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Making Amends...Again

Posted on Fri Jul 23rd, 2010 @ 8:12am by Commander Ian Casey & Commander Raven Adams

929 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Raven's Quarters

Ian stepped off the lift and slowly made his way down the corridor. He wasn't torn about how he should feel about seeing Raven again. He considered putting it off but he knew he couldn't do that. He paused in front of her door and took a deep breath before pressing the chime.

Raven was trying to catch up on the reports that stacked up while she was gone. It helped her keep her mind off... things. When the door chimed she walked over and opened it. She didn't even think. She punched him in the jaw and closed the door.

Ian rocked back a couple steps, caught off guard by the punch. He rubbed his jaw then straightened his uniform as he looked around the corridor. He took a deep breath then stepped closer to the door and pressed the chime again.

The door opened almost immediately. Raven stood there, arms folded, glaring at Ian. "What."

"Will you talk to me?" Ian asked her.

"I already know you want to get back with Anna."

" do you know that?" Ian asked her. He looked around the corridor again. "Can we talk about this inside?"

"Anna came by earlier," she said. "I'm not in the mood to be told that you didn't mean to use me or lie to me. You did. You got what you wanted from me and then you made up with Anna."

"That's not true," he said to her. "I can't believe you think that."

"Look at the facts, Ian. You go out with both of us. You tell me you love me so you can sleep with me. You tell Anna the two of you are made for each other. Then, when things blow up, what do you do? You go find Anna because you don't want her to be hurt. You came to me because Anna made you. How does that look to you?" She turned and walked into her living room. She was angry, but she didn't want to have an argument in the corridor. If he followed her, he followed her. If he didn't, he didn't.

Ian stepped into the room and closed the door. He stood where he was and looked at her. "I didn't say those things to you just to get you to sleep with me and I'm not here because Anna told me to talk to you. I'm here because I feel bad for what I did and I want to make it up to you."

'Can you take back the last two weeks? Can you NOT ask me to sleep with you after our second trip to the holodeck? Can you NOT tell me you love me when you don't mean it? Can you make me not cringe when I hear rock music? Or go camping? Or swimming?" She walked up to him, her eyes flashing. "Can you make it so that I don't cringe at the thought of going onto the holodeck?" She poked him in the chest with her index finger. "Can you give me back what I lost?" Poke. "My heart?" Poke. "My self-respect?" She was crying in earnest now. "Anna hates me. I haven't left my room since I got back. The only person who gives a damn is Khiy." She wiped her eyes. "You and Anna can have a grand laugh over what your little game cost me. I hope you're happy with yourself." She pushed him away and walked to the door. "You said your peace, you can leave now."

"Raven, you have the wrong idea about all of this," he said to her, trying to understand everything that was going on.

"Why? Because you want to make nice so you can get back with Anna?" She hurt badly and she wasn't in the mood to play nice. "The facts are clear. You used me. When you were caught, you went to Anna to make it up to her. You're here because she made you come. If it hadn't been for her, you wouldn't be here now. We both know that."

"That's not true, Raven," Ian said to her. "I'm here because I care about you and I feel bad for hurting you. I didn't use you. I just wasn't sure what I wanted."

Raven turned on him, her anger barely contained. "Then maybe you shouldn't tell someone you love them and want to be with them until you are sure." People usually felt bad when they were caught. Until that time they did what they pleased. "You don't use people like that. It's a game teenagers play when they're so self-absorbed they can't see the harm they're causing. Real men know better."

"You're right," Ian said to her. "All I can say is I'm sorry."

Raven looked at him and nodded. She accepted that he was sorry. It still didn't make everything okay. That was going to take time. "Goodbye, Ian." She didn't want to talk about it any more. She just wanted to be left alone to lick her wounds and to get on with her life.

Ian looked at her for a moment then sighed. "I'll talk to you when I get back," he said to her as he turned to open the door.

Raven wasn't going to stop him. She would work through this, but she wasn't going to let him think everything was fine just because he said he was sorry.


Commander Ian Casey
Air Group Commander
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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