian it was up to him, he still kept expecting her to make all the decisions.

Ian looked at her and smiled. "I know what we can do but I wanted to know if you had a preference."

"I have lots of preferences," she replied, grinning. "It just depends on what you have in mind."

"I was thinking we could just relax and perhaps watch a movie," he said to her.

"I think that sounds great!" she said as the turbolift came to a halt and the doors opened.

Ian smiled and nodded as he stepped off the lift and turned in the direction of his quarters. "Any preference for a movie?"

"I like psychological thrillers -- scare without the gore, basically -- and comedies," she said. It was an odd combination, but then, so was she.

"I'm sure we can find something," he said as he stopped in front of his door and opened it for her.

She stepped inside and turned to Ian, waiting for him to tell her what he wanted her to do.

"Why don't you find a movie and I'll get us something to drink and some snacks," he said, walking to the replicator.

Raven began to search through the ship's database, not sure what to pick. "How about Hitchcock? He's always good." She narrowed her search. "North by Northwest or Psycho?"

"Psycho," Ian said, glancing over his shoulder at her as he continued to get what he needed from the replicator.

"Psycho it is," she said as she instructed the computer to load the program, then sat on the couch. "It's all ready to go."

Ian nodded and set a tray on the table. He'd ordered a bottle of wine and two glasses, popcorn and jalapeno poppers. He poured wine in the glasses and handed one to her before sitting down. "Ready when you are."

Raven ate one of the jalapeño poppers and sat back. 'Computer, play movie."

"What's this one about?" Ian asked, sitting back and moving closer to her.

"It's about a psychotic killer. There's one classic shower scene and a great twist at the end," she said, snuggling up to Ian. "I think you'll like it."

"Sounds interesting," he said, putting his arm around her as the movie started.

The two watched the movie and ate, mostly in silence. Occasionally Raven would comment on something. And, even though she'd seen the movie a number of times, she still cringed during the shower scene.

Ian smiled as she jumped at some of the scenes. It was good to relax and just have fun. He refilled their glasses and looked at her. "I'll have to keep that one in memory so I can watch it again."

"If you liked that, you'll like the rest of Hitchcock's movies. He's still considered a master of suspense," she said, finishing her second glass of wine and setting the glass on the table.

"We'll have to do this again sometime," he said to her. "I had a lot of fun."

"So did I," she said, smiling at Ian. "I enjoy being with you." It had been a while since she cared enough -- and felt comfortable enough -- around a man to really relax and enjoy herself.

"Would you like more wine?" he asked as he refilled his glass.

"One more." She wasn't quite ready to leave yet.

Ian nodded and refilled her glass. "When would you like to do this again?"

"My schedule's pretty open right now. So, any time you want." She laid her head against the back of the sofa and smiled.

"We'll have to try coming up with some new ideas for next time," he said with a smile. "Unless of course you'd prefer to watch more movies."

"You did promise to take me camping," she reminded him, setting down her glass.

"And I will," he said to her with a smile. "Just wasn't sure you would want to spend that long on the holodeck at one time."

"Why would you think that?" she asked, surprised.

"An entire night on the holodeck?" Ian asked. "I'm sure we could program it to move faster but then that wouldn't be the same would it?"

"Not quite. Although we could shorten it a bit. Set fewer hours in a day. But I don't mind the time, if you don't."

"A full night on the holodeck it is then," Ian said with a smile.

"Excellent," she replied, smiling. "It does sound like fun."

Ian finished his wine and looked at Raven. "It's getting late," he said to her.

"Yes, it is," she replied.

Ian looked at her and said, "Was there something else you wanted to do?"

Not that she would admit to, anyway. She didn't answer his question. Instead she said, "I guess I should be leaving."

Remembering the last time they'd been in this situation, Ian nodded and stood up.

Raven held up a hand so he could help her up. The amount of wine she'd had to drink was making her a little light-headed.

"You okay?" Ian asked her, helping her to her feet but not releasing her hand.

"Just a little lightheaded," she admitted, enjoying the feel of his hand holding hers.

"Would you rather stay here tonight?" he asked her. "I can sleep on the couch."

"I couldn't make you sleep on the couch," Raven insisted. "It's your room." She smiled at him for a moment, torn between wanting to stay and wanting to go to her own room. "I should be able to make it back to my room." She was a little tipsy, but still in control of her faculties.

"I don't want you walking around the base like that," Ian said to her. "Either stay here or at least let me walk with you to make sure you make it home okay."

(To be continued...)

Commander Ian Casey
Air Group Commander
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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