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Endeavor Crew recovery and Rescue

Posted on Sun Jan 3rd, 2010 @ 3:33am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Jack Tolren & Commander Lucas Jackson

539 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Captains ready room
Timeline: Current


Yeoman Jame's had the room set up as Fannin walked out of main Control, Officers were really moving fast and getting ready... He walked in poured coffee from the urn and was looking at a hologram of a live camera feed to the main starship launch bay...

Will was among the first to the ready room. A ship down was something that always needed an engineer, especially given just how much could go wrong; from failed containment fields to the computer raising the shields. "Sir, permission to join the rescue efforts" he asked as soon as he was in the room.

Fannin waved him to the table, "Just shuttles and escape pods left now, but yes your going to ride along just to keep me updated on the recovery of the crew. "Report to the Odin in Five minutes, I'll contact you after you launch."

Reluctantly, Will sat down, he'd had rather gotten below decks and started on the way already.

Lieutenant Commander Jackson rushed into the Ready Room. "Sir, you have to let me go and rescue...The Valhalla is about to leave...She's already...Please let me go." Luke's eyes were swelled up, on the verge of tears, something not common for someone with Orion-blood. He body-language was pleading.

Fannin looked down to both his Commanders, and pointed to the door,"GO..."

As the two officers headed for the door it slid open admitting Commander Tolren.

"I've heard the news, Thor and Odin are ready for launch and I have a flight of fighters heading in that direction to start rounding up the escape pods," Jack reported without prompting. "Where do want me, sir? Here or there?"

Fannin looked at his XO, "Take the Valhalla."

Luke stumbled out of the room, nearly tripping over everything in his path. In an attempt to look back, he applauded, "Thank you! Thank you, Captain!"

Will went along with the commander and tried to keep him upright when he stumbled, "I'll probably need you on the Odin. Their science officer is on sick call" he said, "and I've no idea if they've got a replacement yet."

The Chief Science Officer thought this over for a minute. "Alright...Just make sure that whoever takes the Valhalla out is easy on her...She needs to be ready in a couple of days to go on the Survey."

"I'm sure I'd have to fix any dents and scratches she came back with anyway" Will said, keeping pace with the scientist. "though given we just lost the flag ship, I wouldn't totally count on the survey going ahead."

****Rescue and Recovery****

It had been a trying week as the Survivors of the USS Endeavor arrived on the Typhon, what they had in store was even more concerning.. The board of Inquiry into it's loss. A few more days dragged past as the Admiralty absolved it's crew and in a shocking twist of fortune Re-named a brand new sovereign Class ship the USS Endeavor and awarded it's command to A newly promoted Commodore Fisher. The crew was ecstatic and eager to get their new ship.


Captain Edward Fannin
Lt. Cmdr Jack Tolren
Lt. Cmdr Will Couter
Lt. Cmdr Lucas Jackson
LT. JG Andre Danner


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