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Firebase Zulu, Planet Exeter

Posted on Tue Oct 5th, 2010 @ 2:00am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Ian Casey & Commander Basil Hart

815 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Outskirts of the city of Aurora
Timeline: Dark, First night


Jerry had directions from a perimeter patrol on the location of the Colonel and several minutes later found him standing in the yard of a large house going over a map.. Major Parino shuffled over and reported.

"Evening Colonel, Glad to see you."

"Good evening Jerry. Good job today. So are you getting a good seasoning yet?" Wilhelm said with a chuckle.

"A bit more concussion than a simulator that's for sure, here you don't get your men back. You get to watch them die. Those Marines are young and have a lot of heart."

"That they most definitely do have in spades. At least most of the green officers did ok today. Even though I had to relieve an LT."

"Sorry to hear that, I'm glad I had Captain Fletcher on the left, Her first squad took down Ten commandos trying to flank us.. Captain Burke and Soto did very well today. Kept focused and on track." Jerry looked at the map, Whats planed for the morning? Is Reynolds coming down?"

"Yes. I'm gonna have him land the rest of his Battalion in about three hours and take over your positions very quietly. I'm also gonna have all our FOX vehicles landed a few hours before dawn and mate them with your Battalion. Then before the sun comes up I'm gonna have your Battalion do an end-run."

"Excellent, Most of my companies have been resupplied. Replacements will be fine for now. Captain Fetchers OP's are reporting sporadic fire to our front a few miles, I think the citizens are beginning to fight back now that they know we're here. We'll be ready to move when you give us the call colonel."

"Good Major. If everything goes to plan you'll depart about 0400 and run around enemy positions in your sector and come at them from behind."

"Got it, How many Foxes are they bring down?"

"Enough for three companies with more to follow on but your only getting enough for two companies. The others are going to be used as reaction forces and for the Medics and arty."

Parino nodded, "Well I'll need to get back and brief my Men Sir. My call sign will be Jammer 6 tomorrow if you need me. Soon as I close it up I'll give you a report."

" Good. Thank you Jerry and get some sleep while your at it." Wilhelm said as Parino walked off towards his men. Wilhelm looked at the map briefly then went to the long range COMM Shack. "General Ammon please..."

Within moments, Ammon Khan's face appeared on the small screen. "Khan here. Go ahead Colonel."

"General. The 21st Regiment has successfully setup a beachhead and firebase on Exeter with light casualties so far. Tomorrow we will attempt the consolidation of both sectors we are in."

"Very well, colonel. I'm grateful that casualties have been light so far. What kind of resistance do you expect to encounter during the consolidation phase?" Khan asked.

"Fairly moderate I'm assuming. There is a bunker complex of some sort facing First Battalion's positions, and the Second had two battalion level attacks that were beaten off in their area." Wilhelm responded.

Ammon nodded. "Understood. Proceed with your plans, Colonel, but do so with commensurate caution. Khan out." The image faded, to be replaced by the SFMC logo.

Buy the time Jerry had returned to his sector with a few resupply vehicles several of the Fox assault vehicles had arrived. He was greeted by the fresh face of Major Reynolds at the command post...

Reynolds was scanning a terrain hologram. he smiled as Parino stepped up. "Major, good to see your getting some work done down here."

Jerry patted Reynolds on the back as they both turned to the Map. "just got word from the Colonel, I'm taking the foxes and the first Battalions on an end sweep and try to close up both sectors. Hoping to scramble up some of the resistance."

Erwin looked at the map, "Not much for roads but there's some open ground here, if its not mined you could sprint out wide about Seven miles to this highway and double back and scramble there rear pretty good."

Jerry was grateful for the map, he didn't have a clue were he was going with out checking it out. "How soon can your Marines take over, with the infrared on those vehicles we could blast off tonight and be behind them well before dawn."

Reynolds nodded. "Give me about thirty minutes to set a few things up. I have a small battery of Arty that will be set up and can harass them to cover your movement."

Parino smiled. "Outstanding, I'll get the companies briefed and ready."


Major Jerry Parino
First Battalion, 21st Marines

Major Erwin Reynolds
Third Battalion, 21st Marines

Commander Ian Casey
Air Group commander

Colonel Wilhelm Baron Von Hackleburg
Commanding Officer, 21st Marines


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