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Message from Camp Stonebreaker

Posted on Fri Aug 13th, 2010 @ 12:17am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Basil Hart

560 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Tibrius
Timeline: Current


The main message screen buzzed...

"This is Colonel Gabriel Combs Seventh Marines. We have been attacked by a small force of mercenaries. Casualties are light Six dead and twenty Two wounded. Message for commanding officer Starbase Typhon."

"Please respond."

Anna opened the link, "This is Commander Anna Johnson, currently the acting CO of Starbase Typhon do you have any more details?" Anna asked.

"Just over an hour ago a group of unknown mercenaries attacked Three defensive positions which were overrun. We will need medical assistance as soon as possible. The base is under red alert and a company of Marines is currently in contact with these forces."

"There are no other marines on the station to send and the station is currently under lock down. We had an explosion the captain and executive officer are among the wounded and medical is working on the triage of that area at the moment. We can not send assistance. I can send out a call to any federation vessels in the area to come to your aide." Anna responded.

"Is it possible to send any ground support aircraft?"

"At this time all of our fighter pilots are off station. We are under lock down because we have no idea who caused the explosion and any ship leaving the station gives them a way off. At this time we can not allow any ships to leave the station." Anna said.


They used to call it "Meatball Surgery". That's how Basil felt right now. He had been fighting to keep Fannin alive for over an hour now, and he was finally stabilizing the man. "Nurse! Prepare a Hypo with six CCs of kelotane and inject the patient stat! Now that I know the burn medication won't kill him, I want him on it immediately." The nurse scrambled to comply.

Basil started closing several of the shrapnel wounds now that the bleeding was under control. Most were superficial, but that gut wound had him worried A section of small intestine was perforated. Working carefully, Basil slowly moved past the damaged tissue and retrieved the small piece of bulkhead that would have killed his patient long before the burns would. Dropping the offending bit of metal into a container next to him, Basil began the delicate work of rebuilding the tissue in Fannin's intestinal wall. "Stay steady, Edward. You die on my table and I'll revive you just long enough to kill you!" Basil nodded as the tissue began to regenerate and close the wound under the rays of his anabolic protoplaser.

Krang had sent word to medical that he wanted a moment by moment update on the condition of the Commodore and the status of the attempt to identify the blood that was found near the explosion site.

Basil didn't respond, as he was up to his elbows in Commodore Fannin's innards. "He'll have to wait until I'm done operating," he muttered, focusing on his patient. If he missed just one blood vessel, the internal bleeding would not be easy to correct in post op. He carefully and methodically went from one wound to the next, sealing and closing, rebuilding, and rearranging as needed. "Just give me another couple of hours, Mr. Krang, and I'll be able to give you all the gory details." Once again, he spoke to himself out of habit.



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