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Visiting the CO

Posted on Tue Oct 5th, 2010 @ 3:25am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commodore Edward Fannin

1,251 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Sickbay


Anna made her way down to the infirmary. She had a wrapped gift in hand as she did. She stepped through the doors and made her way slowly and quietly to Fannin's bed in case he was resting.

Fannin was sitting up looking at his charts, "Hey there she is... "bout time you showed up!"

Anna smiled, "I wanted to be sure you were ready for visitors first." She said before moving over and taking a seat beside his bed and handing him the gift.

"Wow , something interesting I hope". Fannin opened the book of old fashioned cigar making, "Perfect, thank you very much. They might even let me have one tonight if I'm good." He winked at Anna and patted his pocket...

"Considering most doctor's frown on smoking I doubt it." Anna said, "But I guess it doesn't hurt to hope. How are you doing?" She asked.

"Feeling better every hour, hope to be back to work soon, how are things going with you?"

"Better once Admiral Vail volunteered to act as XO until either you came too or another one could be found. The main problem was I needed all the other department heads where they currently are so we can catch the people that did this. So even if I made them acting XO I wouldn't get any relief and it would make it harder for them to get any as well." Anna said.

"Well Vail can be of good value to you, he will back you up One Hundred percent. In his day he could hold his own against any skipper in the universe. Starfleet sent him on some long missions mapping known space, that was thirty years ago."

"He has allowed me to be able to get some rest which was much needed by the time he came to make me acting CO." Anna said. "Krang refused to let me come down and get into the thick of things which I REALLY wanted to do by reminding me with you and the XO in that area that I was now in charge until further notice." Anna said, "Though I'm looking forward to handing the reins back to you." She added.

"Don't be in such a hurry, this will be good for you. I might be a few days. I was actually thinking of getting in touch with Morgan and ask if I might rent a villa for a week or two planetside. Gravity may speed my recovery."

"There is gravity here." Anna said. "Though I want you to be completely well before you return." She added.

"Fresh air my dear will help most of all, Besides I can catch up on my reading too" Fannin tapped the book Anne brought him.

"I'm sure you will have plenty of time to read that while you are stuck in here." Anna said with a smile.

Fannin frowned, I need to get off the station for a while. I don't need the reminder of Jack Tolren haunting me. I'll miss him."

"I can understand I don't like being reminded of him either or the fact that some how I must have failed you for you to be here. I have to stay here right now and the station is still under lock down for now so we have a better chance of catching the person or people who did this." Anna said.

"Get with Krang and see how it's coming. He should have something soon, need to get the station up to full running as soon as possible."

"We caught some sensor footage he is working on tracking them down now. I'm hoping he will have them in the brig soon. I want to know who is behind this and why." Anna said trying to decide if she should let him know yet that there was an attack on the marine base as well.

Fannin though for a minute, he knew about the attacks planetside from a previous visit with Admiral Stone. "He needs to know all of the information we can get him. The commander of the 7th marines may have some information for us."

"I've been getting reports from them but they have their hands full at the moment as well sir. If anything seems relevant I'm passing it on to Krang or Raven." Anna answered.

"Excellent, keep them on track as much as possible. I'll do my best to make a fast recovery. You know Basil will be watching closely."

"I'm counting on it sir. I want you back in the saddle again but only when you are truly ready." Anna said with a smile.

"I'll agree with that I'll just take a few more days. I've been through this a time or Two, I promise to take it easy."

"I think I can hold down the reins for a few more days at least." Anna said, "I jumped from second officer to acting XO to acting CO in a matter of hours its been interesting."

"Nothing you can't handle at all Anna, who's your Executive officer?"

"Admiral Vail volunteered for me. I needed the rest of the staff where they were." Anna said smiling not having the heart to tell Fannin they had already discussed that.

"Vail?, Good man he is kinda old though.." Fannin's eyes closed. he jumped back to reality, "I think I'll be heading down to see Damron city, would like to see it before I leave..." He was groggy

"Before you leave for where sir?" Anna asked.

"Damron city of course, I can smoke my cigars there. I hope she has a nice villa there I can use for a few days. I'll be taking Terri with me if you can spare her captain."

Anna blinked, "You are going to visit Damron city before leaving for Damron city?" She just sort of nodded and patted his hand, "Last time I checked I was still a commander sir and you are the commanding officer so you can use whoever you want to fly you there." she added.

"I'll just be a few days down there, if I can talk the doc into letting me go"

"You need to get off of whatever is making you dopey first I'm sure." Anna smiled. She half wished she had a recording of this so she could claim he had promoted her to captain but she knew better.

"While I'm gone you will be in command here on the station, Use Vail as you need him to keep stuff from piling up. If you have any situations pop up let me know. I'll be in contact with the station."

"If you need the time off then you don't need to worry about the station while you are gone." Anna said, "It will still be in one piece when you get back. Well barring any more explosions anyway."

"Please, I don't need anymore of those."

"I don't either. If Vail hadn't come to help me I don't know how I would have gotten any sleep in the last few days." Anna answered.

"Good, just keep up the good work. I'll be in touch."

"I was heading to get some rest but wanted to check on you first. Jana should have supper waiting on me and is probably wondering where I am." Anna said with a smile.

Fannin waved a salute as she turned to head out...


Commodore Edward Fannin
Enjoying a drug induced state..
Typhon Sick bay

Commander Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Star Base Typhon


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